Ascension Gala – Afterparty

If you missed the Gala, the Gilded Chateau will remain open until the end of next week. It is located in Toronada Tidal Flats and you can get there fast with a new landmark – GALA. The official party is over but the site has a lot of entertainment to offer for its visitors still. Here’s a rundown of what to check out:

  • pose on the red carpet (PROBE CARPET for details)
  • get announced by Sergio at the door
  • sign the guestbook in the entrance hall
  • pick up a goodie bag (origami) from a table in the game room
  • play the Deck of Fates against someone
  • enjoy food and drinks available on the tables
  • take to the floor in the ballroom
  • try out Pachidrui’s Perilous Palate Party (PUSH BUTTON and TASTE things)
  • peruse guestbooks from previous Galas in the library
  • ask Fable for a story, mad libs!
  • pluck a dream orchid on the terrace
  • play a game of vengeance full of Bobs (since Changelog #2585 you can initiate them yourself)
  • ask waiters for outlandish gossip (it will cost you!)
  • ask waiters to fetch you a drink or a dessert (PROBE WAITER)
  • ask Ember for spicy gossip if you dare (no really, you’ve been warned)
  • get some questionable taxidermy of a corpse you bring from Aucagolei (basement)