Unknown2004-10-29 15:24:26
I'm thinking about selling full automapper, autowalkable maps for the prime material plane, for something like 50cr or so. These would come with triggers that would allow you to do further mapping on your own, as well. Would anyone be interested, or is this just a naive hope? 
Disclaimer: I don't have anything but the surface of the Inner Sea and Sea of Despair mapped.. Those things are SCARY

Disclaimer: I don't have anything but the surface of the Inner Sea and Sea of Despair mapped.. Those things are SCARY

Neale2004-10-29 16:03:46
50 credits for a map? I can think of... maybe one person who would be lazy enough and rich enough, sorry.
Unknown2004-10-29 16:05:52
QUOTE (Neale @ Oct 29 2004, 08:03 AM)
50 credits for a map? I can think of... maybe one person who would be lazy enough and rich enough, sorry.
Actually it was more 25-50, and it's a map of every single area on the Prime Material plane. So if you're in Southgard and you double click somewhere in Rockholm, it'll take you there

Unknown2004-10-29 19:25:24
I was able to map the Inner Sea while flying, with less disturbance from the wind than from the waves. I only wish the Earth Elemental Plane wasn't underground, so I could avoid the earthquakes in the same way. 

Zolas2004-10-29 19:35:38
maybe for the like 5 credits.
I don't use zmud but printing the zmud maps on some windows box and looking at them makes it a lot easier to map using my program
I don't use zmud but printing the zmud maps on some windows box and looking at them makes it a lot easier to map using my program

Unknown2004-10-29 20:44:17
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Oct 29 2004, 11:25 AM)
I was able to map the Inner Sea while flying, with less disturbance from the wind than from the waves. I only wish the Earth Elemental Plane wasn't underground, so I could avoid the earthquakes in the same way. 

Yeah I got the surface, but you can't do anything like that under the surface.
Unknown2004-10-29 21:13:28
For the Inner Sea and Sea of Despair can you make a trigger for it to turn off the mapper when the "You are dragged off against your will by the rolling wave" line appears just incase one is looking at the map and still walking?
Savash2004-10-30 01:22:10
QUOTE (Visaeris Maeloch @ Oct 29 2004, 04:44 PM)
Yeah I got the surface, but you can't do anything like that under the surface.
I have a 100% accurate zmud map of the entire Inner Sea.

Jalain2004-10-30 03:31:13
I'd sell my auto-walker for 10 creds. Has all the villages, the road and most of the Serenwilde, other than the river.
Also comes with me telling you how to use some of the confusing little things I put into it.
Also comes with me telling you how to use some of the confusing little things I put into it.
Thorgal2004-10-30 08:22:54
I have complete and colored automaps of the entire Prime Material Plane, including every single level of the Inner Sea and Sea of Despair down to the bottom, including guildhalls, all the cities, all the villages, mountains, valley's, forests, avechna's peak, etc. Next to that I mapped all elemental planes, cosmic planes, ethereal plane and astral plane, excluding celestia, still haven't found a way up there. If anyone's interested, gimme a message.
Unknown2004-12-10 23:53:05
QUOTE(Thorgal @ Oct 30 2004, 03:22 AM)
I have complete and colored automaps of the entire Prime Material Plane, including every single level of the Inner Sea and Sea of Despair down to the bottom, including guildhalls, all the cities, all the villages, mountains, valley's, forests, avechna's peak, etc. Next to that I mapped all elemental planes, cosmic planes, ethereal plane and astral plane, excluding celestia, still haven't found a way up there. If anyone's interested, gimme a message.
Thorgal's maps - worth it

Gol2004-12-11 01:00:20
Very worth it. Except I died to gravediggers because my first instinct was to autowalk from the megalith to the Angkrag village. Whee. I have since cut the links to the gravedigger area on the map, and it wasn't hard at all. Thorgals maps really do rock. I just wish my explorer ranking worked, hehe!
Richter2004-12-11 01:02:26
I have Thorgal's map, with free updates.
Just haven't figured out how to use it yet.
Just haven't figured out how to use it yet.

Unknown2004-12-11 01:49:49
Well, part one is auto-setting room location. I have a set of triggers so far for Megalith, all 8 catacombs Tarot locations, and some rooms on Nil. Working on Celestia, Plane transversing, etc. soon. Then, I might start doing all unique rooms (in case of teleportation).
Unknown2004-12-11 01:51:56
And, once you figure out your timing (I currently have a 400 general parsing delay, with a 100 ms wait when I fail to move due to too hasty message) you can just double click, and watch 

Jalain2004-12-11 05:36:56
Part of getting the map and auto-walker to work is getting the settings correct.
If you click Edit and go down to Map Properties (in the map window) or press Ctrl+O, it'll bring up a window.
Looking at my map settings..
Go down to Configuration -> Room Name and check Match Room Name at End of Line. This will allow you to still use the follow along/auto-walker while flying (don't have to worry about the "Flying Above" part)
You might also like to check "Name ends with period"
Not much to do in Room Description.
In Room Exits, you might want to check "Multiline Exits" and "Exits after key word" and put "Exit" in the box.
In the Speedwalking catagory, you'd want to select "Safe" as the mode, "Match Room Name" in Automatic Step Confirmation and set the "Step Delay" for about 850.
If you want to watch the map as you move, you might also want to check "Center map after every movement"
With these settings, everything SHOULD work, though I sometimes manage to leave my map behind as I walk, so you sometimes need to stop and use the set position button.
Oh! And the North Mountains, around Serenwilde and Rockholm seem to keep changing their room names.. so maps won't always work in that area.
If you click Edit and go down to Map Properties (in the map window) or press Ctrl+O, it'll bring up a window.
Looking at my map settings..
Go down to Configuration -> Room Name and check Match Room Name at End of Line. This will allow you to still use the follow along/auto-walker while flying (don't have to worry about the "Flying Above" part)
You might also like to check "Name ends with period"
Not much to do in Room Description.
In Room Exits, you might want to check "Multiline Exits" and "Exits after key word" and put "Exit" in the box.
In the Speedwalking catagory, you'd want to select "Safe" as the mode, "Match Room Name" in Automatic Step Confirmation and set the "Step Delay" for about 850.
If you want to watch the map as you move, you might also want to check "Center map after every movement"
With these settings, everything SHOULD work, though I sometimes manage to leave my map behind as I walk, so you sometimes need to stop and use the set position button.
Oh! And the North Mountains, around Serenwilde and Rockholm seem to keep changing their room names.. so maps won't always work in that area.
Unknown2004-12-11 05:53:19
Maps don't generally require the name to stay constant, just the room order.
Jalain2004-12-11 06:52:52
They do, if you're confirming that you have moved into the room by room name. You can't really do it by description, because the weather is always changing, and you need some kind of confirmation, because you can get the hasty message, or bump into a sheep/cow
Unknown2004-12-11 14:48:00
I've fixed the hasty message bit already. The sheep/cow problem I haven't run into yet, I'll fix that shortly.
#TR {Now now, don't be hasty!} {#NODIR
#ALARM +0.1 {@lastdir}}
#TR {Now now, don't be hasty!} {#NODIR
#ALARM +0.1 {@lastdir}}
Unknown2004-12-11 14:49:50
And as tests, I've wandered the entire ethereal with the maps, and not run into a problem with hasty.
Edit: For cows:
#TRIGGER {You are regaining balance and are unable to move.} {#NODIR;#TEMP {You have recovered balance on all limbs.} {#STEP;@lastdir}
Edit: For cows:
#TRIGGER {You are regaining balance and are unable to move.} {#NODIR;#TEMP {You have recovered balance on all limbs.} {#STEP;@lastdir}