Trader Bob’s Marvellous New Stock

As mentioned in Update post #2, we wish to immediately implement a way to purchase credits at a fixed rate. This has now been done and you can buy bound credits from the already fabulously wealthy Trader Bob at 15,000 gold per bound credit. Should Bob be out of credits, unlikely as that is to happen, worry not as his shop will restock. HELP CREDITS has been updated to mention Bob as a source of bound credits and it has generally been pruned of things that are no longer relevant.

While expanding the shop’s functionality, we have also converted Bob’s shop to a newer system. You won’t be able to tell but on our end, it provides us with many additional options and insights. But that’s not all, Bob’s shop now also sells additional goods and some other goods have been retired.

Here’s a rundown of stock changes:

  • You can no longer buy mending, regeneration, fire, and frost.
  • You can now buy ice and slush.
  • You can now buy non-master weapons for all warriors and monk specialisations.
  • You can now buy a simple vial, pipe, shovel, bucket, and tinderbox.
  • You can now buy standard-issue greatrobes.

All pricing is double the minimum price possible (based on commodities used, assuming the lowest price of 50gp per), sometimes more, and all the wares have much shorter decay times than player-crafted goods. Meaning, Bob’s is truly the Last Chance Trading Post and he should not be undercutting player shops. You should only rely on his goods if what you need cannot be found anywhere else at all.