Richter2004-12-07 20:50:10
From the depths of darkest night he walked, moving through the woods as a spectre dodges the light. The figure stopped every few feet, examining a small plant, tree, or animal tracks. The unnatural gloom seeped into everything around him, and it was an unwelcome phenomenon.
Draest Carthan was worried; more than he had been in a long time. The forest had turned darker after the Taint had spread over it two months ago, and it had not spared any part of his land. He had not heard head nor bushy tail of any of its inhabitants, and that was unusual for any of them to stay out of contact for more than a week or so. Draest had made a small gathering of friends, though he obviously did not fit in. Over six feet tall, and dressed completely in blacks and greens, he made for an imposing figure. While his brethren chose to live outside the forests for the most part, after a long life, he had decided to settle in the place he had loved the majority of it.
Tomorrow perhaps, he would seek out the homes of the closer residents. Arlen, Sandy, and Saige would be the nearest, and Draest wanted to check on them, and make sure nothing was amiss.
Well, except for the Taint.
The Taint had spread over the woods two months ago, slowly spreading and devouring or mutating what life was in the forest. Draest had lived in the part of the woods hit hardest but the taint; now, he made his life in the deep forest. The occasional creature that wandered by peered at him with hollow eyes, and the plants grew, but seemed to wither at the same time. Even deep in the woods, the taint was spreading.
He made his way back to his cottage deep in the forest. It was a sturdy hut, crafted many years ago by strong hands, and would not fall for many years to come. The cottage was made mostly of the bedrock that was abundant near the old lake bed, but the different colored cornerstones of his house were from the Elemental Plane of Earth. Superstitious perhaps, but whomever built the house wanted it to be as sturdy as possible. It had served him well in the last two months, and it now served as his base of operations.
Upon stopping at his home, he realized something was terribly wrong. The door to the cottage lay several feet away from where it used to be, covered completely in scratch and bite marks, and noises came from inside. The voice of a merian came from inside, punctuated every so often by the higher voice of a furrikin. He drew his mace, moved carefully to the entrance, and looked inside.
He was startled not neither merian nor furrikin, but a rather beastly-looking creature which he could not identify. It might have been any number of things once, but what it was now was a twisted reflection of its former self. It had four thick, powerful legs, two short ears, and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. The room was in disarray, and the creature stood in the middle of it, sniffing the ground for whatever it was looking for. Draest walked in slowly, but stepped on a piece of glass. Cursing quietly under his breath, he saw the beast had noticed the crunch, and reared up on its hind legs to attack.
Narrowing his eyes and uttering a short prayer, he prepared for battle. He reflexively reached into his pocketbelt to find the herbs he was looking for. The herbs made him stronger, wiser, and would restore some of his health, should he be hurt. Angrily, the beast attacked, needing no time to prepare, but Draest was ready for it. He caught the creature in mid-leap, and casually smashed its head in.
This beast was one of the easier kills he had made in the last month. Some creatures had been bold enough to move on his home, others were more of an annoyance, yet deadly nonetheless.
But never had one made it -inside- his house. This wouldn’t be forgotten as easily.
Draest stopped for a moment. He sighed at the remembrance of how it used to be in the forest, and even in the world. So much had changed, and none for the better. He cursed the Emperor for throwing stones into the placid lake, disturbing things that needn’t be disturbed. It was no matter now though. He would take up his crusade that should have been started when he first discovered the disturbances. He would avenge those that needed avenging, and bring death to those that deserved it.
Reaching into his small closet, he passed over several wicked weapons, until he found just the one he was looking for: a large silver chainless morning star, imbued with the strength of the earth, the boldness of fire, the speed of the wind, and the fluidity of water. The weapon shimmered as it moved, seeming not to even wholly exist on this plane. As vaporous as it might look, the star was the strongest and the deadliest Draest had ever had the pleasure to wield.
Almost all was ready, just a few more supplies and he would be set. He calmly walked over to his aether net crystal, waved his hand over it, and silenced the newscast that had been making the noises. Once the necessary supplies were gathered, he calmly stepped back outside and found a clearing in the canopy. Flapping his newfound wings powerfully, he quickly rose into the firmament. Today’s work would be the kind he lived for. He was a bringer of justice, and a dealer of death…
More to come. Just haven't put the ideas down on paper. This certainly helps understand Richter, or, will when you see the rest of it. Tell me what you think.
