Geb2004-12-25 16:34:23
Anyone able to supply the cure message for a slit throat? I've checked over my logs, and have never found the message received once it is cured.
Thorgal2004-12-25 20:57:57
Your breathe a sigh of relief as blood stops gushing from your throat.
Terenas2004-12-26 00:49:43
It'd be nice too if slit throat actually had a cure besides allheale. When I tested yesterday, sanguine wasn't curing it at all.
Geb2004-12-26 02:19:07
Thank you Thorgal.
Bah! So that is still not fixed. I bugged that while lusternia was still in open beta. Oh, it is cured by sweetfount too.
Bah! So that is still not fixed. I bugged that while lusternia was still in open beta. Oh, it is cured by sweetfount too.