Hazar2005-01-15 02:09:20
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>sc
Vestera, the Dreamweaver
Sex : Female Race : Noncorpeus Immortal
Level : 98 (94%) Rank : Getting close to the triple-digits!
Health : 5000/5000 Endurance : 5/5
Mana : 6000/6000 Willpower : 7000/7000
Ego : 6000/6000 Reserves : 101%
You are a Planeswalker in the Fellowship of Explorers
You are a member of the clan called 'Vernal Gods.'
You are Eternal.
You were born on the 16th of Long Ago, 8,000 years before the Coming of Estarra.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>ql
Club Vernal
A long bar stretches from horizon to horizon here, it's end unseen in the depths of infinity. Tables stretch out in all directions, most occupied by a Vernal God or two, some drunk, some merely tipsy. A disco ball hangs here, suspended from the ceiling, pulsing with a bewildering light. Juliana, the Evenhanded, stands here behind the bar. Klangratch, the Axe of War sits on a bar stool here. Tzariziko, the Enigmatic lies here on the floor, sleeping. D'varsha, the First, sits here on a bar stool. Kiakoda, the Guardian of the Green, sits on a bar stool here. Dionamus, the Healer, sits here on a bar stool. Urlach, Master of Death, sits here on a bar stool.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Olidammara says, "I'm going to kill myself a Soulless God! Who's with me?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>roll
You roll your eyes.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Pelor says, "Count me in."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Yondalla says, "Me too!"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Hextor says, "Ditto. I'm coming."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): D'varsha says, "Aren't you going to...think about it s'more?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>sigh
You give a pained sigh.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Olidammara says, "Why should we? They're only ancient creatures who have specialized in destroying life for eons. Can't be that hard. I think the reason you old-timers haven't wiped them out is because you haven't really tried."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach raises an eyebrow questioningly.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach says, "Is this guy for real?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Pelor says, "Yep. Olidammara sums it up nicely."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch snorts.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Cuthbert says, "Club target?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Juliana says, "Me."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana is surrounded by swirling motes of light.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert arrives from the ether.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert bows deeply.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St Cuthbert says, "Thank you, fair lady."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert stoops and kisses Juliana gallantly on the hand.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch tells you, "This guy is getting it."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War, says, "Excuse me. Would you kindly neglect from pursuing Ms. Juliana in the future?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert snorts arrogantly.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach, Master of Death raises an eyebrow questioningly.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert says, "You can't hog all the women to yourself, shortie."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War roars with anger.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War stands up from a barstool.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach tells you, "Bad idea. Never insult a dwarf. Especially not a big shiny one."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War, begins to wield an shining vernal axe in his right hand.
Klangratch, the Axe of War, begins to wield an shining vernal axe in his left hand.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Illith tells you, "What'dya say we go kick some vernal a**?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Illith tells you, "Mischan."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War slices into St. Cuthbert's chest with a shining vernal axe.
Klangratch, the Axe of War slices into St. Cuthbert's chest with a shining vernal axe.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert raises a hand a smites Klangratch, the Axe of War with vernal power.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach, Master of Death raises a hand and smites St. Cuthbert with vernal power.
St. Cuthbert has been slain by Urlach, Master of Death.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana pouts prettily.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana says, "Now why'd you do that? We need all the gods we can get."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach sighs wearily.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach waves a hand over the corpse of St. Cuthbert and a spark of power drifts down to the body's chest. A moment later, the corpse stands up straight, a ghoul with no distinguishing features.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach says, "Better?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana smiles and says, "No."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha chuckles heartily.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Crazen, the Soulless has been imprisoned in a giant hole by Shanth of the Quiet Mind.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha leaps up from his chair.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha says, "I'll look into that."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha vanishes in a flash of light. Sometimes it's good to be a newbie!
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha, the First arrives from the ether, followed by Shanth of the Quiet Mind.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>analyse shanth
He is:
High on sugar.
High on caffeine.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>raise
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Shanth bounces about, twitching, clearly in a hyperactive state.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha says, "Alright, this is Shanth. Everybody, Shanth. Shanth, everybody.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian of the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Shanth says, "Hi-how-are-you-it's-so-nice-to-meet-you-all-does-this-place-serve-Jolt?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Olidammara has been slain by the might of Illith, the Leviathan.
Pelor has been slain by the might of Illith, the Leviathan.
