Unknown2004-12-20 08:31:23
Wakabi birthing mounds.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The bright sun shines down,
blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Amid this corner of the wakabi pen,
are mounds of sand, each holding an incubating wakabi egg. Most of the tamed
wakabi stay respectfully away from this pit, though a few may wander in from
time to time to inspect the eggs. Mixed in with the sand are bits of shell from
previous wakabi births. Teaka Iborchi stands here, arms crossed and looming
over most other life forms. A tame wakabi lounges here, preening its feathers
without a care in the world.
You see exits leading east and south.
Today is the 1st of Shanthin, 105 years after the Coming of Estarra. The phase
of the moon is that of the Kawaii Crescent.
In your world it is Monday, the 20th of December, in the year 2004.
You give a pained sigh.
You blink.
say Waaaaiiiit a second.
You say, "Waaaaiiiit a second."
Today is the 1st of Shanthin, 105 years after the Coming of Estarra. The phase
of the moon is that of the Kawaii Crescent.
shout I really hate to ask like this, but I think there's a bug. With the phase of the moon? Please fix it?
You shout, "I really hate to ask like--"
Estarra tells you, "Silence, mortal. We're having some problems up here and-- OH NOOO--"
The voice of Estarra is abruptly cut off.
You blink.
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Ooh! Lusternia is so kyuuuuuuuuute!"
A dark shadow passes over the land as Fain, of the Red Masque's voice booms, "Begone, foul Soulless! You were banished to the seventies long ago!"
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Oh, Fain, you poo-poo head!"
Guardian Guido shouts, "What's going on here?"
A figure forms in the sky, with a very small body and a very large head. Its eyes shimmer like jewels as it points to the heavens. A stream of pink flower petals shoots from its finger.
The cheerful voice of Fain, Pretty Flower Boy sings out, "Oh! So kyuuuuuuuuuute!"
A feeling of dread and faint recognition passes over you.
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
honors fain
Fain, Pretty Flower Boy (Male Undead Chibi Immortal).
The circumstances of His beginnings are beyond your feeble understanding.
say Oh godsdamn.
You say, "Oh godsdamn."
Silvanus shouts, "No clue."
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Let's dance!"
Time flows mysteriously as Raezon's voice whispers, "Begone."
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Looks like you need a -hug-!"
A face vaguely resembling a balloon with two up arrows near the top appears in the sky. It blows a kiss towards the heavens.
Time flows mysteriously as Raezon's voice exclaims, "I will dance with You, Kawaii! Yes, I will! Yaaaaaay!"
Voice of the Forbidden Flame, Brona Feyranti, The Tainted Prophet shouts, "Dear Gods! Raezon!"
Fear creeps up your spine.
honors raezon
Raezon, the Forbidden (Male Chibi Immortal).
The circumstances of His beginnings are beyond your feeble understanding.
honors kawaii
A chill wind sweeps through you.
Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave (Female Chibi Soulless).
The circumstances of Her beginnings are the kind of thing nobody wants to know about.
say I'm going to regret this...
You say, "I'm going to regret this..."
shout What the bloody Nil is happening?
You shout, "What the bloody Nil is happening?"
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Ooh, swearing. Naughty naughty naughty."
A sunbeam flashes into the room, and within a moment Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave stands within the room.
look kawaii
She is a large-eyed chibi Immortal and stands at the height of about one foot. Her head is about as large as the rest of Her body, and Her hair is striped blue, pink, green, and many other colors you wouldn't normally find in hair. Her eyes are gargantuan, and She seems to be more 'drawn' than 'created'.
Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave exudes an aura of scariness.
Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave sings, "We'll just have to censor you... Wait. You're a swearing, violent, definitely non-anime character... Let's just turn you into a chibi."
Kawaii beams broadly.
You attempt to move, but Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave stands there. You find yourself unable to stomp on Her.
Kawaii presses her palms together and then gestures at you. Flower petals whirl about your head and you find yourself shrinking until Kawaii is of the same height as yourself.
You feel incredibly lightheaded and happy.
You are:
look me
She is a large-eyed chibi and is standing at the height of about one foot. Her skin is of a delicate tone of purple, and the black horns upon her head are twisted like corkscrews. Her large, blue eyes seem permanently fixed into a smile, and her mouth is open wide in a laugh. Her head seems every bit as large as her body, and an aura of extreme scariness exudes from her.
As you attempt to scream agonizingly, a laugh overtakes you and you giggle.
shout Reverse me, godsdammit!
You shout, "I love you, Kawaii! The Basin is so kyuuuuuuuuuuuuute!"
Kawaii beams broadly.
kick kawaii
You snuggle up close to Kawaii, smiling happily.
You exclaim, "You're the snuggliest!"
You grow still and begin to silently pray for preservation of your soul while
you are out of the land.
Kawaii sniffles softly.
Kawaii waves goodbye.
say to Kawaii F**k you.
You exclaim to Kawaii, "You're still kyuuuuute!"
Kawaii flashes you a joyous smile.
Kawaii hops about madly.
You feel your insides clench as your soul is frozen.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. The bright sun shines down,
blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Amid this corner of the wakabi pen,
are mounds of sand, each holding an incubating wakabi egg. Most of the tamed
wakabi stay respectfully away from this pit, though a few may wander in from
time to time to inspect the eggs. Mixed in with the sand are bits of shell from
previous wakabi births. Teaka Iborchi stands here, arms crossed and looming
over most other life forms. A tame wakabi lounges here, preening its feathers
without a care in the world.
