Beauty Challenge Stats

We’d like to share some interesting Beauty Challenge stats with you. For some of those breakdowns, we can only go back as far as 2015 but we managed to get a few charts that account for the entire run of the challenges too.

One of the things that we have heard over the years is that Artisan designs always win and so, that it is the best trade to submit for. But that seems to be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Artisan design submissions have increased significantly over the years, so it’s no wonder those do better. It’s not the only reason but definitely don’t be afraid to submit for other trades, they stand as much a chance to do well!

Number of Submissions

Note: The first time a theme was introduced was in 2018, marking a noticeable decline in submission volume.

The graph shows the number of designs and designers each year. In 2015 there were 36 designers and 75 designs. In 2016 there were 42 designers and 83 designs. In 2017 there were 54 designers and 97 designs. In 2018 there were 28 designers and 39 designs. In 2019 there were 15 designers and 19 designs. In 2020 there were 38 designers and 56 designs. In 2021 there were 38 designers and 38 designs.

Trade Representation by Year

Trade Placement Overview

This table shows which trades scored which place during each year.

Top Placement per Trade

Runner-up defined as placing between 2nd and 5th