Unknown2004-11-11 00:58:16
I am missing the log, because I wasn't exactly worried about remembering this, but it goes something like this:
(log on)
Flying above The Pool of Stars
You see exits leading north, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest.
You are protected by 0 defences.
You say, "Oh, HELL."
You fall to the ground head-first, and land with a sickening crunch.
Person says, "Holy crap. Wow, ouch."
You are:
suffering from a concussion to the head
suffering from a badly damaged head
suffering from amnesia
say Gah...help.
You bleed 112 health.
say Need a healer, quick!
You bleed 110 health.
ct Can someone heal me? I'm seriously injured, here.
ct Can someone heal me? I'm seriously injured, here.
(Celest): You say, "Can someone heal me? I'm seriously injured, here."
Moral of the story: Never forget to land if you aren't a trill or faeling.
(log on)
Flying above The Pool of Stars
You see exits leading north, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest.
You are protected by 0 defences.
You say, "Oh, HELL."
You fall to the ground head-first, and land with a sickening crunch.
Person says, "Holy crap. Wow, ouch."
You are:
suffering from a concussion to the head
suffering from a badly damaged head
suffering from amnesia
say Gah...help.
You bleed 112 health.
say Need a healer, quick!
You bleed 110 health.
ct Can someone heal me? I'm seriously injured, here.
ct Can someone heal me? I'm seriously injured, here.
(Celest): You say, "Can someone heal me? I'm seriously injured, here."
Moral of the story: Never forget to land if you aren't a trill or faeling.
Unknown2004-11-11 19:19:59
heheheh, good thing my new character is a trill.
Jalain2004-11-11 20:49:32
I remember in Closed when we were trying to influence Stewartsville, I asked someone to come help influence and I think it was Richter who teleported to me while I was flying.. And that's when we discovered the 'no cure for Concussion' bug..
Unknown2004-11-11 21:09:00
Wasn't a concussion, that's how he always is.