Bricriu2004-10-31 22:47:51
Okies! Who has found alternate ways of healing, so far? For example, the now fairly well known APPLY MENDING TO TORSO to get rid of being on fire, or the APPLY HEALTH TO HEAD to get rid of Blindness, or deafness.
Go ahead and share! You know you want to, even if just for post count.
Go ahead and share! You know you want to, even if just for post count.
Silvanus2004-10-31 22:58:58
QUOTE (Bricriu @ Oct 31 2004, 04:47 PM)
Okies! Who has found alternate ways of healing, so far? For example, the now fairly well known APPLY MENDING TO TORSO to get rid of being on fire, or the APPLY HEALTH TO HEAD to get rid of Blindness, or deafness.
Go ahead and share! You know you want to, even if just for post count.
Go ahead and share! You know you want to, even if just for post count.
Apply mending to chest. And you can just apply health to get rid of blindness/deafness.
Bricriu2004-10-31 23:01:06
Pleh - you know what I mean. NEW ones!
Silvanus2004-10-31 23:02:13
QUOTE (Bricriu @ Oct 31 2004, 05:01 PM)
*kick* NEW ones, you post monger.
But yours were wrong.. so I corrected you?
Unknown2004-11-01 02:03:19
Yarrow stops any kind of bleeding, but I think this is fairly obvious.
I'm also eternally grateful for the Alleheal elixir. I'm really glad They put it into Lusternia, because it's so useful and it's saved my life more than once.
I'm also eternally grateful for the Alleheal elixir. I'm really glad They put it into Lusternia, because it's so useful and it's saved my life more than once.
Daganev2004-11-01 05:49:43
marjaram or as I like to call it.. Major rams, regenerates your ear... very important for anyone helping a blademaster test stuff.
Indigo2004-11-01 18:25:34
Personally, I find the Healing skill pretty useful. 

Unknown2004-11-02 20:24:16
To douse flames, I just do NATURE RAIN. It's come in pretty useful, especially when I walk through the firewalls that people used to just leave around, because it's so hilarious, obviously.
Unknown2004-11-05 17:24:30
hmmm, kinda off topic, but if you need to communicate with someone whose deaf, just EMOTE (what you want to say).
Its a little off topic, but between life or death you can still do it, or if you want you could EMOTE hand signals to you "(your text here)", AND its in context
Its a little off topic, but between life or death you can still do it, or if you want you could EMOTE hand signals to you "(your text here)", AND its in context
Shamarah2004-11-05 22:18:48
Well, EMOTE isn't really a valid IC action. An emote is doing something - how would you do a message? And the hand signals is dubious at best... unless you have a secret hand signal language or something, it'd take forever to make each letter with your hands.
Zolas2004-11-05 23:20:19
Messages are generally preferred to emoting says.
Unknown2004-11-06 20:12:27
Messages are less IC.
Unknown2004-11-06 22:54:39
When IS OOC, is emoting saying something to somebody, when they are deaf. If they can't hear it normally, then don't emote says! How would you explain it in an IC view:
"He can't hear me talking, because he's deaf. But if I talk, he can hear me."
"He can't hear me talking, because he's deaf. But if I talk, he can hear me."
Unknown2004-11-06 22:56:27
"He can't hear me talking, because he's deaf. But if I talk, he can hear me."
And if you can't see it, it can't see you.....
Niara2004-11-08 09:15:14
That is an acknowledged tae'dae hiding technique. 

Unknown2004-11-08 09:49:53
QUOTE (Shamarah @ Nov 6 2004, 09:18 AM)
Well, EMOTE isn't really a valid IC action. An emote is doing something - how would you do a message? And the hand signals is dubious at best... unless you have a secret hand signal language or something, it'd take forever to make each letter with your hands.
I love to use illusions, tracing flaming letters in the air... especially considering mages actually can trace flaming letters in the air as a form of graffiti, with one of their other skills, I think it's appropriate. And fun. Yay

Gwynn2004-11-08 11:34:18
QUOTE (Shamarah @ Nov 6 2004, 09:18 AM)
An emote is doing something - how would you do a message?
Interperative Dance!
Gwynn2004-11-08 11:38:19
QUOTE (Shamarah @ Nov 6 2004, 09:18 AM)
An emote is doing something - how would you do a message?
Interperative Dance!
Gwynn2004-11-08 11:39:45
Bah, it was being all stupid and wouldn't show up my first message.
Just shows you how doubly cool communication via interperative dance is!
Just shows you how doubly cool communication via interperative dance is!

Unknown2004-11-08 23:02:56
I always carry a stack of small wooden signs and a couple brushes and paints with me, problem solved. 
P.S. and woot forinterperative dance!

P.S. and woot for