Draest Carthan was worried; more than he had been in a long time. The forest had turned darker after the Taint had spread over it two months ago, and it had not spared any part of his land. He had not heard head nor bushy tail of any of its inhabitants, and that was unusual for any of them to stay out of contact for more than a week or so. Draest had made a small gathering of friends, though he obviously did not fit in. Over six feet tall, and dressed completely in blacks and greens, he made for an imposing figure. While his brethren chose to live outside the forests for the most part, after a long life, he had decided to settle in the place he had loved the majority of it.
Tomorrow perhaps, he would seek out the homes of the closer residents. Arlen, Sandy, and Saige would be the nearest, and Draest wanted to check on them, and make sure nothing was amiss.
Well, except for the Taint.
The Taint had spread over the woods two months ago, slowly spreading and devouring or mutating what life was in the forest. Draest had lived in the part of the woods hit hardest but the taint; now, he made his life in the deep forest. The occasional creature that wandered by peered at him with hollow eyes, and the plants grew, but seemed to wither at the same time. Even deep in the woods, the taint was spreading.
He made his way back to his cottage deep in the forest. It was a sturdy hut, crafted many years ago by strong hands, and would not fall for many years to come. The cottage was made mostly of the bedrock that was abundant near the old lake bed, but the different colored cornerstones of his house were from the Elemental Plane of Earth. Superstitious perhaps, but whomever built the house wanted it to be as sturdy as possible. It had served him well in the last two months, and it now served as his base of operations.
Upon stopping at his home, he realized something was terribly wrong. The door to the cottage lay several feet away from where it used to be, covered completely in scratch and bite marks, and noises came from inside. The voice of a merian came from inside, punctuated every so often by the higher voice of a furrikin. He drew his mace, moved carefully to the entrance, and looked inside.
He was startled not neither merian nor furrikin, but a rather beastly-looking creature which he could not identify. It might have been any number of things once, but what it was now was a twisted reflection of its former self. It had four thick, powerful legs, two short ears, and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. The room was in disarray, and the creature stood in the middle of it, sniffing the ground for whatever it was looking for. Draest walked in slowly, but stepped on a piece of glass. Cursing quietly under his breath, he saw the beast had noticed the crunch, and reared up on its hind legs to attack.
Narrowing his eyes and uttering a short prayer, he prepared for battle. He reflexively reached into his pocketbelt to find the herbs he was looking for. The herbs made him stronger, wiser, and would restore some of his health, should he be hurt. Angrily, the beast attacked, needing no time to prepare, but Draest was ready for it. He caught the creature in mid-leap, and casually smashed its head in.
This beast was one of the easier kills he had made in the last month. Some creatures had been bold enough to move on his home, others were more of an annoyance, yet deadly nonetheless.
But never had one made it -inside- his house. This wouldn’t be forgotten as easily.
Draest stopped for a moment. He sighed at the remembrance of how it used to be in the forest, and even in the world. So much had changed, and none for the better. He cursed the Emperor for throwing stones into the placid lake, disturbing things that needn’t be disturbed. It was no matter now though. He would take up his crusade that should have been started when he first discovered the disturbances. He would avenge those that needed avenging, and bring death to those that deserved it.
Reaching into his small closet, he passed over several wicked weapons, until he found just the one he was looking for: a large silver chainless morning star, imbued with the strength of the earth, the boldness of fire, the speed of the wind, and the fluidity of water. The weapon shimmered as it moved, seeming not to even wholly exist on this plane. As vaporous as it might look, the star was the strongest and the deadliest Draest had ever had the pleasure to wield.
Almost all was ready, just a few more supplies and he would be set. He calmly walked over to his aether net crystal, waved his hand over it, and silenced the newscast that had been making the noises. Once the necessary supplies were gathered, he calmly stepped back outside and found a clearing in the canopy. Flapping his newfound wings powerfully, he quickly rose into the firmament. Today’s work would be the kind he lived for. He was a bringer of justice, and a dealer of death…
More to come. Just haven't put the ideas down on paper. This certainly helps understand Richter, or, will when you see the rest of it. Tell me what you think.
