ravin2005-01-20 03:03:59
Ok ICLY I'm selling off prized tourmented spectre flails, which I just bought.
stats are 160-158-162 and 158-157-160
276 months of usefullness and they will come with 2 vials of charybdon or any other venom you desire.
I'm posting it here because a lot of you read this. to forge them it cost between 100-150 credits in costs, not to mention time spent, Im not going to reveal what I paid for them.
I'm asking a mere 70 credits for them. fist sigil included. contact me in game
PS: sorry to anyone who gets offended here by my advertising.
(I bought them because I was going to try something tricky with illusions but it didn't work out)
stats are 160-158-162 and 158-157-160
276 months of usefullness and they will come with 2 vials of charybdon or any other venom you desire.
I'm posting it here because a lot of you read this. to forge them it cost between 100-150 credits in costs, not to mention time spent, Im not going to reveal what I paid for them.
I'm asking a mere 70 credits for them. fist sigil included. contact me in game
PS: sorry to anyone who gets offended here by my advertising.
(I bought them because I was going to try something tricky with illusions but it didn't work out)
Daganev2005-01-20 05:59:15
You know, I think I use to own those...
silimaur2005-03-08 09:43:46
i wish i could get broadswords with those stats..
Ceres2005-03-08 13:11:10
Damn thread necro-ers.
So, you ever manage to sell them?
So, you ever manage to sell them?
silimaur2005-03-08 13:21:32
never thought to ask that...as an afterthought ceres did you go blademaster or bonecrusher
Ceres2005-03-08 14:05:46
Bonecrusher, of course.
Alef2005-03-08 14:43:04
QUOTE(silimaur @ Mar 8 2005, 09:43 AM)
i wish i could get broadswords with those stats..
I had a Broadsword with 171 Damage, 150 something speed and 140-odd to-hit.
Wasn't a masterwork weapon either.
Edit here it is
It is a one-handed weapon.
Damage: 171 To-hit: 144 Speed: 159
A steel broadsword has the following venoms or magical effects on it:
Ixion2005-03-08 17:16:02
QUOTE(silimaur @ Mar 8 2005, 04:43 AM)
i wish i could get broadswords with those stats..
I have two broadswords, with better stats. So.. you can get them if you are prepared to reforge a billion times
Unknown2005-03-08 17:21:50
Ravin, I have better overall flails then those. and IXion is right
Richter2005-03-08 17:59:23
How many tries does it take to get amazing stats? And what was the max number again?
I think I'm going to make a new design, and spend a few hours tonight making me new weapons...
I think I'm going to make a new design, and spend a few hours tonight making me new weapons...
Ixion2005-03-08 18:08:37
It depends on your luck Richter. Max number to be great runed is 463 base (not including forging runes). If you dont plan on great runing, then any number higher is fine. 480 more or less is superb for non-runed weapons.
Alef2005-03-08 18:10:29
QUOTE(Ixion @ Mar 8 2005, 06:08 PM)
It depends on your luck Richter. Max number to be great runed is 463 base (not including forging runes). If you dont plan on great runing, then any number higher is fine. 480 more or less is superb for non-runed weapons.
The 480 being suberb is that for Masterwork weapons? If so I regret giving my Swords away.

Ixion2005-03-08 18:14:35
it's not impossibly hard to get over 480, but it is a nice number to shoot for. 160/160/160 is 480, and considered to be a very good weapon. Usually you get one very nice stat, one that's average, then one crappy one.. Which translates into- ravin's flails are very nice.
Richter2005-03-08 20:13:15
And overpriced.
Marcalo2005-04-05 15:23:01
both my broadswords are 160+ on each stat before forging runes
Ekard2005-04-05 20:03:01
QUOTE(marcalo @ Apr 5 2005, 05:23 PM)
both my broadswords are 160+ on each stat before forging runes
Nice swords!
How much you pay for them or mayby you forged them yourself?