Laysus2004-11-30 17:49:27
shortly after dying to a starsucker...
Suddenly, the light abruptly dies, leaving you disoriented and bewildered. You
are floating in an enormous chamber, disembodied and powerless to move, unable
to speak or think clearly. The only thing you are aware of is the enormous
tapestry upon the wall, that stretches to infinity, or at least beyond your
0h, 1882m, 2848e, 10p ex-
The detail of the tapestry is incredibly complex and detailed, as each strand
of thread is intricately woven to depict the tale of someone's life. You try
and follow the story of some of the threads, but find it is impossible to
follow a single line of story as each strand interlinks and weaves with other
strands, creating patterns so entangled and labyrinthine that it leaves you
0h, 1882m, 2848e, 10p ex-
Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.
0h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
Ah! There is one thread that you can follow, for it shines silvery and strong,
and is somehow comfortingly familiar. Yes, it is the thread of your own life
and cleaves to you like a cloud to the sky. You become aware of three female
figures standing before the tapestry, examining a thread - your thread.
0h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
(Serenwilde): Qin says, "Hi everyone."
0h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
A bright light surrounds your spirit as it floats unfettered from your body.
You see an image of Shiro as though through a long corridor. Quickly, you fly
towards him, feeling a new body knit itself around you until you are reborn
into the world of flesh and blood.
The Source of the Mystic River.
Filling the firmament is a lattice of heavy grey clouds. An enormously wide
circular pool, as dark as the night sky, floats in the air here, its sparkling
waters cascading over its rim and into the river. The twisted remains of Laysus
lie here. Shiro is here. He wields a falcon bearing tower shield in his left
You see a single exit leading southwest.
1h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
Shiro takes a drink from a ruby vial.
1h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
You cough and splutter as you inhale some water.
You have been slain by misadventure.
Suddenly, the light abruptly dies, leaving you disoriented and bewildered. You
are floating in an enormous chamber, disembodied and powerless to move, unable
to speak or think clearly. The only thing you are aware of is the enormous
tapestry upon the wall, that stretches to infinity, or at least beyond your
0h, 1882m, 2848e, 10p ex-
The detail of the tapestry is incredibly complex and detailed, as each strand
of thread is intricately woven to depict the tale of someone's life. You try
and follow the story of some of the threads, but find it is impossible to
follow a single line of story as each strand interlinks and weaves with other
strands, creating patterns so entangled and labyrinthine that it leaves you
0h, 1882m, 2848e, 10p ex-
Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.
0h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
Ah! There is one thread that you can follow, for it shines silvery and strong,
and is somehow comfortingly familiar. Yes, it is the thread of your own life
and cleaves to you like a cloud to the sky. You become aware of three female
figures standing before the tapestry, examining a thread - your thread.
0h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
(Serenwilde): Qin says, "Hi everyone."
0h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
A bright light surrounds your spirit as it floats unfettered from your body.
You see an image of Shiro as though through a long corridor. Quickly, you fly
towards him, feeling a new body knit itself around you until you are reborn
into the world of flesh and blood.
The Source of the Mystic River.
Filling the firmament is a lattice of heavy grey clouds. An enormously wide
circular pool, as dark as the night sky, floats in the air here, its sparkling
waters cascading over its rim and into the river. The twisted remains of Laysus
lie here. Shiro is here. He wields a falcon bearing tower shield in his left
You see a single exit leading southwest.
1h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
Shiro takes a drink from a ruby vial.
1h, 1732m, 2848e, 10p ex-
You cough and splutter as you inhale some water.
You have been slain by misadventure.
Shiri2004-11-30 17:53:17
The exact same thing happened to me. Only, that time it was my fault. I got rezzed into a room with a great pentagram on or something, stayed where I was, got confused, forgot I lost my trout totem, transversed water...ahh, there I go again! 

Rauros2004-11-30 18:47:38
Now there's an idea... keep killing the same person by rezzing them in a water room..... *eg*
Unknown2004-11-30 19:03:35
You are lucky you didn't see a bashing trip to the water plane...
<--- a ninja emote, because it's cool.

Unknown2004-11-30 19:32:43
Look here, that was a complete accident and I thought he had more then one hp. I took his body and rezzed him again so shush!
Shiri2004-11-30 19:47:29
Well, he still lost the experience. But don't worry so much, Shiro! At least this is in the funnies forum, eh? Coulda been worse...

Unknown2004-11-30 19:55:12

Unknown2004-11-30 20:28:57
Heh, don't take such offense to that. It's pretty funny, especially if the victim can put it in this forum. That's a good thing to know; you come back with 1 hp.
Unknown2004-11-30 20:29:46
you're trying to make people dislike my rezzing business. Shame on you !!
Hiriako2004-12-01 15:00:17
*snickers* *chuckles* *can't help it and starts to laugh hysterically* Oh my...hahah, thank you. I needed that laugh!
Rauros2004-12-01 15:27:01
Another reason to be a merian: protection against rezzes by Shiro
And just because I can....

And just because I can....