Lusternia: Join Text-Based Fantasy RPG World


Step into the universe of Lusternia with the Nexus Client, now accessible on Android and iOS. Kindle your sense of adventure, wherever you may be.

What is Lusternia?

Lusternia is a text based multi-player game (sometimes called a MUD). When you create a character and log in, you join adventurers from all over the globe who will share in the trials and tribulations found only through intensive roleplaying. Some dismiss text games as retro, but many others find nothing can compare to the dynamic experience hearkening back to pen and paper RPGs.

Constantly Evolving World

Each year brings a new overarching story line interwoven through major events involving the world at large. New areas, quests and content are available at regular intervals with news posts archiving events for everyone to see.

Extensive Crafting System

Players can choose to become a crafter by picking a tradeskill, or two, or three, or more! Craft an earring one day, an origami the next and your own bed to sleep in. Our trades are: Alchemy, Bookbinding, Brewmeister, Cooking, Enchantment, Herbs, Jewelry, Lorecraft, Poisons, Spellcraft, Tailoring, Tattoos, Tinkering.

An Immersive World

Discover the rich world of Lusternia and its endless possibilities! Vie for power and influence as a leader in one of dozens of player-run organisations. Compete for top rankings in combat, or become a learned scholar and teach the masses about Lusternia's rich history. Delve into the complex economy, master a tradeskill or two, and amass a fortune in gold. Commission a ship and explore the depths of aetherspace. And much, much more!

Engaging Player vs Player Combat

Combat in Lusternia is handled different for mobile vs. player combat and player vs. player combat. Player combat involves much more than simply inflicting damage on your opponent. Not only can individual body parts be damaged, with different, harmful effects resulting from enough cumulative damage on a body part, but there are hundreds of afflictions that can be inflicted on an opponent.

A Friendly Community

We have a fantastic community of players dedicated to extending the Lusternian experience beyond the game!

  • gaudiguch

    Player Controlled Organisations

    Being a member of a city or commune means more than just political affiliation, for it creates an actual, spiritual bond between the member and the nexus. Each city, commune and guild organization is run by a government made up of elected players and player-appointed players.

  • Trill

    Multitudes of Immersive Skills

    Archetypes, or classes, are unique in that there are certain branches and/or specializations based on a simple skillweb that are only open to certain archetypes. In addition to all the common skills, archetypes receive one primary skill, and two secondary skills. They also are given the choice of one a trade skill.

  • web-front-5

    Rich and Captivating History

    From the beginning of the universe to the troubling past of today, every aspect of lore and history is known and retold. Who was Yudhe? How did the races form from the Elder Gods? All these answered and more...

  • race_krokani

    Customizable Player Options

    Though not all Elder Gods splintered into a race nor all mortal races came to be in this manner, it remains true that all Lusternians believe that within each of them is contained the fragment of a god. Thus it is said that the god-fragment within can potentially evolve through the cycles of birth and rebirth until perfection is achieved and the fragment is made whole, becoming a divine in his or her own right.

Dreamy woods, the forest floor strewn with magenta leaves

Feb 14 2025

Season d’Amour

Dolly d’Amour, residing in a cottage by Delport, has commenced Season d’Amour which has brought countless lovebirds to the highway and mountain roads. Help these daydreaming souls find what they are looking for! Every lovebird will desire something else so pay attention to their requests. You can complete the quest only once a weave by…
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A shelf full of books

Feb 14 2025

Lectures and Golden Nuts

Here’s your reminder that the Year 700 Lecture Series continues into the year 701 through reruns so if you missed any month during the original run, you can still make up for it. Remember there’s a different topic each month and the lectures start at 8am and 8pm. You need a total of 8 attendances…
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An old watch sits against a grey background.

Jan 31 2025

Behind The Clock: Divine Release Events

In this new blog series, I’d like to talk about how some features, events, or other admin work comes to pass and what sort of time is involved in making it happen. The latter is intended as the focus of the series as that particular facet of admin work is often nebulous and hard to…
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Sunset over the waters.

Jan 25 2025

Aethergoop Removal

The aethergoop change is here, it is time to sunset that entire system. From this post onwards, the vast majority of aethergoop changes have been rolled out as mentioned in Updates posts #2 and #3. We will now be updating the help files and preparing to add treasure map and genies curios to the artifact…
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A long black tunnel illuminated by artificial light

Jan 16 2025

Server Move and Port Change

We have just what moved to a different server as part of legacy mode. This changes nothing for us in terms of capacity or lag as Lusternia is well optimised, and there are still areas to improve should any issues occur. What it does change, however, is how you connect to the game. If you…
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Jan 16 2025

New Version of the Nexus Client

We’re thrilled to announce the release of an updated version of the Nexus client. This new version features a cleaner, more streamlined interface and enhanced functionality for character creation and management. You can access the new client at or from your favorite Iron Realms game website. We invite all players to try out the…
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Jan 1 2025

Trader’s Bob Vaults

It’s January and a brand new year is here. Here’s to a fine 2025! Trader Bob is celebrating by letting adventurers dive into the treasures gathered in his Iron Vaults. Anybody who completes their daily credits for the day will receive a key piece for Bob’s vault all through January. Three key pieces may be…
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A husky stands in the snow.