Unknown2004-12-07 21:02:48
It's very good - I thoroughly enjoyed it.
One question, why does Draest have wings? Didn't Richter's ancestors come to Lusternia with Estarra, or is he only partly human?
One question, why does Draest have wings? Didn't Richter's ancestors come to Lusternia with Estarra, or is he only partly human?
Richter2004-12-07 21:07:29
Draest is a tainted elfen, one of the first viscanti, as today's viscanti have wings, but they do not function.
Richter lied to the Fates about his race, and they let him. It's in my background. Quite clever, I thought. Maybe I'll post my background too.
Richter lied to the Fates about his race, and they let him. It's in my background. Quite clever, I thought. Maybe I'll post my background too.
Luthe2004-12-07 21:10:31
This is a great history, very detailed and involved, if you run out of ideas maybe have flashbacks to what he saw before the taint if he was alive, or maybe just past battles, some of the harder ones.
Unknown2004-12-07 21:13:00
So wait, Richter is a human, but he isn't really a human? 
Lachesis: "Ok, right. So you're giant, purple, winged...and have weird green veins. And you're a human? Ok, step right this way, Mr Richter."

Lachesis: "Ok, right. So you're giant, purple, winged...and have weird green veins. And you're a human? Ok, step right this way, Mr Richter."
Richter2004-12-07 21:17:25
Richter's bloodline is that of Viscanti, because of Draest. Something, in part 3 (I think) causes Draest's spirit to stick around. When Richter stepped out of the portal, he was human, by Draest's spirit had found him and possessed him.
I swear, I wasn't going for that Raistlin/Fistandantilus thing.
I'm at work. Anyone want to post Richter's background as a reply here? It would help with some questions methinks. But, people asking questions is good! Makes you want to read part two and three!
Edit: Oh, and Richter does have flashbacks, it's part of his RP, since Draest is possesing him. Anyone around for my prophecy at the moonhart? When I freaked out at the megalith? Fun stuff.
I swear, I wasn't going for that Raistlin/Fistandantilus thing.
I'm at work. Anyone want to post Richter's background as a reply here? It would help with some questions methinks. But, people asking questions is good! Makes you want to read part two and three!
Edit: Oh, and Richter does have flashbacks, it's part of his RP, since Draest is possesing him. Anyone around for my prophecy at the moonhart? When I freaked out at the megalith? Fun stuff.
Unknown2004-12-07 21:25:46
The Background of Richter
As I stepped through the portal on that fateful day, nothing was on my
mind but the situation before me. There I stood, before the Fates, my
soul bared before Them. My surroundings were hazy, my memory worse. A
voice spoke to me, "Richter... awaken. Rise up, meet your fate." I
quickly realized that it wasn't the Fates that were speaking, but
something inside of me. I put it aside and focused on Them.
Do you remember your name?
I thought for a moment. At that point, I couldn't recall my name, but
for some reason, I trusted that soft, yet stern voice inside me. My name
was Richter.
I was asked my age, to which I answered, "Twenty-nine."
Do you remember your race?
Truth be told, I didn't yet remember my race. The voice inside me flared
up suddenly, wordlessly shrieking in rage. I was taken aback, and scared
out of my wits, but I mustered my courage. I remembered which races were present in Lusternia: the blue-skinned merian, the nature-loving elfen, and the devilish viscanti. There were those and more, but something
didn't feel quite right.
I had a moment where it felt like I lost control. The voice flared up
once again, almost answering the question without my consent. It was at
that moment I realized that it was something not my own, and that it was
not a benevolent spirit. Gritting my teeth, I shouted, "Human! I am...
My shout trailed off, the voice inside had receded back from whence it
came. I had even startled myself with my declaration. Humans were not
inherently evil, nor were they good. They are one of the races that is
born, taught, and raised in any environment. But I felt that what I had
almost blurted out was not something good. The voice had been quite
evil, and I struggled even at that moment for composure. It had gone,
but for how long?
