Varor2004-10-27 00:10:46
Hey, just thought I'd see if its just me or if anyone else misses excessively even with transed out blademaster/bonecrusher. If so it'd be great to get it tweaked a little bit. (my to hit on weapons is 159 and 166)
Unknown2004-10-27 00:13:17
Don't forget, you're supposed to train combat for those to be any good.
Aether2004-10-27 00:14:14
wasnt combat a defensive thing? 

Olan2004-10-27 00:20:03
From what I've seen in game and in other forums (MSN, and Tenchu's), I think Knighthood and Forging are both in heavy states of tinkerage. It seems, at times, almost day to day changes, as They attempt to get everything balanced out (i.e. fullplate was too good, weapons right now are absurdly bad, accuracy at first was really atrocious but has improved (not enough, imho, for a trans skill))
Varor2004-10-27 01:08:46
yeah...I mean I still miss rats regularly with trans. Thats kind of sad.
Unknown2004-10-27 02:08:33
I've just gotten myself a decent pair of orcish flails and it still seems that killing cows is a challenge. I've got 17 strength for cryin' out loud! I should be bashing their skulls in with only a few hits. Perhaps it will improve with my levels and training further in my skills, but I'm looking forward to more tweaking during the beta period. (My thanks to Roark for his continued efforts!)
Olan2004-10-27 02:13:10
Be glad you got good weapons...I sat with the forge yesterday, after transing forging, and made a hit and speed barely over 100 and damage of a whopping 69. Even my 19 strength can't make that thing useful.
I'm a trans forger using weapons from Bob.
I'm a trans forger using weapons from Bob.
Fain2004-10-27 02:14:35
Yeah guys, we are really sorry but Knights have been the biggest problem of all the classes (they are also the most drastically different from the other IRE games). Eventually Roark will smooth everything out and you guys should be on the same level as everyone else.. just try to hang in there, we are working on it.
Unknown2004-10-27 02:24:23
On a positive note, I really like the vastness and complexities of Knights in Lusternia versus other IRE games. They're really fun, even if a bit hard to pull over a win in some situations. Also, athletics just makes life easy.
Gwynn2004-10-27 07:07:13
I love the brutality of Knight combat here...and I also know that they need some tweaking, but hey, thats what Beta periods are for. I love the idea, and I can't wait for the future (I assume that eventually, more specialisations will be available, making for a class with even more variety, being as I already got to make two choices for specialiszations with my guild).
P.S. Hehe, Fain's rank is inept...
P.S. Hehe, Fain's rank is inept...
Bau2004-10-27 08:42:11
So are we all. Does that mean we are all equals here? *sparkle*
Daganev2004-10-27 08:59:32
I'm a novice, I rulze you. but then.. as discussed in another thread .. I -am- 26
Bau2004-10-27 09:11:59
I'll catch you soon, Dag, just give me another handful of things to respond to!
IRE seems to have a slight problem with trans skills and missing. I was an Ilaferi for a long time on Imperian (joined at the start of the guild)... trans bowmanship never misses a player, but also just about never hits a mob, even though it can be used for both. Misses even with arty bows. And same goes for Warding... the javelins are as good as useless. I found broadswords at trans weaponry always had the same problem, no matter how good the sword was... I'm no knight on Lusternia, but I can imagine how frustrating it is from long experience.
IRE seems to have a slight problem with trans skills and missing. I was an Ilaferi for a long time on Imperian (joined at the start of the guild)... trans bowmanship never misses a player, but also just about never hits a mob, even though it can be used for both. Misses even with arty bows. And same goes for Warding... the javelins are as good as useless. I found broadswords at trans weaponry always had the same problem, no matter how good the sword was... I'm no knight on Lusternia, but I can imagine how frustrating it is from long experience.
Daganev2004-10-27 09:36:20
The -best- was when I had 10-12 second balance and was missing over 50% of the time. I was very happy bearhug was working at that time, otherwise I would not have even been able to kill rats. (they ran away before I killed them)
oh and Thank you to all involved with fixing the knights so quickly.
oh and Thank you to all involved with fixing the knights so quickly.
Unknown2004-10-27 13:49:10
I would just like to add-----nice avatar Lord Fain..
Nementh2004-10-27 15:03:46
Well, I noticed that after the armor fix, blunt weapons became useless to forge. A morningstar which I could normally forge with a damage of 120-140 and speed and accuaracy 110-135, now is lucky to have damage higher then 50, and a to hit higher then 110. I wont even mention speed.
Also the lack of masterwork blugeons...
Also the lack of masterwork blugeons...
Davrick2004-10-27 17:26:47
Being a blademaster is fun, though I've found it opens ya up to being the first to get picked off though. Heh.. I see Target Davrick now and I start getting ready to pray. I wasn't sure I'd like being a Knight but between Knighthood/Blademaster/Athletics I'm having fun. I wish I could use Sacraments though.. half the bloody time I can't do anything because it says I lack the mana. -weep-
Roark2004-10-27 18:51:45
This is not spelled out very explicitly (I think), but most skillsets have a parent skillset. *Do not confuse this with specializations!* Let me contrast. Knighthood is not the parent of Blademaster. Rather, Blademaster is a form of Knighthood. Indeed, your skillpoints in Blademaster and in Knighthood are the exact same thing. This is why AB lists their ranks together.