Dec 22 2024

Husky Adoptions

We have one last surprise for you right before the holidays: you can now become a proud owner of a husky beast! That’s right, the years of teasing are over and huskies are here. You will be able to purchase a husky puppy from Bavdo at Solstice Court but only once the huskies accept you.…
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Knit baby blue mittens hold a perfect snowflake in the front.

Dec 21 2024

City and Commune Solstice Quests

Each city and commune has a small quest that will award a special Solstice gift upon completion. These quests can be done by anyone from newbie to demigod. Note that you can only gain your own commune or city’s gift! Find the denizen in question and greet them for more details. You can find them…
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A holiday card with Happy Holidays written upon it, surrounded by firs

Dec 16 2024

Solstice Activities

With Solstice starting, here’s a rundown of what is happening already! Ironbeard Ironbeard has started making the rounds, bearing gifts for the lucky recipients. All you have to do is be online as Ironbeard will find you regardless of where you may be – in a tree, in a submarine, or in a domoth. Once…
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A laptop sits on a desk, an empty notepad lying open next to it.

Dec 15 2024

October and November 2024 Change Summary

The following is a summary of all recorded changes which happened in October and November 2024. If you follow changelogs already, there is nothing new here. However, all items in the changelogs from this month have been categorized into relevant categories for those who do not follow changelogs regularly. Artifacts System Cities/Communes Skills Rewards
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A pile of old books with the top one left open.

Dec 14 2024

Roadmap Updates

We’ve been cooking since the last update post and we definitely had what to think about. Legacy changes involve entrenched mechanics and often cannot be resolved with bandaids. Not that bandaids help solve or even alleviate many issues anyway, but neither do entire overhauls that drag on for years. We need to strike a balance…
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What's Happening

New Character
A new character named Aecet was created.
New Character
A new character named Icissa was created.
Level Gained
Sundur earned level 81.
Player Death
Sundur has been ruthlessly scavenged by a mutated, one-legged vulture.
Level Gained
Seiran earned level 10.
  • gaudiguch

    Roleplaying in Fantasy World of Lusternia

    Are you ready to embark upon a roleplay adventure in a rich and unique fantasy world?

    Lusternia is a multiplayer text-based roleplaying game where everything happens in real time and players actively influence a dynamic fantasy world. Our friendly and close-knit player community is from all around the world so there is rarely downtime no matter the timezone.

    Roleplay is at the forefront in Lusternia as you create a brand new character right in the very intro. There are numerous options to customize your character already at the beginning, including such roleplay staples as guild, race, and class. In addition to that, you have to choose an organisation – a city or a commune – that you align with and which will be your character’s home and political affiliation. That is not where customisation ends though as endless player choices and customisation await players in-game – among them artifacts, perks, armour, demigod powers, combat, trade, and craft skills, Divine Orders, and fully customisable player appearance and clothing.

    Due to its multiplayer and real-time nature, Lusternia is a constantly evolving fantasy world where players are part of game master-led storylines and carry out their own story and character arcs as well. A rich and fully free-form speaking and emoting system means players can roleplay without constrain to bring their characters to life – a feat only really accomplished by text-based RPG games. Outside of that, Lusternia offers a huge number of quest adventures that players can embark upon, solo or together, including very challenging ones. Whether you enjoy puzzles, daunting monsters, or exciting stories, there are quests for every type of character out there.

  • web-front-5

    MUD Game with Rich History

    As every organization has its own rich history, lore, and culture, it also has its own morality and beliefs. You can roleplay as anywhere on the spectrum of good and evil, especially as our fantasy world boasts shades of grey wherever a player turns. Your character can become a hero or a villain, or someone truly neutral, but the perception of their deeds will differ from organization to organization. As our cities and communes have player-led governments, guilds, and Divine Orders, the opportunity for politicking, spying, sabotage, deals, and plots is enormous and can impact the game world at large too.

    Lusternia is a text-based RPG that has something for everyone. If it is PvP opportunities that you seek, there are combat events taking place daily and you can spar, raid, and battle other players anytime. Among classes (archetypes) that you can pick up are the classic fantasy world ones and some less known types: warrior, mage, druid, Wiccan, guardian, bard, and monk. Each of those has a few flavours (classes) as well which can entirely change your gameplay. For example, among warriors, there are Paladins, Serenguard, Ur’Guard, Ebonguard, Templar, and the Sentinels. Each class has an extensive history and can customize their experience with various secondary and tertiary skill choices. All classes have combat-focused skills as well as utility and roleplay ones.

    For those more focused on roleplay, there are numerous avenues of interest but to list them all would be impossible. Players can play merchants as Lusternia has a free market economy where players run shops and craft the goods through numerous mercantile and artisan skills. If it is more the design side that has your fancy, numerous craft skills allow for crafting of customised and written solely by the player designs – be they rings, dresses, armour, tattoos, books, or even couches. If your character leans more towards the spiritual, mythical Elder God personas (ran by game masters) have Divine Orders that can be joined to round out your character or pursue the life of a cleric of the divine, various organizations have unique religious and spiritual roleplay as well. Those culturally and artistically inclined can write plays and performances for our fantasy world’s theatres, as well as, write literary and scholarly books for its libraries. The number of roleplay systems that Lusternia boasts is vast.

    Create a character and find out for yourself why text-based games make the best RPGs!


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