The thing is, I lied to the Fates that day. I was most certainly not
human, but neither did I want to be what the malevolent spirit said I was. Though I feared it was correct: even then, I felt disembodied
memories flowing through me. Aggression, anger, hate, fear, and
Who was I? Was I some sort of terrible person? Why was there another
voice trying to direct me? And what of... my family? I remember the
loneliness, but it seemed like there was something after that. A wife
So many questions, but all of those were nearly insignificant to the
fact that the all-knowing Fates -let- me lie to Them. Surely They would
have known of my deception, but they let it go. The last thing I
remember before leaving the Fates were the three of Them, huddled
together over a single string: long, twisted in parts, and full of
color. The bottom of the string was beginning to split, and one of the
Fates held a pair of scissors, ready to snip off an end.
Then everything faded to black.
As I stepped through the portal on that fateful day, nothing was on my
mind but the situation before me. There I stood, before the Fates, my
soul bared before Them. My surroundings were hazy, my memory worse. A
voice spoke to me, "Richter... awaken. Rise up, meet your fate." I
quickly realized that it wasn't the Fates that were speaking, but
something inside of me. I put it aside and focused on Them.
Do you remember your name?
I thought for a moment. At that point, I couldn't recall my name, but
for some reason, I trusted that soft, yet stern voice inside me. My name
was Richter.
I was asked my age, to which I answered, "Twenty-nine."
Do you remember your race?
Truth be told, I didn't yet remember my race. The voice inside me flared
up suddenly, wordlessly shrieking in rage. I was taken aback, and scared
out of my wits, but I mustered my courage. I remembered which races were present in Lusternia: the blue-skinned merian, the nature-loving elfen, and the devilish viscanti. There were those and more, but something
didn't feel quite right.
I had a moment where it felt like I lost control. The voice flared up
once again, almost answering the question without my consent. It was at
that moment I realized that it was something not my own, and that it was
not a benevolent spirit. Gritting my teeth, I shouted, "Human! I am...
My shout trailed off, the voice inside had receded back from whence it
came. I had even startled myself with my declaration. Humans were not
inherently evil, nor were they good. They are one of the races that is
born, taught, and raised in any environment. But I felt that what I had
almost blurted out was not something good. The voice had been quite
evil, and I struggled even at that moment for composure. It had gone,
but for how long?
The thing is, I lied to the Fates that day. I was most certainly not
human, but neither did I want to be what the malevolent spirit said I was. Though I feared it was correct: even then, I felt disembodied
memories flowing through me. Aggression, anger, hate, fear, and
Who was I? Was I some sort of terrible person? Why was there another
voice trying to direct me? And what of... my family? I remember the
loneliness, but it seemed like there was something after that. A wife
So many questions, but all of those were nearly insignificant to the
fact that the all-knowing Fates -let- me lie to Them. Surely They would
have known of my deception, but they let it go. The last thing I
remember before leaving the Fates were the three of Them, huddled
together over a single string: long, twisted in parts, and full of
color. The bottom of the string was beginning to split, and one of the
Fates held a pair of scissors, ready to snip off an end.
Then everything faded to black.
Jasper2004-12-07 23:24:00
Richter's Little Prophecy
The clouds are gathering… the storm approaches… One will lose his soul…another will gain it… someone will die and be reborn. .. The darkness is gathering, and in the darkest hour, a choice will be made that could destroy a life… Spirits of the past haunt persons of the present… The future remains unwoven.
Yep, fun stuff
The clouds are gathering… the storm approaches… One will lose his soul…another will gain it… someone will die and be reborn. .. The darkness is gathering, and in the darkest hour, a choice will be made that could destroy a life… Spirits of the past haunt persons of the present… The future remains unwoven.
Yep, fun stuff
Richter2004-12-07 23:27:42
Hey, thanks for posting that guys! The prophecy was a bit dry, I know. It was on the spot RP! And... I imagined the thing with the fates almost like... the three of them chillin, kinda lit up with lights over them, and me in this hazy blackness. After all, they have to ask if I remember. I can't just look at myself, heh. That'd be too easy!