Hextor has been slain by the might of Illith, the Leviathan.
Yondalla has been slain by the might of Illith, the Leviathan.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kord has been slain by the might of Kethuru, the Allmighty.
Heinreneous has been slain by the might of Kethuru, the Allmighty.
Obad-hai has been slain by the might of Kethuru, the Allmighty.
Wee Jas has been slain by the might of Kethuru, the Allmighty.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach lets out a long whistle.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana winces in pain.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian of the Green sniffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Shanth bounces about, twitching, clearly in a hyperactive state.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Tzaraziko wakes up, spreading her arms wide.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Tzaraziko tells you, "Did I miss anything?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>clwho
Tzaraziko, the Enigmatic.
D'varsha, the First.
Urlach, Master of Death.
Shanth, of the Quiet Mind.
Kiakoda, Guardian of the Green.
Juliana, the Evenhanded.
Dionamus, the Healer.
Klangratch, the Axe of War.
Vestera, the Dreamweaver
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha says, "You know, at this rate, we're going to be the only nine left."
Vestera, the Dreamweaver
Sex : Female Race : Noncorpeus Immortal
Level : 98 (94%) Rank : Getting close to the triple-digits!
Health : 5000/5000 Endurance : 5/5
Mana : 6000/6000 Willpower : 7000/7000
Ego : 6000/6000 Reserves : 101%
You are a Planeswalker in the Fellowship of Explorers
You are a member of the clan called 'Vernal Gods.'
You are Eternal.
You were born on the 16th of Long Ago, 8,000 years before the Coming of Estarra.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>ql
Club Vernal
A long bar stretches from horizon to horizon here, it's end unseen in the depths of infinity. Tables stretch out in all directions, most occupied by a Vernal God or two, some drunk, some merely tipsy. A disco ball hangs here, suspended from the ceiling, pulsing with a bewildering light. Juliana, the Evenhanded, stands here behind the bar. Klangratch, the Axe of War sits on a bar stool here. Tzariziko, the Enigmatic lies here on the floor, sleeping. D'varsha, the First, sits here on a bar stool. Kiakoda, the Guardian of the Green, sits on a bar stool here. Dionamus, the Healer, sits here on a bar stool. Urlach, Master of Death, sits here on a bar stool.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Olidammara says, "I'm going to kill myself a Soulless God! Who's with me?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>roll
You roll your eyes.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Pelor says, "Count me in."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Yondalla says, "Me too!"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Hextor says, "Ditto. I'm coming."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): D'varsha says, "Aren't you going to...think about it s'more?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>sigh
You give a pained sigh.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Olidammara says, "Why should we? They're only ancient creatures who have specialized in destroying life for eons. Can't be that hard. I think the reason you old-timers haven't wiped them out is because you haven't really tried."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach raises an eyebrow questioningly.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach says, "Is this guy for real?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Pelor says, "Yep. Olidammara sums it up nicely."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch snorts.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Cuthbert says, "Club target?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Juliana says, "Me."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana is surrounded by swirling motes of light.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert arrives from the ether.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert bows deeply.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St Cuthbert says, "Thank you, fair lady."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert stoops and kisses Juliana gallantly on the hand.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch tells you, "This guy is getting it."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War, says, "Excuse me. Would you kindly neglect from pursuing Ms. Juliana in the future?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert snorts arrogantly.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach, Master of Death raises an eyebrow questioningly.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert says, "You can't hog all the women to yourself, shortie."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War roars with anger.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War stands up from a barstool.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach tells you, "Bad idea. Never insult a dwarf. Especially not a big shiny one."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War, begins to wield an shining vernal axe in his right hand.
Klangratch, the Axe of War, begins to wield an shining vernal axe in his left hand.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Illith tells you, "What'dya say we go kick some vernal a**?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Illith tells you, "Mischan."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Klangratch, the Axe of War slices into St. Cuthbert's chest with a shining vernal axe.
Klangratch, the Axe of War slices into St. Cuthbert's chest with a shining vernal axe.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
St. Cuthbert raises a hand a smites Klangratch, the Axe of War with vernal power.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach, Master of Death raises a hand and smites St. Cuthbert with vernal power.
