
by Ethelon

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Ethelon2004-10-28 12:33:42
I've been working with Mushclient for almost 6 years now and know a great deal. If you have questions concerning how to write certain scripts or just how to set a basic reflex or alias post it here.
Ethelon2004-10-28 12:36:24
Also, for those who do not know, Mushclient is one of the fastest clients you will find for mudding. It is comparable to Zmud in all it can do(better in my personal opinion) and is free to download and use. is where you can find it.
Unknown2004-10-28 12:57:39
I tried MushClient once and saw that it had the beginnings of an automapper. Have you had any success in getting the automapper to map an IRE game?

If MushClient can do automapping, buttons, status windows, and Python scripting, I'll definitely give it a more serious look.
Ethelon2004-10-28 18:14:30
I've actually never used the automapper function, but I will look into it for you. Also, there are no buttons like with some clients, less you mean macros. There are Status bars and you can script in Python though
Unknown2004-10-28 18:32:42
The Status bars come automatic with Mushclient?
Ethelon2004-10-28 18:42:49
yes, there is a world and activity status bar. If you are speaking of a bar that lists Target, puffs in your pipes left, or that various type of stuff it has that also
Unknown2004-10-28 18:58:09
Well, I was thinking more of like the health/mana and whatnot that is on the Java client.
Ethelon2004-10-28 19:13:10
ahhh, I am pretty sure that can be set up in script, shouldn't be to's just a bar that depeltees based on your current health/mana?
Daganev2004-10-28 20:06:55
Does much client have special charachters to call variables and stuff. Like @ or # or % or whatver? If you could post up here how you would set a notso-basic Highlight trigger that then returns the first word in that trigger to the screen or another window, that would be great.

and another trigger that can be used for speed timing. For example, on hit call up the systems time code in miliseconds or something, and on recover balance display the difference between the new time code and the old time code which was stored in a variable, and then displays that number in a place only I can see and the MUD doesn't.

Hope thats not too complicated. thanks
Ethelon2004-10-28 20:26:50
the symbol @ calls up variables. Make sure to click the box on the left side of hte trigger/alias to EXPAND VARIABLES so it checks for such.

The info bar (bottom of screen) can be set to call off seconds between balances. You just need to set the reflexes you want it to call off then a timer and variable. The variable's current value can be called using the WORLD.INFO command and show you the time it takes to recover. I have not set such a timer before because I use the simple ***tick*** method to test such things but I will look into it when I can and let you know further details on setting it up
Daganev2004-10-29 01:01:20
So for mush client everything is a series of checkmarks and stuff? I'm trying to find a simple example of a line of code I can type in. Do you think you can show me an example of actual code that will do what I said instead of psuedo code? Heres an example in zmud code of what I'm talking about

#trigger {(%w) stand up} {#cw 8 ; #var me %1 ; #sa @me just stood up}

as for the timer thingy...

#trigger {You swing your sword} {#var swing %secs}
#trigger {You recover balance} {#var time #math(%secs-@swing); #SA @time seconds to swing sowrd)
Daganev2004-10-29 01:02:22
one of the things I've really liked about zmud so far, has been its simple to understand help files... when what they are talking about works
Unknown2004-10-29 01:23:13
MushClient's automapper is more a "path remembering". Great for setting up speedwalks but not useful for actually mapping anything.
Ethelon2004-10-29 04:11:25
ok, Daganev, it looks like you are trying to have a colored reflex send a command telling you when a person stands up. I don't read Zmud to well so that's what I came up with. there are two ways of writing this. Mushclient does not have the option to imput triggers/reflexes/aliases/ or variables through teh command line. You open the Triggers page and either paste in a written script or click add and an easy to use box pops up.

The easy way would be go to triggers, click ADD and put in the following in their sections:
TRIGGER: ^(.*?) stands up$
SEND: %1 just stood up
Change color box: Select color
and that's about it.
Now, unless you had to have the target name put in a variable this will work, though I don't know why you would want to set a variable with someones name for standing. Now the script way follows. This you would just copy and click the paste button in triggers:

match="^(.*?) stand up$"
%1 just stood up

I'll get back to the timer in a little bit
Unknown2004-10-29 04:15:55
Actually for the timer, MushClient timestamps every line in the output window which you can view by hovering the mouse over the line. Makes checking timing issues very easy.

MushClient's actual timer system is somewhat different.
Ethelon2004-10-29 04:17:32
very true, that is much easier than writing a timer variable/script
Isune2004-10-29 05:18:06
Is there a simple-ish way to filter channels and the like to their own seperate windows?
Unknown2004-10-29 05:22:48
Not that I know of. I don't think there's a way to branch off separate windows, and though I haven't gone actively looking for it I've kept half an eye out since it would be handy.
Ethelon2004-10-29 15:22:35
yes, you can filter then to a seperate window. Copy the following and replace the commune name with whatever you wish.

match="^\\(Serenwilde\\): (.*?) "(+)"\\Z"

Now, use a Sub script which you just make on a notepad and pull up using your scripts funsction. CTRL+SHIFT+6 pulls up the scripts page.
use the BROWSE button to find the script file you have the following on:

Sub OnChat (name, line, wildcards)
Dim msg

msg = Split (wildcards (10), chr (10))

For Each m In msg
AppendToNotepad "Channels", m & vbCrLf

end Sub
Daganev2004-10-29 17:08:40
Actually I was hoping for a variable. And then for the mud to display that variable. I was using stand as a simple example. Theres no real reason I'd want the variable for a stand trigger, but it was the easiest to come up with on the spot.

Under the window for "send to" whats the difference between world and world(imediate)?