Aris2004-12-07 23:29:30
Ooh, ooh, ask me where I fit in. Ask!
Richter2004-12-08 05:30:28
You're adopted into the family. 

Richter2004-12-09 00:10:05
No idea someone had kept this...
From Jasper, who got it from Slythe, heh...
Richter Carthan says, "The megalith."
Silvenae says, "Just south of here."
Richter nods his head emphatically.
You follow Richter Carthan south to Centre of the Necropolis.
Silvenae arrives from the north.
Centre of the Necropolis.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above
everything here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. The Keeper of
the Megalith stands here radiating a tainted presence. A painting of
the Hall of Clans and Cartels is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. A
sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
There are 2 plague revenants here. Leaning on his bastard sword, an
Ur'guard Death Knight stands here. There are 3 malevolent demons here.
A huge archdemon looms here, surrounded by black mist. Voice of the
Day, Mordrin Reilar, Priest of Raezon is here. He wields a kite shield
in his left hand and a twisted staff in his right. Kaervas Arthardar,
the Planeswalker is here. He wields a kite shield in his left hand.
Fated Tranq, Apprentice of Nil is here. Ur'Guard Initiate, Khelendros
is here. Richter Carthan is here. He wields a shining mace in each
hand. Silvenae is here. Tainted Balan, Apprentice Geomancer is here.
Borwin is here.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Richter ponders the situation.
Richter Carthan says, "It feels so familiar."
The Megalith of Doom is a massive rock that fairly vibrates with pent
up power. Like festering wounds, cracks cut deep into the rock itself,
bleeding a thick viscous oil that coats its roughly hewn surface. The
oily substance swirls withdark, miasmic colours that cause putrid
fumes to rise up into the air, turning the atmosphere dingy and foul.
Bright colours bleed and cannot survive around the Megalith, for it is
the nexus of pure taint and its magnetic power sucks in all life and
clarity around it.
It weighs about 3750 pounds.
The Megalith of Doom is holding:
Richter Carthan says, "I've seen it before, when it was white."
Richter leans on you seeking consolation.
You stroke Richter's head in consolation.
Richter scratches his head looking for an idea.
Beren gives Richter the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
With a wistful look on his face, Richter touches the Megalith of Doom.
A dark tendril of energy reaches out from the Megalith of Doom,
tentatively winding around Richter's hand, before surging into an oily
stream which constricts around his arm and then his entire form.
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates asks Richter, "Really? You saw
the Stone of Truth.. where it had only existed around 120 years ago?"
You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.
Throwing back his head, Richter screams agonizingly.
Richter Carthan says, "No... I shouldn't have come!"
A moment later, as quickly as it came on, the dark power dissipates.
Centre of the Necropolis.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above
everything here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. The Keeper of
the Megalith stands here radiating a tainted presence. A painting of
the Hall of Clans and Cartels is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. A
sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
There are 2 plague revenants here. Leaning on his bastard sword, an
Ur'guard Death Knight stands here. There are 3 malevolent demons here.
A huge archdemon looms here, surrounded by black mist. Voice of the
Day, Mordrin Reilar, Priest of Raezon is here. He wields a kite shield
in his left hand and a twisted staff in his right. Silvenae is here.
Kaervas Arthardar, the Planeswalker is here. He wields a kite shield
in his left hand. Ur'Guard Initiate, Khelendros is here. Fated Tranq,
Apprentice of Nil is here. Tainted Balan, Apprentice Geomancer is
here. Borwin is here. Richter Carthan is here. He wields a shining
mace in each hand.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Richter Carthan starts to tremble slowly, as the wind suddenly whips
up around him.
Richter Carthan throws his head back and releases a primal scream.
Richter Carthan says, "The..."
Richter Carthan says, "Prophecy."
Richter Carthan says in a dark voice, "The power is gathering. The
time has come..."
Richter Carthan raises his arms above his head, and a black aura
descends upon him.
(Serenwilde): Richter says, "It is time! I'm free!"
Beren says, "Hey you.. step away from the Megalith."
Throwing back his head, Richter screams agonizingly.
Silvenae says to Beren, "Hushup."
