Lars Legrand’s Trouble with Rocs

From a familiar farm in Delport, Lars Legrand began a journey that would lead him to trouble.

Percy Legrand welcomed her cousin to her farm only to discover that Lars had tired of his life working in the mill and had made the decision to start his own farm. Knowing his cousin, Percy, to be a masterful farmer, he made the short walk to the farm and began to debate possible locations with his cousin.

The first to come across this momentous moment was none other than Auspex Iytha. Shortly after, a number of others came to wish Lars well and to assist him in finding a new home. Among these newcomers were Tully, Tridemon, and Donato.

Countless options were discussed, each discarded in turn by Lars or Percy for being unsuitable. First to be suggested and discarded was the Greys Moors, as the idea of undead neighbors did not sit well with Lars. Stewartsville was then likewise dismissed by Percy for being known as untrustworthy.

Numerous other ideas were suggested until finally a suggestion by Earl Donato was aired and accepted. Oleanvir Valley was decided to be the optimal location for Lars’ new farm and after enthusiastic farewells to his cousin, Lars allowed himself to be led there before quickly taking off on his own.

A short period of time later, sounds of frenzied construction could be heard coming from Oleanvir Valley.

After the sounds of construction finally died down, the peace of the valley was suddenly interrupted by Lars’ cry of anger and frustration! A roc had swooped down and scared his herding dogs away, chasing them all the way to the Old Imperial Road. Without his dogs, Lars’ five lambs meandered into the forest, leaving Lars alone and distraught at his cottage.

Many responded to Lars’ cry for help and attempted to assist. However, tracking down the dogs and lambs was more challenging than at first it appeared. Lars attempted to provide instructions in retrieving his lambs but was only able to instruct his helpers with partial directions. Many attempted to make sense of his instructions and to return his lambs to him but all failed until one arrived many days later.

Gabriella Myeras of Serenwilde had come to try her hand at assisting Lars. She tirelessly assisted Lars, attempting to piece together his instructions and gather the toys back from the rocs. Many times, rocs would swoop down and carry her away, leaving Lars shocked and without hope. Gabriella would return shortly though, once again working to help.

Finally, Gabriella was able to piece together Lars’ instructions and set out to gather the lambs. As she brought the final lamb back into its pen, Lars was suddenly refilled with hope and determination for his new farm. He could manage the rocs as long as one such as Gabriella would be there to come to his aide whenever the rocs returned.

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