Unknown2004-12-16 02:19:13
As a young Serenguard, I cannot make up my mind as to which will suit me. From the files I've read, Blademastery induces much bleeding, but doesn't seem much else. Bonecrusher isn't that clear as to what it does. I'm wondering, what are the pros and cons of the two, and which is better for hunting (bashing)?
Unknown2004-12-16 02:58:18
I haven't gone into much indepth study of the two, but as a Bonecrusher I'll offer my two cents.
Bashing - doesn't make a difference given that the secondary wounding the specializations cause only come into play PvP.
Unless, of course, someone is positive that either bladed/blunt weapons are way better stats wise in terms of most damage in least time.
As far as PvP goes, my only real opinion is that yes, blademasters = bleeding, while bonecrushers have more of a tendency to put the opponent down/out of action - winding, knocking down.
That's all I can think of.
Personally, I'd say go with your roleplay. Gelthrae is a massive Igasho with a rather blunt, simple way of looking at things. Hence it followed he went with the blunt way of doing things.
Bashing - doesn't make a difference given that the secondary wounding the specializations cause only come into play PvP.
Unless, of course, someone is positive that either bladed/blunt weapons are way better stats wise in terms of most damage in least time.
As far as PvP goes, my only real opinion is that yes, blademasters = bleeding, while bonecrushers have more of a tendency to put the opponent down/out of action - winding, knocking down.
That's all I can think of.
Personally, I'd say go with your roleplay. Gelthrae is a massive Igasho with a rather blunt, simple way of looking at things. Hence it followed he went with the blunt way of doing things.
Unknown2004-12-16 03:56:05
I chose bonecrusher for similar roleplaying reasons. I am large and I like to smash things good!
Honestly, though, it seems as though blademaster and bonecrusher are fairly parallel in their ability to afflict massive amounts of pain and cause painful afflictions. They are not equal, but they match up nicely. You could go for slice-and-dice or smash-and-bash, hack off an ear/scalp/arm or crush a leg/arm/chest.
I see lots of folks choosing blademaster because they like the rapier or the broadsword. I enjoy the use of a good flail, mace, or morning star, myself.
Honestly, though, it seems as though blademaster and bonecrusher are fairly parallel in their ability to afflict massive amounts of pain and cause painful afflictions. They are not equal, but they match up nicely. You could go for slice-and-dice or smash-and-bash, hack off an ear/scalp/arm or crush a leg/arm/chest.
I see lots of folks choosing blademaster because they like the rapier or the broadsword. I enjoy the use of a good flail, mace, or morning star, myself.
Gwynn2004-12-16 08:45:01
I personally think Bonecrusher has a more interesting range of afflictions, and I also like the fact that (if you're lucky and time it right) you could break all 4 of your opponents limbs at once.
Also, most everyone takes blademaster, and I'd rather be unusual. Though I do note that most of the most publically famous good Knight fighters are bonecrushers (I did say most...I personally fear all those Ur'guard bonecrushers much more than their pansy blademaster equivalents).
Also, most everyone takes blademaster, and I'd rather be unusual. Though I do note that most of the most publically famous good Knight fighters are bonecrushers (I did say most...I personally fear all those Ur'guard bonecrushers much more than their pansy blademaster equivalents).
Gwynn2004-12-16 08:46:15
Oh yeah. Us bonecrushers ought to get things like the blademasters do with scalp and cutting off ears...we should be able to knock teeth out or something...
Murphy2004-12-16 09:50:30
Ooh i feel compelled to post here, personally I'm a bonie and I love it.
We get to give black eyes and bloody noses, as well as smushing someones limbs into a bloody stump.
As far as weapons go I love using flails (and previously maces) And my favopurite thing to do is hit someones limbs twice each, and then start random swinging and see what breaks.
Not only that but if you're feeling whorish you can hit someones legs over and over and knockthem to the ground and off balance, especially good if you're an aslaran.
We get to give black eyes and bloody noses, as well as smushing someones limbs into a bloody stump.
As far as weapons go I love using flails (and previously maces) And my favopurite thing to do is hit someones limbs twice each, and then start random swinging and see what breaks.
Not only that but if you're feeling whorish you can hit someones legs over and over and knockthem to the ground and off balance, especially good if you're an aslaran.
Unknown2004-12-16 10:15:47
I like that idea, Gwynn. Why shouldn't we get trophies, too?
On a side note, I think the HELP WEAPONS file is wrong. Flails are the big damage blunts, not morningstars. Found that out after a couple of attempts at forging a high-damage morning star

On a side note, I think the HELP WEAPONS file is wrong. Flails are the big damage blunts, not morningstars. Found that out after a couple of attempts at forging a high-damage morning star

