Unknown2004-10-28 22:55:01
getting lost sucks....if you need maps, message me ill get ya some 

Dumihru2004-10-28 23:08:06
I love this site:
If only I'd known about it before gaining about 10 explorers rankings while trying to find Estelbar
If only I'd known about it before gaining about 10 explorers rankings while trying to find Estelbar

Unknown2004-10-28 23:12:10
On the contrary, getting lost is an excellent way to learn your way around, and the explorer rankings are a nice plus.
Just make sure you either have portals or teleport in case you absolutely can't find a way back.
Just make sure you either have portals or teleport in case you absolutely can't find a way back.
Kaervas2004-10-28 23:53:19
I got first Planeswalker by randomly walking around and going underwater without any breathing stuff. After a while I just learnt the way around and I've never really needed to use a map.
Ialie2004-10-30 06:28:01
I feel like I have been all over but I am still a pilgrim *sigh*
These boots are made for walkin.
These boots are made for walkin.
Gwynn2004-10-30 12:31:37
I got lost once, and I ended up finding 5,000 gold lying on the ground. Hurrah for being lost!
Unknown2004-10-31 14:41:50
lies! all lies! that was just one of those "get rich getting lost" schemes...