Unknown2005-01-04 14:44:16
I'm currently trying to gather a bunch of information for a Lusternia website I'm putting together, mainly: skills, quests, SCRIPTS and triggers. So if you might have some useful scripts that somebody could benefit from I'd be in debt if you would put them in a reply message, email them to me at SugarAndTheSun@gmail.com, give them to me on my AOL name, SugarAndTheSun, or PM them to me. I'll give credit where needed of course.
Thank you!
I'm currently trying to gather a bunch of information for a Lusternia website I'm putting together, mainly: skills, quests, SCRIPTS and triggers. So if you might have some useful scripts that somebody could benefit from I'd be in debt if you would put them in a reply message, email them to me at SugarAndTheSun@gmail.com, give them to me on my AOL name, SugarAndTheSun, or PM them to me. I'll give credit where needed of course.
Thank you!
Unknown2005-01-04 14:53:59
The same exact post 4 times in 4 new threads, is a bit unnecessary, no?
Unknown2005-01-04 15:06:11
They each have a variation, similar but not the same. I wouldn't ask for scripts in the, hrm, can't remember the clever name for the non-combat, need help section etc. etc. It isn't hurtin' cha, if ya ain't have nuthin' kind tah say, don't say nuthin' t'all. 

Unknown2005-01-04 15:11:16
Capitalizing one word differently... right.
Unknown2005-01-04 15:15:58
Well gee, you're a bit cranky. I did change other things mind you, and each one was geared towards something different. It was convenient that I could just copy and paste it, now shoosh 

Amaru2005-01-04 19:06:15
Attention all Lusternians. Listen to this person and you're aiding the process of RUINING LUSTERNIA.
Whoever you are, go back to Achaea and ruin that even more. Handing out scripts and quest info, even to a degree Lusternian-specific system information is, in my opinion,
bad news 
Whoever you are, go back to Achaea and ruin that even more. Handing out scripts and quest info, even to a degree Lusternian-specific system information is, in my opinion,

Thorgal2005-01-04 19:36:13
Agreed, help people make their own curing, sell your system for a high amount of credits, so he doesn't just give it to everyone and their brother, but don't just give everything away.
Unknown2005-01-04 23:47:39
Wait, so it's ok to ruin it for lots of credits?
Hrm, ok then. I'm not giving away full systems either, I'm giving away things that are just convenient. I'm not -ruining- Lusternia. No more than people are who constantly drift OOC on CT or the ones who use i and LOL combined with 
If you're so concerned with your OOC drifting IC maybe you should recognize this as an OOC source. You're forgetting we have a map of the entire world on lusternia.com. I now know where the Basin of Life is although I've never been there. Hrm, same thing really. I'll also gladly let you know Achaea isn't 'ruined'. Nor Aetolia, despite what the populus says. Achaea was still full of RP potential when we had ALL the skills and quests up and running. It wasn't ruined until we started hitting 350+ people. Aetolia, the RP nightmare apparently, has all their skilsl posted as well. But we actually do manage to have decent RP. Best example yet would be Imperian- supposedly the best with RP. They ALSO have all their skills posted along with tiriggers, scripts and quests. I assure you, this isn't ruining Lusternia. It's the 439857395893 people who log on at the same time full of people who think this is EQ and find it clever to just demolish it with hac0r 1337 spexxk.
I'm not attempting to do anything against the rules, so rather than be mean why not say: Hey, mind not doing this for our sake? Go back to Achaea! How kind

If you're so concerned with your OOC drifting IC maybe you should recognize this as an OOC source. You're forgetting we have a map of the entire world on lusternia.com. I now know where the Basin of Life is although I've never been there. Hrm, same thing really. I'll also gladly let you know Achaea isn't 'ruined'. Nor Aetolia, despite what the populus says. Achaea was still full of RP potential when we had ALL the skills and quests up and running. It wasn't ruined until we started hitting 350+ people. Aetolia, the RP nightmare apparently, has all their skilsl posted as well. But we actually do manage to have decent RP. Best example yet would be Imperian- supposedly the best with RP. They ALSO have all their skills posted along with tiriggers, scripts and quests. I assure you, this isn't ruining Lusternia. It's the 439857395893 people who log on at the same time full of people who think this is EQ and find it clever to just demolish it with hac0r 1337 spexxk.
I'm not attempting to do anything against the rules, so rather than be mean why not say: Hey, mind not doing this for our sake? Go back to Achaea! How kind

Ethelon2005-01-05 00:22:14
I'm not attempting to do anything against the rules, so rather than be mean why not say: Hey, mind not doing this for our sake? Go back to Achaea! How kindÂ
Hey, mind not doing this for our sake?
Feel free to enjoy yourself in Lusternia, but this is not needed so please stop.
Unknown2005-01-05 00:50:59
Once more, this isn't ruining Lusternia, nor am I attempting to. What ruins Lusternia are the people who assume this is in-game material. What you all don't realise is that I'm currently ripping things out of my site for those of you who amply protest and say mean things 