You see exits leading east and south.
Today is the 1st of Shanthin, 105 years after the Coming of Estarra. The phase
of the moon is that of the Kawaii Crescent.
In your world it is Monday, the 20th of December, in the year 2004.
You give a pained sigh.
You blink.
say Waaaaiiiit a second.
You say, "Waaaaiiiit a second."
Today is the 1st of Shanthin, 105 years after the Coming of Estarra. The phase
of the moon is that of the Kawaii Crescent.
shout I really hate to ask like this, but I think there's a bug. With the phase of the moon? Please fix it?
You shout, "I really hate to ask like--"
Estarra tells you, "Silence, mortal. We're having some problems up here and-- OH NOOO--"
The voice of Estarra is abruptly cut off.
You blink.
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Ooh! Lusternia is so kyuuuuuuuuute!"
A dark shadow passes over the land as Fain, of the Red Masque's voice booms, "Begone, foul Soulless! You were banished to the seventies long ago!"
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Oh, Fain, you poo-poo head!"
Guardian Guido shouts, "What's going on here?"
A figure forms in the sky, with a very small body and a very large head. Its eyes shimmer like jewels as it points to the heavens. A stream of pink flower petals shoots from its finger.
The cheerful voice of Fain, Pretty Flower Boy sings out, "Oh! So kyuuuuuuuuuute!"
A feeling of dread and faint recognition passes over you.
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
honors fain
Fain, Pretty Flower Boy (Male Undead Chibi Immortal).
The circumstances of His beginnings are beyond your feeble understanding.
say Oh godsdamn.
You say, "Oh godsdamn."
Silvanus shouts, "No clue."
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Let's dance!"
Time flows mysteriously as Raezon's voice whispers, "Begone."
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Looks like you need a -hug-!"
A face vaguely resembling a balloon with two up arrows near the top appears in the sky. It blows a kiss towards the heavens.
Time flows mysteriously as Raezon's voice exclaims, "I will dance with You, Kawaii! Yes, I will! Yaaaaaay!"
Voice of the Forbidden Flame, Brona Feyranti, The Tainted Prophet shouts, "Dear Gods! Raezon!"
Fear creeps up your spine.
honors raezon
Raezon, the Forbidden (Male Chibi Immortal).
The circumstances of His beginnings are beyond your feeble understanding.
honors kawaii
A chill wind sweeps through you.
Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave (Female Chibi Soulless).
The circumstances of Her beginnings are the kind of thing nobody wants to know about.
say I'm going to regret this...
You say, "I'm going to regret this..."
shout What the bloody Nil is happening?
You shout, "What the bloody Nil is happening?"
A high-pitched voice sings across the lands, "Ooh, swearing. Naughty naughty naughty."
A sunbeam flashes into the room, and within a moment Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave stands within the room.
look kawaii
She is a large-eyed chibi Immortal and stands at the height of about one foot. Her head is about as large as the rest of Her body, and Her hair is striped blue, pink, green, and many other colors you wouldn't normally find in hair. Her eyes are gargantuan, and She seems to be more 'drawn' than 'created'.
Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave exudes an aura of scariness.
Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave sings, "We'll just have to censor you... Wait. You're a swearing, violent, definitely non-anime character... Let's just turn you into a chibi."
Kawaii beams broadly.
You attempt to move, but Kawaii, Spirit of the Japanese New Wave stands there. You find yourself unable to stomp on Her.
Kawaii presses her palms together and then gestures at you. Flower petals whirl about your head and you find yourself shrinking until Kawaii is of the same height as yourself.
You feel incredibly lightheaded and happy.
You are:
look me
She is a large-eyed chibi and is standing at the height of about one foot. Her skin is of a delicate tone of purple, and the black horns upon her head are twisted like corkscrews. Her large, blue eyes seem permanently fixed into a smile, and her mouth is open wide in a laugh. Her head seems every bit as large as her body, and an aura of extreme scariness exudes from her.
As you attempt to scream agonizingly, a laugh overtakes you and you giggle.
shout Reverse me, godsdammit!
You shout, "I love you, Kawaii! The Basin is so kyuuuuuuuuuuuuute!"
Kawaii beams broadly.
kick kawaii
You snuggle up close to Kawaii, smiling happily.
You exclaim, "You're the snuggliest!"
You grow still and begin to silently pray for preservation of your soul while
you are out of the land.
Kawaii sniffles softly.
Kawaii waves goodbye.
say to Kawaii F**k you.
You exclaim to Kawaii, "You're still kyuuuuute!"
Kawaii flashes you a joyous smile.
Kawaii hops about madly.
You feel your insides clench as your soul is frozen.
Unknown2004-12-20 08:50:28
Thing is, I could actually see that happening... you realize we're just giving Them ideas in case something like Anarchaea happens here, where we're stuck on backup servers for a week?
(and don't you mean the Basin is so kyuuuuuuuuuute, not Sapience?)
(and don't you mean the Basin is so kyuuuuuuuuuute, not Sapience?)
Unknown2004-12-20 09:33:39
I've been playing too much Aetolia.
Shoshana2004-12-20 10:24:53
You're a swearing, violent, definitely non-anime character...
Hehe, you haven't seen enough anime

I thought for a bit it was going to be the snuggly forestal God *shudder*
Unknown2004-12-20 10:45:22
Dunno why, but "Guardian Guido shouts, "What's going on here?"" reminds me of South Park the Movie, during the Asses of Fire Film.