Hazar2004-11-27 20:42:13
Looking for some people to create some public aliases, hotkeys, and triggers for the java client.
P.S. Trust me, it can work.
P.S. Trust me, it can work.
Shiri2004-11-27 22:30:24
*co-founds JAVA club* *waits expectantly for people who actually have something to contribute*
Unknown2004-11-28 00:42:25
Woohoo! This will be nice.
I use the alias system ingame, and the triggers set in the java client. However, I'm being very careful not to make too many triggers, because I hate it when java crashes because of having too many triggers.
I use the alias system ingame, and the triggers set in the java client. However, I'm being very careful not to make too many triggers, because I hate it when java crashes because of having too many triggers.
Shiri2004-11-28 01:52:42
I really do hate that, yes. How is it that the JAVA client can't store as many aliases and triggers as the rest of the clients anyway? I have no idea how these things work, but it just seems a little iffy.
The JAVA client still has the special nifty look though. So I'm sticking with it.
The JAVA client still has the special nifty look though. So I'm sticking with it.

Unknown2004-11-28 02:54:45
I wants them triggers!
*joins club*
*joins club*
Zhaine2004-11-28 14:57:45
Wha sorta triggers are you after?
So far as I've had, that crashing doesn't mess with the triggers, even though it says it's closing the triggers down.
*leaps onto JAVA bandwagon*
I've got baaaaaaasic triggers, but I'm about to work on doing up a huge amount and seeing if my computer curls up and dies.
I love that smilie
So far as I've had, that crashing doesn't mess with the triggers, even though it says it's closing the triggers down.
*leaps onto JAVA bandwagon*
I've got baaaaaaasic triggers, but I'm about to work on doing up a huge amount and seeing if my computer curls up and dies.

Jack2004-11-28 15:02:38
*likewise joins the club*
Triggers? Bah. I get by with about a hundred aliases and a very good memory. Still, worth a try.
Triggers? Bah. I get by with about a hundred aliases and a very good memory. Still, worth a try.
Unknown2004-11-28 17:58:29
Count me in.
Unknown2004-11-29 10:26:38
I'm not sure why it crashes but I guess it has to do with memory limitations... Anyone know if it crashes less/more often if you run it in a different browser?
And the triggers shouldn't be gone since the java client actually stores them on the Lusternia server in some remote hidden dark corner
And the triggers shouldn't be gone since the java client actually stores them on the Lusternia server in some remote hidden dark corner

Choryu2004-11-29 17:45:54
QUOTE (Shiri @ Nov 27 2004, 09:52 PM)
I really do hate that, yes. How is it that the JAVA client can't store as many aliases and triggers as the rest of the clients anyway? I have no idea how these things work, but it just seems a little iffy.
The JAVA client still has the special nifty look though. So I'm sticking with it.
The JAVA client still has the special nifty look though. So I'm sticking with it.

Before I started using Zmud I created a system from scratch for Achaean JAVA . It has over three hundred triggers. And it didnt crash. Why? Becuase JAVA triggers are limited to being simple (effective yes but not when you fight against someone doing illusions) Therefore any real good JAVA system requires a few things:
Number 1 Manual Healing.
Yes you heard right. You need to be real good with this. I used to be good, although I manual healed only recklessness and stupidty and my triggers woulld most of the time catch the rest, except when fighting a snake. But having a diagnose heal trigger also works wonders. Still manual healing is a must. And you must be able to not only type fast but recognize what you are afflicted with.
Number 2 Triggers
These should be one value caught expressions. JAVA is no good with dual variables. So most triggers should be triggered for symptoms rather then cause. All triggers must also use the boundaries {<}Trigger Line Here{>} or else the JAVA will crack up. Although you may use the {w} character you cant make use of {*} as again it will cut down your JAVA effectiveness and make it crash.
Number 3 Diagnose Trigger
Again be wary of illusionists as JAVA has no reall anti illusions. The diagnose triggers are written as they appear in the Diag line again with boundaries. Problem with this is that it can mess up herb balance so Diag Trigger should be preferably color coded so you can tell what afflictions you have more or less and manual heal them.
Number 4 Never Ever Check Settings...
While logging in. Or it will erase everything. Before checking settings at least a few commands must be input. What I do is that I bind status to F1 and continually press F1. As soon as my stat appears it means the settings have been loaded. However again I reiterate that this knowledge is from my JAVA achaean times. Ive never used JAVA in Lusternia or used it in Achaea after I got Zmud, unless I was accessing from another computer.
Unknown2004-11-30 00:16:13
Number 2 Triggers
These should be one value caught expressions. JAVA is no good with dual variables. So most triggers should be triggered for symptoms rather then cause. All triggers must also use the boundaries {<}Trigger Line Here{>} or else the JAVA will crack up. Although you may use the {w} character you cant make use of {*} as again it will cut down your JAVA effectiveness and make it crash.
These should be one value caught expressions. JAVA is no good with dual variables. So most triggers should be triggered for symptoms rather then cause. All triggers must also use the boundaries {<}Trigger Line Here{>} or else the JAVA will crack up. Although you may use the {w} character you cant make use of {*} as again it will cut down your JAVA effectiveness and make it crash.
Ok, I'm slightly confused... You can use the {w} in a trigger, but not {*}? I guess I'm confused in that I thought they did basically the same function.
But what really confuses me is this:
All triggers must also use the boundaries {<}Trigger Line Here{>} or else the JAVA will crack up.
I've never seen that or programmed it that way. What exactly are the benefits of doing it that way, and can you give me an example to try it out?
Right now my trigger goes something like "Sticky strands of webbing spray out from {w} to cover you." and my reaction command is "writhe". I shouldn't have a problem with Java crashing, right?
Shiri2004-11-30 00:27:03
Yeah...that trigger should work fine. It's just that when you do wildcards ({*}), Java doesn't like it and tends to commit hara-kiri on you as soon as you close the dialog box thingy it comes up with. What I'm REALLY interested in is some sort of gagging alias. I mean, I made myself a clot trigger, which is quite cool (well, it is to me
), but I was hoping there was a way to stop it spamming me too.
And I can't remember if someone said it on this topic or the last topic I looked at about JAVA< but no, I don't wanna buy ZMUD, 'cause A)I have no money and
I'm obsessive and don't like the new background thing I'd have to put up with if I changed. I tried it, didn't like it
Ooh, and thanks Gods for putting the smileys closer together. That was spammy.