Unknown2005-01-05 03:48:22
So how exactly can quest information be used besides in-game? Are people just going to sit back and go "Oh, I see - the horn really goes to that person. That's good quest writing"? NO! They're going to do the quest using the handouts you provide. The same goes for everything else.
You aren't providing anything that can, and should, be discovered only ICly.
You aren't providing anything that can, and should, be discovered only ICly.
Unknown2005-01-05 13:27:26
I completely agree that quests should not be posted. Skills are iffy, since it's always helpful to know how best to use the few lessons you have to spend. Scripts, however, should be posted all over and used by anyone who wishes. Tutorials are great for teaching people how to script for themselves, and that's definitely something I enjoy doing, but not everyone has the time or the patience to write their own scripts. Selling scripts for massive amounts of credits is akin to thievery in my opinion. I like to be compensated for my work, but let's be reasonable about it, eh?
Amaru2005-01-05 15:24:44
I'm finding it hard not to directly insult this guy. Stop making threads about your stupid site. If it ever gets made I hope it gets the crap hacked out of it like that Achaea one did. If you have an uncontrollable twitch to create websites, go make your own MUD.
Thorgal2005-01-05 15:57:10
QUOTE(Amaru @ Jan 5 2005, 05:24 PM)
I'm finding it hard not to directly insult this guy.
Me too, cept I'm not as tolerant, you are a retard Sugar, shoo.
Unknown2005-01-06 00:30:23
I'm perplexed as to hwo your quest argument has any sway at all, if you aren't aware I've long decided to not post quests or guild skills. I'm also curious why people are so mean lately, especially over a game. I've taken away everything that has made you mad initially and yet still you continue to bash me, why so mean, why not read? Or be constructive? The world has three main factors that is going to destroy it:
CGI, Rap, mean people
I mean, eegads.
EDIT: Also curious why nobody gets mad at Zarquan or the free triggers that are posted in the combat section.
CGI, Rap, mean people
I mean, eegads.
EDIT: Also curious why nobody gets mad at Zarquan or the free triggers that are posted in the combat section.
Unknown2005-01-06 08:08:33
If you post useful information that cannot be trivially gained in-game, then you are ruining part of the game and deserve every flame you get. If you post non-useful information, or information that can be trivially gained in-game, then you are contributing nothing but a whole lot of crappy posts and more than deserve some flames. There is no potential for gain here except for you shutting up and abandoning your project that never should have started.
What will destroy the world? Stupid people.
What will destroy the world? Stupid people.
Unknown2005-01-06 13:19:13
There have been topics on weather the scripts are good rp, and Zarquan at least has a way to make it so. However, without a specific person for rp, the website could never achieve such a thing.
Unknown2005-01-06 13:24:06
Even if people did get upset at me posting free scripts or charging credit fees for other scripts, it wouldn't stop me from doing so. I believe that what I do contributes to the game. I respect others' opinions, but only when they present a rational argument. Saying that this knowledge has not been gained IC and should not be given in the form of a script (in the case of combat reflexes) is not a rational argument.
The truth is that not everyone is an expert scripter and even some who are do not have the time to put together such scripts. This is why the ACP was free, and why the LCP will also some day be free.
Of course, giving out quest details, skill lists, or maps with all the secret rooms is just plain wrong. Lusternia's admins have gone out of their way to create a complex and mysterious world for us to explore, and we shouldn't ruin that mystery.
The truth is that not everyone is an expert scripter and even some who are do not have the time to put together such scripts. This is why the ACP was free, and why the LCP will also some day be free.
Of course, giving out quest details, skill lists, or maps with all the secret rooms is just plain wrong. Lusternia's admins have gone out of their way to create a complex and mysterious world for us to explore, and we shouldn't ruin that mystery.
Unknown2005-01-06 18:48:30
Scripts are fine, but scripts and scripting help exist in sufficient quantities. The best scripting guide right now is at google.com
Like I said, it'll be useless or horrible.
Like I said, it'll be useless or horrible.
Unknown2005-01-30 21:30:09
ACP helped turn Achaea into a meaningless void. Even its' original inceptor - Larkin - eventually agreed that they went a tad too far with it, and it was never meant to get to the stage it got to.
To Zarquan. You say:
And in the same post:
Isn't the combat system even more complex than the world's layout? And didn't Lusternia's admins go to great lengths to make it as complicated and intriguing as it is? Or it was sent in a package from Mars? Somehow it is okay to not be an expert explorer and not have the time to discover every quest there is, but it is absolutely not okay to not be an expert scripter and not have the time to write your own combat system. Apparently, for you, enjoying the complexities of the world's geography and quests lies in discovering and exploring those complexities on your own, while enjoying the complexities of the world's combat lies in grabbing a combat system off of someone's web site and using it to gain advantage over others. Lets be consistent and adopt the latter view by saying that the only way to enjoy the game is to leech all the quest info and run around in circles completing quests and hacking up the credit prices.
To Zarquan. You say:
Of course, giving out quest details, skill lists, or maps with all the secret rooms is just plain wrong. Lusternia's admins have gone out of their way to create a complex and mysterious world for us to explore, and we shouldn't ruin that mystery.
And in the same post:
The truth is that not everyone is an expert scripter and even some who are do not have the time to put together such scripts. This is why the ACP was free, and why the LCP will also some day be free.
Isn't the combat system even more complex than the world's layout? And didn't Lusternia's admins go to great lengths to make it as complicated and intriguing as it is? Or it was sent in a package from Mars? Somehow it is okay to not be an expert explorer and not have the time to discover every quest there is, but it is absolutely not okay to not be an expert scripter and not have the time to write your own combat system. Apparently, for you, enjoying the complexities of the world's geography and quests lies in discovering and exploring those complexities on your own, while enjoying the complexities of the world's combat lies in grabbing a combat system off of someone's web site and using it to gain advantage over others. Lets be consistent and adopt the latter view by saying that the only way to enjoy the game is to leech all the quest info and run around in circles completing quests and hacking up the credit prices.