Richter tilts his head back and bellows, forcing you to cover your
You are no longer stunned.
You wince in pain.
Richter Carthan says, "What... have I become..."
ex richter
He is an ordinary human and is surrounded by a deep black aura.
Nothing can be seen of him, save for a flickering outline. He is
wearing a leather skullcap, a pocketbelt, a silver stud through his
right eyebrow, a silver stud through his tongue, a pair of scaled
leggings, and a scaled jacket.
Borwin tells you, "What is happening?"
honours richter
Richter Carthan (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Gardener in the Forest of Serenwilde.
He holds the position of a Lodge Chief in the Serenguard.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
You tell Borwin, "I'm not exactly sure .. just keep watching is all I
can tell you."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith runs an outstretched finger along the
outer edge of the megalith.
Richter Carthan clutches at his head.
Richter Carthan falls to his knees abruptly.
Richter Carthan is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
You blink.
Borwin blinks.
Beren says, "Good riddance."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith looks about himself suspiciously.
You say, "Where'd he go?"
Silvenae rolls her eyes at Beren.
You give Beren the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "Path of Death."
Kaervas Arthardar, the Planeswalker says, "That was interesting to say
the least."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "Saw the Stone of Truth did he?"
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith chuckles long and heartily.
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "That is what he had
said, Keeper Ardrak."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "That name has no more meaning."
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "Of course, the Time of
Weakness is over."
honours richter
Shadow of a Carthan, Richter (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Gardener in the Forest of Serenwilde.
He holds the position of a Lodge Chief in the Serenguard.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
You suck thoughtfully on your teeth.
qwho rich
The dome of darkness surrounding Magnagora glows with power, releasing
clouds of black fumes into the air above.
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates asks Ardrak, Keeper of the
Megalith, "Do you have any.. conclusions what he meant by Prophecy?"
A spirited male voice shouts, "I'm finally free! The long years...
nothing could hold me back!"
You ponder the situation.
Shadow of a Carthan, Richter (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Gardener in the Forest of Serenwilde.
He holds the position of a Lodge Chief in the Serenguard.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "I'm afraid I don't.. but it
looks like he is about to tell you all."
(Serenwilde): Kazela says, "Free of what?"
(Serenwilde): You say, "We will soon find out, I believe.."
(Serenwilde): Faethan says, "Well Richter just left us."
Richter (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
(Serenwilde): Raiha says, "Lovely."
2004/10/31 21:35:37 - Richter quit the commune.
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "Sounds like the ravings of a
madman to me."
Beren says, "I agree."
Kaervas Arthardar, the Planeswalker says, "He can't handle the power
of the Taint it seems."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "No, he can't."
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "Aye, probably of lies
twisted into his mind by the Forestals and the Light of Ignorance."
Beren says, "A mere human."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "The Taint is a gift only for
those who deserve it."
Ur'Guard Initiate, Khelendros says, "I will work to be deserving."
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "Ah, he has joined the
path of Visaeris."
Richter (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
He is a member of the clan called 'The Disciples of Crow.'
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
I think when I left the commnue and joined Visaeris RIGHT away, thats some dodgy RP. It wasn't Visaeris who made him leave, but his own madness from that incident. Just happens that Visaeris talked to me about DoC as I was getting ready to RP it all. Not that you know that IC, heh... Special thanks to my favorite Divine for the help.
From Jasper, who got it from Slythe, heh...
Richter Carthan says, "The megalith."
Silvenae says, "Just south of here."
Richter nods his head emphatically.
You follow Richter Carthan south to Centre of the Necropolis.
Silvenae arrives from the north.
Centre of the Necropolis.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above
everything here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. The Keeper of
the Megalith stands here radiating a tainted presence. A painting of
the Hall of Clans and Cartels is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. A
sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
There are 2 plague revenants here. Leaning on his bastard sword, an
Ur'guard Death Knight stands here. There are 3 malevolent demons here.
A huge archdemon looms here, surrounded by black mist. Voice of the
Day, Mordrin Reilar, Priest of Raezon is here. He wields a kite shield
in his left hand and a twisted staff in his right. Kaervas Arthardar,
the Planeswalker is here. He wields a kite shield in his left hand.
