Love’s In The Air This Month!
For the month of February, love is in the air. You can purchase heart arrows directly on the website. SHOOT will stick the arrow in your mark – hopefully opening that person up to some needed love! Whoever shoots the most targets before the next weave will receive 25 bound credits, and whoever is shot the most before the next weave will likewise receive 25 bound credits. All ties will split these daily rewards. If you shoot or are shot by an arrow, you will receive a special honour!
Also, after the new weave, if you shot one arrow or more beforehand, you will receive a heart box containing either an artifact or wondercrystals or presents, personally delivered by Dolly d’Amour. There are three levels of heart boxes: bronze (1 arrow), silver (5 arrows) and gold (25 arrows). To purchase arrows and see more details, see our credits page!
Finally, you will see now on the roads various lovelorn individuals. Once per hour, you may seduce one and bring the loveletter they give to you to Dolly d’Amour. At ten letters, Dolly will send you to Trader Bob for a free heart arrow. This may be done once this month.