St. Cuthbert has been slain by Urlach, Master of Death.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana pouts prettily.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana says, "Now why'd you do that? We need all the gods we can get."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach sighs wearily.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach waves a hand over the corpse of St. Cuthbert and a spark of power drifts down to the body's chest. A moment later, the corpse stands up straight, a ghoul with no distinguishing features.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach says, "Better?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana smiles and says, "No."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha chuckles heartily.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Crazen, the Soulless has been imprisoned in a giant hole by Shanth of the Quiet Mind.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha leaps up from his chair.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha says, "I'll look into that."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha vanishes in a flash of light. Sometimes it's good to be a newbie!
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha, the First arrives from the ether, followed by Shanth of the Quiet Mind.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>analyse shanth
He is:
High on sugar.
High on caffeine.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>raise
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Shanth bounces about, twitching, clearly in a hyperactive state.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha says, "Alright, this is Shanth. Everybody, Shanth. Shanth, everybody.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian of the Green snuffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Shanth says, "Hi-how-are-you-it's-so-nice-to-meet-you-all-does-this-place-serve-Jolt?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Olidammara has been slain by the might of Illith, the Leviathan.
Pelor has been slain by the might of Illith, the Leviathan.
Hextor has been slain by the might of Illith, the Leviathan.
Yondalla has been slain by the might of Illith, the Leviathan.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kord has been slain by the might of Kethuru, the Allmighty.
Heinreneous has been slain by the might of Kethuru, the Allmighty.
Obad-hai has been slain by the might of Kethuru, the Allmighty.
Wee Jas has been slain by the might of Kethuru, the Allmighty.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Urlach lets out a long whistle.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Juliana winces in pain.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Kiakoda, Guardian of the Green sniffs some crack.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Shanth bounces about, twitching, clearly in a hyperactive state.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Tzaraziko wakes up, spreading her arms wide.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Tzaraziko tells you, "Did I miss anything?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>clwho
Tzaraziko, the Enigmatic.
D'varsha, the First.
Urlach, Master of Death.
Shanth, of the Quiet Mind.
Kiakoda, Guardian of the Green.
Juliana, the Evenhanded.
Dionamus, the Healer.
Klangratch, the Axe of War.
Vestera, the Dreamweaver
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
D'varsha says, "You know, at this rate, we're going to be the only nine left."
Shiri2005-01-15 02:18:55
...I like how all the D&D Gods ended up in there. I've been waiting for Cuthbert to get smacked for years. Sucky name for a God, is that. 

Unknown2005-01-15 02:25:54
Good. Very good.
Hazar2005-01-15 02:38:49
I wrote most of this back in December - just stumbled upon it and finished it up.
Unknown2005-01-15 03:36:13
Not as funny as Guido's, but still quite amusing. 

Hazar2005-01-15 03:38:44
Trying to make a log as funny as Guido's is like trying to be a more successful conquerer then Alexander the Great.
Richter2005-01-15 03:49:10
(Vernal Gods): Cuthbert says, "Club target?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Juliana says, "Me."
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
(Vernal Gods): Juliana says, "Me."
Nika2005-01-15 04:52:49
QUOTE(Hazar @ Jan 15 2005, 10:09 AM)
Tzariziko wakes up, spreading her arms wide.
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Tzariziko tells you, "Did I miss anything?"
Sabriel2005-02-05 22:42:59
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Illith tells you, "What'dya say we go kick some vernal a**?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Illith tells you, "Mischan
heheh, nice!
Illith tells you, "What'dya say we go kick some vernal a**?"
5000h, 6000m, 50e, 10p ex>
Illith tells you, "Mischan
heheh, nice!
Gaetele2005-02-06 00:54:03
Tzaraziko, the Enigmatic.
D'varsha, the First.
Urlach, Master of Death.
Shanth, of the Quiet Mind.
Kiakoda, Guardian of the Green.
Juliana, the Evenhanded.
Dionamus, the Healer.
Klangratch, the Axe of War.
Vestera, the Dreamweaver
I win.
D'varsha, the First.
Urlach, Master of Death.
Shanth, of the Quiet Mind.
Kiakoda, Guardian of the Green.
Juliana, the Evenhanded.
Dionamus, the Healer.
Klangratch, the Axe of War.
Vestera, the Dreamweaver
I win.
Shiri2005-02-06 00:54:58
I always want to put Tzazariko.
Unknown2005-02-07 00:55:25
QUOTE(Hazar @ Jan 15 2005, 02:09 AM)
D'varsha vanishes in a flash of light. Sometimes it's good to be a newbie!