And I can't remember if someone said it on this topic or the last topic I looked at about JAVA< but no, I don't wanna buy ZMUD, 'cause A)I have no money and

Unknown2004-12-01 13:42:29
Is there anyway to highlight combat messages, like attacks, in the java client?
It would be pretty usefull for those who combat manually
It would be pretty usefull for those who combat manually

Unknown2004-12-01 14:34:50
Choryu2004-12-02 18:28:19
Nice! I think that covers most of it. As for the questions on w and *
No they are not the same. w is just one whitespace character. Its like saying
Linda went to the shop.
w went to the shop.
Where w can be replaced by any name be it Linda, Joseph whatever.
{<}{w} Arrives from the {w}{>}
value: st t %1
That would target any one who comes in through any direction.
On the other hand * can be any character. So
{<}You drop {*}{>}
Means it will trigger on any thing after the you drop message.
You drop a car
You drop your book of spells
You drop the corpse of Winnivere.
Boundaries are just to make sure JAVA only triggers to that set of sentence and none other so
{<}Erico attacks you.{>}
value attack erico
Will not trigger if
Ishigo says "Erico attacks you."
But will trigger with
(ILLUSION) Erico attacks you.
Further more it speeds up Achaea by not checking every single line for the trigger.
No they are not the same. w is just one whitespace character. Its like saying
Linda went to the shop.
w went to the shop.
Where w can be replaced by any name be it Linda, Joseph whatever.
{<}{w} Arrives from the {w}{>}
value: st t %1
That would target any one who comes in through any direction.
On the other hand * can be any character. So
{<}You drop {*}{>}
Means it will trigger on any thing after the you drop message.
You drop a car
You drop your book of spells
You drop the corpse of Winnivere.
Boundaries are just to make sure JAVA only triggers to that set of sentence and none other so
{<}Erico attacks you.{>}
value attack erico
Will not trigger if
Ishigo says "Erico attacks you."
But will trigger with
(ILLUSION) Erico attacks you.
Further more it speeds up Achaea by not checking every single line for the trigger.
Unknown2004-12-02 19:41:54
Oooh! Thank you, Choryu! Thats really helpful. Now I have a much better idea of what I'm doing for programming Java.
tarquin2004-12-03 01:36:35
Hey when I use the java client I get these weird blank lines all the time. They just seem to pop up. Does anyone alse get that?
Shiri2004-12-03 02:09:56
Yeah. Like whenever I set/change a trigger, mostly. No idea what's going on there.
Hazar2004-12-03 03:15:29
Wow! I started something that's working. I'm amazed.
Keep up the good work, guys! We're equalizing the java client...sort of.

Keep up the good work, guys! We're equalizing the java client...sort of.
Akraasiel2004-12-09 07:11:28
I set up an advanced que curing system for java when I was playing achaea, using variables for all afflictions, and the #echo command...
It would hit with an aff, change the variable with #set, then whenever I regained herb balance it would cure one of the affs listed by #echo, in order or most dangerous to least. This was a great Idea until I realized that it wouldnt work like it was supposed to because triggers off #echo wont trigger it to change the variables back to 0, Ie-you may apply another salve(triggers #echo salvecheck) (this is echoed using #echo anorexia$anorexia)anorexia1 (triggers) apply epidermal (trigger fails to #set anorexia 1), thus screwing it all up.
If they took the time to fix multitrig functions for it, and even throw in an If-Then function, then Java would actually be competetive for something other than macro with minor trigger assistance curing.
It would hit with an aff, change the variable with #set, then whenever I regained herb balance it would cure one of the affs listed by #echo, in order or most dangerous to least. This was a great Idea until I realized that it wouldnt work like it was supposed to because triggers off #echo wont trigger it to change the variables back to 0, Ie-you may apply another salve(triggers #echo salvecheck) (this is echoed using #echo anorexia$anorexia)anorexia1 (triggers) apply epidermal (trigger fails to #set anorexia 1), thus screwing it all up.
If they took the time to fix multitrig functions for it, and even throw in an If-Then function, then Java would actually be competetive for something other than macro with minor trigger assistance curing.