On the other hand, Magic is the parent of High Magic. This means that learning Magic will provide a mild boost to a few portions of High Magic (and Low). Similarly, I believe Planar (doing this from memory so might be off...) is the parent of Cosmic so will provide a mild boost in some areas of Cosmic and its various specialized forms, Nihilism and Celestialism.
An exception was made with Combat and Knighthood. Even though Combat is a parent of Knighthood, they both actually influence the other. Increased Knighthood will boost your defensive ability, though a trans Combat will do much more in that area than trans Knighthood. (Note that since only knights can get Knighthood, an all-trans knight will always be superior in defense than an all-trans mage or any other archetype.) Similarly, trans Combat will boost your weapon offense, but not as much as Knighthood does. You should miss occassionally at high Knighthood ranks, but if it is frequent then perhaps that means Combat's ranks are factoring in too much (assuming you are inept Combat). These sorts of issues will be examined, especially when emmisaries are in place, but hopefully this helps clarify the way things are calculated.
On the other hand, Magic is the parent of High Magic. This means that learning Magic will provide a mild boost to a few portions of High Magic (and Low). Similarly, I believe Planar (doing this from memory so might be off...) is the parent of Cosmic so will provide a mild boost in some areas of Cosmic and its various specialized forms, Nihilism and Celestialism.
An exception was made with Combat and Knighthood. Even though Combat is a parent of Knighthood, they both actually influence the other. Increased Knighthood will boost your defensive ability, though a trans Combat will do much more in that area than trans Knighthood. (Note that since only knights can get Knighthood, an all-trans knight will always be superior in defense than an all-trans mage or any other archetype.) Similarly, trans Combat will boost your weapon offense, but not as much as Knighthood does. You should miss occassionally at high Knighthood ranks, but if it is frequent then perhaps that means Combat's ranks are factoring in too much (assuming you are inept Combat). These sorts of issues will be examined, especially when emmisaries are in place, but hopefully this helps clarify the way things are calculated.
Daganev2004-10-27 19:00:05
the most confusing thing between knighthood and combat is the use of shields. Your tempted to use a shield but then you can only do half the damage as anyone else. And for some reason, everyone swore combat didn't affect swinging. But I pose a question, What to-hit do you need on your weapon so that when you are trans combat and trans knighthood you never miss?
Ixion2004-10-27 21:59:46
Yes it is apparent that knights have some serious deficiencies. With critical wounds, a sword with 171 and 156 damage do less than half of what blast or the cosmicblast attack can do. (I've seen blast do from 500 up to 1100 depending on their intelligence, adept magic and resistence up)
Thanks to Roark, it seems the armours are finally fixed to reasonable stats. Weapons however are still a bit lacking in to-hit and damage (speed seems very reasonable), or perhaps it's because there are just too many defenses for physical damage. (been reporting so many problems that I feel like a penpal to Roark
As it stands now, shields are useless due to the fact that it takes away use of a second attack and venom afflicting. Perhaps one blunt and one bladed weapon can be made whose damage is twice, or even a bit more than twice the normal one handed weapon's damage.
Personally, I think rebounding should be taken away permanently or have the time it takes to go up after smoking raised substantially. Anyone with a decent healing system can use rebounding, not attack and stay healed without doing anything against other knights.
This was covered well by Visaeris's post, but moondancers and anyone with hexes are severely overpowered, which is furthered by the sheer damage alone of blast. Allhex can vlock instantly, making curing afflictions instantly impossible (ask Valek for a log of this fact).
Not to cry wolf here, but I hope that these legitimate concerns can be addressed as soon as possible, what do you all think?
Thanks to Roark, it seems the armours are finally fixed to reasonable stats. Weapons however are still a bit lacking in to-hit and damage (speed seems very reasonable), or perhaps it's because there are just too many defenses for physical damage. (been reporting so many problems that I feel like a penpal to Roark

As it stands now, shields are useless due to the fact that it takes away use of a second attack and venom afflicting. Perhaps one blunt and one bladed weapon can be made whose damage is twice, or even a bit more than twice the normal one handed weapon's damage.
Personally, I think rebounding should be taken away permanently or have the time it takes to go up after smoking raised substantially. Anyone with a decent healing system can use rebounding, not attack and stay healed without doing anything against other knights.
This was covered well by Visaeris's post, but moondancers and anyone with hexes are severely overpowered, which is furthered by the sheer damage alone of blast. Allhex can vlock instantly, making curing afflictions instantly impossible (ask Valek for a log of this fact).
Not to cry wolf here, but I hope that these legitimate concerns can be addressed as soon as possible, what do you all think?