Unknown2004-11-06 03:52:55
Tainted Designs.
Shelves line the walls with all sorts of trinkets and objects for sale. A long
counter lies parallel to the west wall dividing the room into two sections.
Several more valuable items lie within the counters glass casing while several
more day to day objects lie upon it. Behind the counter papers and documents
are well organized to reflect a sense of cleanliness. A dead black rat lies
here, the fire in its eyes gone out. The body of a dead baby rat lies here.
Pausing to rest, a loboshigaru pilgrim looks off into the distance. Tainted
Sadist, Lady Nepthysia N. d'Iasani, Cruel Dominatrix is here. You see a sign
here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading east and down (closed door).
You get 400 gold sovereigns from a canvas backpack.
You pay 450 sovereigns and receive a crimson silk corset.
Nepthysia's eyes sparkle with amusement.
probe corset
This silken corset has been dyed a deep crimson hue, resembling the
color of fresh blood. It hugs the wearer's curves tightly to both
support and shape the feminine figure. The neckline has been cut low and
shaped square to reveal enough flesh to be alluring, however the straps
have been widened to cover some of the shoulders to reflect a sense of
You cough softly.
Nepthysia smirks.
You put 350 gold sovereigns in a canvas backpack.
You say, "Oh dear, is that what I was buying?"
Nepthysia gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke a crimson silk corset.
Nepthysia raises an eyebrow questioningly.
help magnagora
Warlord: Chade
Divine Patron: Fain, of the Red Masque
Iron Council: Brona, Arilyon, and Morslade
Ambassador: Silvanus
Minister of Power: Kaervas
Treasurer: Murphy
Steward: Zolas
Minister of Trade: Daganev
Chancellor: Nepthysia
Minister of Cultural Affairs: Mordechai
Able to induct new citizens: Nepthysia, Apollyon, Bricriu, Chade,
Silvanus, and Ibsen
Type MORE to continue reading. (48% shown)
(The Disciples of Crow): You say, "For some reason I thought a corset was a
flower, and just paid four-hundred gold for a piece of revealing feminine
clothing. In front of the Magnagorian Chancellor."
Shelves line the walls with all sorts of trinkets and objects for sale. A long
counter lies parallel to the west wall dividing the room into two sections.
Several more valuable items lie within the counters glass casing while several
more day to day objects lie upon it. Behind the counter papers and documents
are well organized to reflect a sense of cleanliness. A dead black rat lies
here, the fire in its eyes gone out. The body of a dead baby rat lies here.
Pausing to rest, a loboshigaru pilgrim looks off into the distance. Tainted
Sadist, Lady Nepthysia N. d'Iasani, Cruel Dominatrix is here. You see a sign
here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading east and down (closed door).
You get 400 gold sovereigns from a canvas backpack.
You pay 450 sovereigns and receive a crimson silk corset.
Nepthysia's eyes sparkle with amusement.
probe corset
This silken corset has been dyed a deep crimson hue, resembling the
color of fresh blood. It hugs the wearer's curves tightly to both
support and shape the feminine figure. The neckline has been cut low and
shaped square to reveal enough flesh to be alluring, however the straps
have been widened to cover some of the shoulders to reflect a sense of
You cough softly.
Nepthysia smirks.
You put 350 gold sovereigns in a canvas backpack.
You say, "Oh dear, is that what I was buying?"
Nepthysia gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke a crimson silk corset.
Nepthysia raises an eyebrow questioningly.
help magnagora
Warlord: Chade
Divine Patron: Fain, of the Red Masque
Iron Council: Brona, Arilyon, and Morslade
Ambassador: Silvanus
Minister of Power: Kaervas
Treasurer: Murphy
Steward: Zolas
Minister of Trade: Daganev
Chancellor: Nepthysia
Minister of Cultural Affairs: Mordechai
Able to induct new citizens: Nepthysia, Apollyon, Bricriu, Chade,
Silvanus, and Ibsen
Type MORE to continue reading. (48% shown)
(The Disciples of Crow): You say, "For some reason I thought a corset was a
flower, and just paid four-hundred gold for a piece of revealing feminine
clothing. In front of the Magnagorian Chancellor."
Typhus2004-11-18 13:59:07
Don't worry Guido, we all have those days. I have an old log somewhere from Aetolia of mistakenly buying some Scarlet Heartshaped Panties in front of my Guildmaster. I sort of passed it off by giving them to her as a gift. Should of tried to charm Neph.
Unknown2004-11-18 18:57:33
hmm...let's go flower shopping.......what...dirty langerie? oh...uh....her mrs.official, you'd look nice in this. hehehehe.
yeah, that'll work. heh.
yeah, that'll work. heh.
Typhus2004-11-18 19:33:09
Err.. Good point. More like, "Oh my, look what I bought! The Fates must of guided me to this pruchase so that I could express my love for you! A pity it can never be though, since another tempts me away. But, you shall always hold my heart, lovely Neph..."
Unknown2004-11-18 20:56:24
Unknown2004-11-19 05:01:15
(Virgin ears beware the following!)
Screwing with Nephysia: Part II
(Market): Nepthysia says, "Looking for some... servants."
(Market): Nepthysia says, "Okay correction. Looking for a slave or two... not a
You tell Tainted Sadist, Lady Nepthysia Navras d'Iasani, "But surely with all
those 'slaves' around there will be quite a mess to be cleaned up!"
Nepthysia tells you, "*eye*."
Screwing with Nephysia: Part II
(Market): Nepthysia says, "Looking for some... servants."
(Market): Nepthysia says, "Okay correction. Looking for a slave or two... not a
You tell Tainted Sadist, Lady Nepthysia Navras d'Iasani, "But surely with all
those 'slaves' around there will be quite a mess to be cleaned up!"
Nepthysia tells you, "*eye*."
Unknown2004-11-19 11:42:57
hehehehehe......ok, kiddies, it's 10 pm, time for bed, go one, let us big people play now.
Laysus2004-11-19 13:25:46
S&M Nihilists are fun 

Typhus2004-11-19 18:25:44
Saturday Night Live at Lusternia.. I swear..
Unknown2004-11-19 19:19:03
aint it?
Laysus2004-11-19 20:04:27
me, I thought it was friday 

Typhus2004-11-22 17:29:39
Bah, literal reality. Someone save me from monotony!