Gwynn2004-12-16 11:17:32
Murphy is one of the ones I was referring to anyhow. The new Knight concept is great, I love it, but I honestly think in the long term, when the more strategically minded people start making Knights, more and more people will be bonecrushers.
Murphy2004-12-16 12:54:25
AND Thanks to thorgal I've just set up an awesome balance-tracking and attacking system....
He gave me the idea and i made it, now i hit with specific arms and all over the place....My system now for sale. 200 cr.
He gave me the idea and i made it, now i hit with specific arms and all over the place....My system now for sale. 200 cr.
Thorgal2004-12-16 13:27:17
Bonecrusher specialization definately outranks blademaster, both have their pro's and contras, but against a good curer, a blademaster is helpless, while a bonecrusher will rain down the hurt badly, fear the dreaded Knockdown and Wind...they can literally keep someone permanently off balance and prone.
Murphy2004-12-16 13:38:29
Heh unless you are fighting someone who constantly paralyses you and drains your mana to 0 *eye Thorgal*
And I agree to that, I love raining down the hurt. just need to play around with this little targetting thing a bit more.
And I agree to that, I love raining down the hurt. just need to play around with this little targetting thing a bit more.
Unknown2004-12-16 14:27:35
So far, an Aslaran ( which I intend to be ) Bludgeon would work just fine? Although I do say that Bludgeon does just jipped by the means of trophies. Would bludgeon work for a current human and is it good for bashing. When I was testing a club, it seemed that it barely effected anything, or did that have to do with the fact that it was just a wooden club?
Thorgal2004-12-16 15:04:07
Well, a mediocre race with a crappy weapon can hardly produce very effective results. For a warrior, I can recommend either furrikin or aslaran, they're equally effective...and anything with high strength, cause mediocre races will always be just that, mediocre at the best. Tho at the end, damage > speed. If you're taking 1000 damage per blow, thus 2K a round, the fight won't last very long, no matter how good your curing is.
Aajen2004-12-16 23:05:20
Bonecrusher afflictions are simply harder to cure for too many reasons to list... not with-standing that the balance arnica takes/requires seems to change every so often... *mumble* and caused a stupid trigger loop that made me apply over 1000 arnica *mumble*
Murphy2004-12-17 13:37:18
Yeah, fighting a bonecrusher is painful. I was doing 1800 a round to thorgal but he beat me a few times with paralyse whoring cause my paralyse triggers weren't working as I had intended, fixed em up now of course.
I'm just waiting to get my damage modifying arties on my flails, 50% fire damage to all those aslarans merians and mugwumps which have succectibilities to fire.....drool
I'm just waiting to get my damage modifying arties on my flails, 50% fire damage to all those aslarans merians and mugwumps which have succectibilities to fire.....drool
Thorgal2004-12-17 17:51:20
QUOTE(Murphy @ Dec 17 2004, 03:37 PM)
Yeah, fighting a bonecrusher is painful. I was doing 1800 a round to thorgal but he beat me a few times with paralyse whoring cause my paralyse triggers weren't working as I had intended, fixed em up now of course.
Pishposh, I owned yer arse after you fixed 'em

Daganev2004-12-17 23:32:23
blade masters when you hit their parry are much worse than bonecrushers... hate that bleeding. Annoying but not deadly.
A blade master slices you to bit, and impales you and does lots of bleeding
A bone crusher breaks limbs and generally slows down your ability to fight back. Aka Shieldsmash.
A blade master slices you to bit, and impales you and does lots of bleeding
A bone crusher breaks limbs and generally slows down your ability to fight back. Aka Shieldsmash.
Murphy2004-12-18 08:03:31
QUOTE(Thorgal @ Dec 18 2004, 03:51 AM)
Pishposh, I owned yer arse after you fixed 'em

Bah i beat you a few times as well

I fixed em up a bit more now, but grr I need more mana
Unknown2004-12-18 16:32:31
Just realized Brood Viscanti int is as low as Tae'dae. Hah.
The thing I dislike about being a Tae'dae Bonecrusher is that even with all the abilities designed to slow your opponent down (Fractured arms, wind, slapknuckle, knockdown...), they will still be able to recover from whatever it is before I am able to take advantage of their disability. Then again, I am only Fabled Bonecrusher.
The thing I dislike about being a Tae'dae Bonecrusher is that even with all the abilities designed to slow your opponent down (Fractured arms, wind, slapknuckle, knockdown...), they will still be able to recover from whatever it is before I am able to take advantage of their disability. Then again, I am only Fabled Bonecrusher.
Maedhros2004-12-18 22:01:05
Well, there's the coolness factor too. I know I'd rather erupt someone's intestines causing a slow and painful death by bowel pollution than breaking someone's arm.