
by Daganev

Back to Ideas.

Daganev2004-10-26 19:09:13
Not to be picky or anything... and I know its not good to compare one game to another... but would it be possible to get Imperians really awesom system for players on the website.. you know, messages, deathlogs that sort. and news would be cool too.

Also handy... I love imperians congregation system. It kicks old skool style orders butts! cool.gif
Eldrich2004-10-26 19:19:31
I'd be fine just being able to join my chosen order. Sorry!
Unknown2004-10-26 19:31:47
Even though I love Imperian's congregation system, it would be alot better if Lusternia came up with something new and not simply copy-cat Imperian.
Unknown2004-10-26 19:42:14
I've not played Imperian, but I've heard a little about the congregation system. The thing I like most about it is that there are 'lesser' members of the Order then. It gives the organization more layers and more purpose. Just like a guild gives their novices tasks and the novices respect the elders, an Order can assign tasks to the congregation members and reward them with minor miracles.

I agree with Ridanmos that this should not just be copy-catted from Imperian, and so that's why I'm giving my thoughts on why I like the idea. I hope that something with worshippers and priests might be worked out that will benefit everyone and give us reason to follow the Divine (or to RP and turn our backs on Them for one reason or another).

I love the amount of conflict I'm seeing so far in Lusternia, and I say the more, the better. Let's not go the way or Achaea and make up PK rules so complex that even the world's best lawyers couldn't sort them out. If it makes sense to get angry and kill someone, let's do it! If someone's being a jerk and killing everyone, I'm sure there will soon be a team to make his life miserable or perhaps the Divine will notice it and remedy the situation for us all.

(Sorry for the tangent there...)
Daganev2004-10-26 19:55:32
Ok just so the point of my post doesn't get lost in the tangents...

I want access to my charachter on the website. Honours, deathlogs, arena longs, backgrounds, histories, descriptions, messages, news,

It gives a great reason to keep comming back to the website.. oh and Maps wouldn't hurt.
Zolas2004-10-26 20:25:07
I agree that Imperian's website is pretty awesome.

...that's also probably my favorite thing about Imperian. tongue.gif
Unknown2004-10-26 21:33:47
I suppose I could care less either way. Never really used Imperians website for that sort of stuff even though it was available... in fact.. I've never really used any IRE website for any real purpose other than to zip in and check some info or buy credits (which is probably the same as a lot of people.. you can only read the thing so many times till your stare at it so much you go crosseyed)
Sornillon2004-10-26 21:45:03
Lusternia should copy the other games as little as possible. However, something I have no problem with is taking a concept from another game and improving it, enhancing it, and advancing it to previously unconsidered places.
Aether2004-10-26 22:50:22
My personal thought on the matter is this: The Web Page is the Games front, thus, a lot of player will be tempted to play just by looking at a cool website, or on the other hand, a lot of people may be scared away.

Lusternias web page isnt the kind that scares people away (I love the twirly gears, and the ancient scroll looking backgrounds), but it isnt the best there is. Imperians page was quite plain at the beginning, and not so long ago, they redesigned and made the awesome page they have now. One of the reasons i returned to play WAS the awesome new design. That is .. Until Lusternia was opened. laugh.gif

Page page should be definitely improved, adding nice features as online Honours, Backgrounds, Descriptions, Deathlogs and such, and even MORE! But thats going to take time, and im sure it will eventually happen. No doubt nice maps will be laid out!

The thing about this post is ... To suggest NEW things that NOBODY else has. Not Imperian, Not Achaea and Not Aetolia. So we should try to stay on topic here smile.gif
Jalain2004-10-26 23:02:39
I think the Godly types should focus on getting the game out of Beta and not on all this stuff for the website.
Zolas2004-10-27 00:13:23
QUOTE (Jalain @ Oct 26 2004, 06:02 PM)
I think the Godly types should focus on getting the game out of Beta and not on all this stuff for the website.

I think they should wait until I can buy more credits under the 30% and then get it out of beta.
Unknown2004-10-27 02:04:01
Here's an idea for further down the road: an RSS feed for things like recent events, announcements, or even just deathsight. We could stream them out to our own web pages or RSS readers on our desktops. Even when I'm sitting at work and writing more code, I could have a scrolling ticker across my desktop just showing names of people dying in horrible new ways. biggrin.gif
Unknown2004-10-27 13:40:16
Yeah! The RSS Script would be cool...see the thing is, I can't access Lusternia from work so I am condemned to checking the websites (and now the forums) incessantly since I have NOTHING else to do.
Bau2004-10-27 13:48:53
I fail to see how that would make the quiet times less boring tongue.gif
Unknown2004-10-27 14:10:09
Sounds like something that could be cool in the future when the admins get bored.
Unknown2004-10-27 14:35:43
It makes the quiet times less boring because I sift through all of these ideas and it helps me pick up on ideas that I can try to keep in mind for roleplay and a variety of other things. Plus, if I could access the Imperian site right now *damn them for blocking it* I wouldn't put it past me to click on EVERY player's profile out of boredom and read through their descriptions/histories/backgrounds. It helps, trust me.
Bau2004-10-27 14:51:09
Heh, last time I worked on a computer all day, we had restricted browsing because of an incident with screwdrivers and cricket and ceilings on a quiet Christmas Day in the call centre.... emails were your life in that place.
Unknown2004-10-27 15:13:08
That's a lot of factors *grin* Well, the Marines don't care for people being on any website that isn't military really so I am EXTREMELY limited in what I can do....I mean, they put a Telent Server block down....*whine*
Bau2004-10-27 15:22:54
Someone decided that it was so quiet, they should play cricket. So they found a screwdriver somewhere, a scrunched up piece of paper, and started playing... somehow, the screwdriver got stuck in the ceiling, management decided we had too much time on our hands and restricted browsing to sites they knew we needed for our calls.
Unknown2004-10-27 15:28:21
Wow! That's nuts tongue.gif but why would they do that? if you were playing cricket, that has nothing to do with browsing websites and it seems like restricting you to call only websites only creates the opportunity for more free time?