Fated Tranq, Apprentice of Nil is here. Ur'Guard Initiate, Khelendros
is here. Richter Carthan is here. He wields a shining mace in each
hand. Silvenae is here. Tainted Balan, Apprentice Geomancer is here.
Borwin is here.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Richter ponders the situation.
Richter Carthan says, "It feels so familiar."
The Megalith of Doom is a massive rock that fairly vibrates with pent
up power. Like festering wounds, cracks cut deep into the rock itself,
bleeding a thick viscous oil that coats its roughly hewn surface. The
oily substance swirls withdark, miasmic colours that cause putrid
fumes to rise up into the air, turning the atmosphere dingy and foul.
Bright colours bleed and cannot survive around the Megalith, for it is
the nexus of pure taint and its magnetic power sucks in all life and
clarity around it.
It weighs about 3750 pounds.
The Megalith of Doom is holding:
Richter Carthan says, "I've seen it before, when it was white."
Richter leans on you seeking consolation.
You stroke Richter's head in consolation.
Richter scratches his head looking for an idea.
Beren gives Richter the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
With a wistful look on his face, Richter touches the Megalith of Doom.
A dark tendril of energy reaches out from the Megalith of Doom,
tentatively winding around Richter's hand, before surging into an oily
stream which constricts around his arm and then his entire form.
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates asks Richter, "Really? You saw
the Stone of Truth.. where it had only existed around 120 years ago?"
You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.
Throwing back his head, Richter screams agonizingly.
Richter Carthan says, "No... I shouldn't have come!"
A moment later, as quickly as it came on, the dark power dissipates.
Centre of the Necropolis.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above
everything here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. The Keeper of
the Megalith stands here radiating a tainted presence. A painting of
the Hall of Clans and Cartels is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. A
sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
There are 2 plague revenants here. Leaning on his bastard sword, an
Ur'guard Death Knight stands here. There are 3 malevolent demons here.
A huge archdemon looms here, surrounded by black mist. Voice of the
Day, Mordrin Reilar, Priest of Raezon is here. He wields a kite shield
in his left hand and a twisted staff in his right. Silvenae is here.
Kaervas Arthardar, the Planeswalker is here. He wields a kite shield
in his left hand. Ur'Guard Initiate, Khelendros is here. Fated Tranq,
Apprentice of Nil is here. Tainted Balan, Apprentice Geomancer is
here. Borwin is here. Richter Carthan is here. He wields a shining
mace in each hand.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Richter Carthan starts to tremble slowly, as the wind suddenly whips
up around him.
Richter Carthan throws his head back and releases a primal scream.
Richter Carthan says, "The..."
Richter Carthan says, "Prophecy."
Richter Carthan says in a dark voice, "The power is gathering. The
time has come..."
Richter Carthan raises his arms above his head, and a black aura
descends upon him.
(Serenwilde): Richter says, "It is time! I'm free!"
Beren says, "Hey you.. step away from the Megalith."
Throwing back his head, Richter screams agonizingly.
Silvenae says to Beren, "Hushup."
Richter tilts his head back and bellows, forcing you to cover your
You are no longer stunned.
You wince in pain.
Richter Carthan says, "What... have I become..."
ex richter
He is an ordinary human and is surrounded by a deep black aura.
Nothing can be seen of him, save for a flickering outline. He is
wearing a leather skullcap, a pocketbelt, a silver stud through his
right eyebrow, a silver stud through his tongue, a pair of scaled
leggings, and a scaled jacket.
Borwin tells you, "What is happening?"
honours richter
Richter Carthan (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Gardener in the Forest of Serenwilde.
He holds the position of a Lodge Chief in the Serenguard.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
You tell Borwin, "I'm not exactly sure .. just keep watching is all I
can tell you."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith runs an outstretched finger along the
outer edge of the megalith.
Richter Carthan clutches at his head.
Richter Carthan falls to his knees abruptly.
Richter Carthan is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
You blink.
Borwin blinks.
Beren says, "Good riddance."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith looks about himself suspiciously.
You say, "Where'd he go?"
Silvenae rolls her eyes at Beren.
