Aethergoop Removal

The aethergoop change is here, it is time to sunset that entire system. From this post onwards, the vast majority of aethergoop changes have been rolled out as mentioned in Updates posts #2 and #3. We will now be updating the help files and preparing to add treasure map and genies curios to the artifact shop. We will also be rolling out the new way to make aethercrafts before the month is out. As poteen pots do not generate aethergoop upfront, they were not part of this change, but are still on our list to check out. Once that happens, they too will be added to the artifact shop.

One thing I’d like to expand upon outside of the changelog are the caps added to treasure maps and genies. In analysing what these, and other, artifacts and curios were generating daily we found that the numbers were staggering (see Updates post #3). Even with a goop cap, they were also generating other things and some players had 200+ genie bottles or 100+ treasure maps, or both. While treasure maps at least involve work to get the bonus, genies do not. It remains a guaranteed daily bonus just for rubbing them. There is no way to balance what they generate without capping how many of them can work at a time, especially considering that we continue to have a number of these generators – genies, treasure maps, solstice stocking, wondercorn, poteens. The system needs to account for someone having and using all of them daily, even if not everyone does. You can trade in the extras as per the changelog for the next 2 weeks, or trade them to someone else.

Please see Changelog #3078 for all the details, but I am including them here for reference as well. If we have missed anything or something is not working as intended, please bug it and we will look as soon as possible. This is an enormous change, affecting 30 files and a number of systems, so issues might crop up.

List of Changes:

  • All aethergoop has been migrated to credits at a 20:1 ratio, rounded up to the nearest 20 goop. This is capped at 10000 total credits. Unbound aethergoop has been exchanged for unbound credits, and bound aethergoop has been exchanged for bound credits. For all items below, if an amount is not specified, assume a direct conversion to this ratio.
  • House upgrades will now be refunded in credits.
  • Ur’trap purchases and upgrades have been converted to credits.
  • CONVERT verb has been removed. Please ISSUE ME to trade in dingbat rolls.
  • Artifacts which traded in for aethergoop will now trade for credits.
  • Christmas stockings’ 2% chance of aethergoop has been replaced with credits (5-15).
  • Aethersuit effects are now only purchasable for credits.
  • Letterbox and sketchpad expansions are now only purchasable for credits.
  • Reshaping artifacts into owned skins is now free.
  • All aethershop and shop wares sold in aethergoop have been converted to credits.
  • Jewellery – Refinement, Tailoring – Refinement, and Cooking – Refinement have been removed.
  • Aethertraders have been removed.
  • Treasure Map curios may only be completed a total of 10 times per month.
  • The reward distribution for treasure maps is now 90% gold (100-2500), 8% credits (1), and 2% iron coin (1).
  • The reward distrubution for Wondercornucopia – Gift is now 40% wondercrystal, 30% iron coin, 30% key strip.
  • Breaking down and crafting goop craftables has been disabled. We expect this to be reenabled by the end of January.
  • Genie curios may only be rubbed a total of 12 times per month.
  • The reward distribution for genie curios is now 45% gold (50-200), 45% commodities (1-5), and 10% goop craftables (1).
  • Artifact shop transform price has been adjusted from 1000 aethergoop to 10 credits.
  • Genie bottles and treasure maps may be traded in via ARTIFACT TRADEIN for 30cr until Feb 8 2025.
  • CURIO RUB will now produce gold instead of goop if it destroys the curio.