December 2019 Newsletter
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Solstice Cheer in December

Ho, ho, ho, and a Merry Solstice to you all! It’s coming up to that time where Lusternia becomes just a little bit more magical, a little bit more cheery, a little bit…Solsticey.
The December Solstice promotion is underway, and the halls have begun to be decked with many a stocking. But that’s not all that we have to offer this month!
In the second week of December, keep an eye out for the appearance of the Solstice Gnomes and Ironbeard, who will be appearing about the place with presents and cheer for the festive season!
Over the weekend of the 20th-22nd December, keep an eye out for the return of the annual Solstice quests in your communes and cities – but don’t worry if you’re busy this weekend, as they will remain open until the new year. This weekend will also see the return of the Solstice Court!
Whatever holiday you celebrate and however you celebrate it, we hope it’s a wonderful festive time!
The Liar, the Madman, and the Shofet

It was just before the new year, in Roarkian of 545CE, that Gaudiguch began to experience strange sensations throughout their city. Strange shadows darting over the ground with no source to cast them, whispers with no mouth to speak them, and painful headaches where there had been no issue moments before.
To some within the city, these were but an omen of what was to come later in the month. These individuals had been witness to the strangest sight in the city over many years: an enormous butterfly made of pink, prismatic light that would carry them to a strange, alternate reality. In this reality, they would meet a raving Madman, and a sympathetic Liar.
Shortly after the new year, though, Gaudiguch began to experience anomalies on a scale that had never been replicated, from monsoons to auroras and heart-rending howls that filled the Basin with the sounds of children weeping. The sensations picked up pace, leading to the grand reveal of the butterfly known to them as the Herald emerging high above the Eternal Flame and descending to wrap the city in an enormous pink dome.
October Artisanal & Bardic Winners
Congratulations to our Bardic and Artisanal winners for October! If you’d like a chance to join them for November, make sure you get your submission in by the end of this month. HELP ARTBARD will tell you all you need to know.
You can view and read all of the winning content here:
Bardic Contest
Xenthos’s A Blank Sheet of Paper.
Lief’s Summer Song.
Kyalrhin’s Tips; Tricks; Trepidation in Questing and Portius’s Settlements of the Ancient Loboshigaru
Artisanal Contest
Gurashi’s Fifteen Years of Adventures
Esei’s What Would You Say