You give Beren the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "Path of Death."
Kaervas Arthardar, the Planeswalker says, "That was interesting to say
the least."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "Saw the Stone of Truth did he?"
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith chuckles long and heartily.
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "That is what he had
said, Keeper Ardrak."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "That name has no more meaning."
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "Of course, the Time of
Weakness is over."
honours richter
Shadow of a Carthan, Richter (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Gardener in the Forest of Serenwilde.
He holds the position of a Lodge Chief in the Serenguard.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
You suck thoughtfully on your teeth.
qwho rich
The dome of darkness surrounding Magnagora glows with power, releasing
clouds of black fumes into the air above.
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates asks Ardrak, Keeper of the
Megalith, "Do you have any.. conclusions what he meant by Prophecy?"
A spirited male voice shouts, "I'm finally free! The long years...
nothing could hold me back!"
You ponder the situation.
Shadow of a Carthan, Richter (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Gardener in the Forest of Serenwilde.
He holds the position of a Lodge Chief in the Serenguard.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "I'm afraid I don't.. but it
looks like he is about to tell you all."
(Serenwilde): Kazela says, "Free of what?"
(Serenwilde): You say, "We will soon find out, I believe.."
(Serenwilde): Faethan says, "Well Richter just left us."
Richter (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
(Serenwilde): Raiha says, "Lovely."
2004/10/31 21:35:37 - Richter quit the commune.
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "Sounds like the ravings of a
madman to me."
Beren says, "I agree."
Kaervas Arthardar, the Planeswalker says, "He can't handle the power
of the Taint it seems."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "No, he can't."
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "Aye, probably of lies
twisted into his mind by the Forestals and the Light of Ignorance."
Beren says, "A mere human."
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "The Taint is a gift only for
those who deserve it."
Ur'Guard Initiate, Khelendros says, "I will work to be deserving."
Lord Silvanus Arthardar, of Dark Fates says, "Ah, he has joined the
path of Visaeris."
Richter (Male Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 25th of Estar, 71 years
after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 212th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Landloper in the Fellowship of Explorers
He is a member of the clan called 'The Disciples of Crow.'
His motto: 'There is always a dark hart to the forest.'
He is considered to be approximately 1335% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
I think when I left the commnue and joined Visaeris RIGHT away, thats some dodgy RP. It wasn't Visaeris who made him leave, but his own madness from that incident. Just happens that Visaeris talked to me about DoC as I was getting ready to RP it all. Not that you know that IC, heh... Special thanks to my favorite Divine for the help.
Hazar2004-12-09 00:11:51
Seeing Richter type, waiting for the post eagerly...
Edit: Nevermind, he beat me to it.
Edit: Nevermind, he beat me to it.
Hazar2004-12-09 00:16:21
Out of curiosity, could we beg to know who your Divine RP aide is?
Richter2004-12-09 00:29:42
If She wishes it to be known, She can post here, heh.
And I've already contracted another to help me with the next bit! They like to have some interesting, semi-scripted fun sometimes.
And I've already contracted another to help me with the next bit! They like to have some interesting, semi-scripted fun sometimes.

Hazar2004-12-09 00:35:04
...and it just occured to me that identifying Theirself would swamp them with requests. Thanks for answering, though.
Richter2004-12-09 00:41:43
Indeed it would. And They have other things to do, usually.
Unknown2004-12-09 12:21:48
QUOTE(Richter @ Dec 7 2004, 03:07 PM)
Draest is a tainted elfen, one of the first viscanti, as today's viscanti have wings, but they do not function.
*runs around in a circle trying to look behind herself for wings that arent there* not all of us have wings cause some of us arent tainted trill thingies -.-
Unknown2004-12-09 16:19:28
Thats some great RP. I'm very glad the banter after Richter had left was still good RP, rather than someone saying, "Omg, was he uysing illusions?" or breaking the RPing atmosphere. Good job. Maybe I'll be there for the next installment. :/
Richter2005-01-16 12:41:23
Funny, the next time I did something like that, when I was talking to Ardrak, Stangmar goes, Is ardrak broken????"
I'll post that log later.
I'll post that log later.