Challenge of War 2024
The Basin of Life’s finest combatants assembled within the Klangratch Tournies to decide who was the finest champion and fight over the Medallion of War. Four teams battled it out and left nothing but blood and bodies upon the battlefield. Though the competition for the finals was fierce, one team claimed victory every step of the way, comprised of Kalas Zagreus, Kalas Freja, and Silvanus d’Murani of Magnagora. As Zagreus has previously Ascended, and Freja holds the Medallion of Chaos, there was but one person who could claim the Medallion in the end.
Congratulations, Silvanus d’Murani of Magnagora, Bearer of the Medallion of War!
Winner’s Circle (500 credits each): Zagreus and Freja
Second Place (250 credits each): Ollie, Tirah, Ixchilgal
Runners Up (100 credits each): Madungonga, Aknarin, Ayisdra