Unknown2005-01-22 15:46:24
Shiri2005-01-22 15:47:37
Oh, I can SO see Isune doing that. OMG that's such a cute mental image.

Isune2005-01-22 19:22:23
It would not, however, be the Magic Schoolbus. Maybe one of those crazed 70s-80s style things with all of the beautifully mismatched colours and rampant symbolism of peace and Environmentalism X-TREME 3000k (Because, obviously, putting a big number on it implies that it is the way of the future. With smiley faces!

Shiri2005-01-22 19:25:18
...aw. Are You SURE it wouldn't be the magic schoolbus? I so thought it would be. 

Jack2005-01-22 19:26:14
Shiri2005-01-22 19:34:24
Yeah, Fain would have the kickarse black one Jack posted.
Raezon's too cool for that lame blue one though.
And I didn't know Isune was a hippy! With the flashy colour one and stuff! I still say Magic Schoolbus.
Raezon's too cool for that lame blue one though.

And I didn't know Isune was a hippy! With the flashy colour one and stuff! I still say Magic Schoolbus.
Jack2005-01-22 19:35:01
Shiri2005-01-22 19:43:07
I know it is, it's still lame.
And OMG. I SWEAR I have driven past that car in Newcastle once. Along with that freaky bear made out of flowers they have on a roundabout somewhere. Freaky. (Watch out for Lisaera though, She hates being called a hippy.)
And OMG. I SWEAR I have driven past that car in Newcastle once. Along with that freaky bear made out of flowers they have on a roundabout somewhere. Freaky. (Watch out for Lisaera though, She hates being called a hippy.)
Jack2005-01-22 19:44:36
Raguel2005-01-22 20:58:46
raezon would drive a huge black mustang with power oozing out from every hubcap (like the american muscle car in 2fast 2furious) with blue thunderbolts painted down the doors and a great throbbing engine sticking out of the bonet
Lisaera2005-01-22 22:08:50
I'd be angry but that car just looks so cool!
Raguel2005-01-22 22:17:58
so no hippy wagons and flower power references?
What about Auseklis? I SWEAR he reminds me of the hippy-conspiricy theory-druggie-alien obsessee off gta san andreas - but yet driving something slow and sturdy that went 3000 miles to the pint and ran on a home brew of stern brown gloop that can strip paint at 300 metres and eats everything except glass.
for lisarea i'd have to put you into something small and pretty racy - oooh i know!! that sexy new red mazda thingy with the rotary engine
What about Auseklis? I SWEAR he reminds me of the hippy-conspiricy theory-druggie-alien obsessee off gta san andreas - but yet driving something slow and sturdy that went 3000 miles to the pint and ran on a home brew of stern brown gloop that can strip paint at 300 metres and eats everything except glass.
for lisarea i'd have to put you into something small and pretty racy - oooh i know!! that sexy new red mazda thingy with the rotary engine


Unknown2005-01-23 01:18:07
Estarra would ride around in a giant carriage.
Shiri2005-01-23 01:29:18
Well just to be constructive, I imagine Raezon would be in that freaky thing which was like a double-decker car, all black, with tonnes of contraptions all over it. Only it had mice in it in the book, so this one would be a lot darker, and the contraptions would have spikes on. If I could remember the name of the book this wouldn't sound so bad, honest.
Unknown2005-01-23 01:30:48
I can see Terentia in a red pickup truck.
Unknown2005-01-23 01:33:14
Isune, You would actually drive This
Estarra would drive...http://www.countryadventures.us/img-large/black-carriage.jpg
Raezon would actually probably drive a fancy car with tinted windows. And he'd wander around in all black and talk in a deep voice.
Lacostian wouldn't drive anywhere. He'd teleport.
I still insist that Fain would, in fact, drive a hearse. With the corpse of me in it.
Estarra would drive...http://www.countryadventures.us/img-large/black-carriage.jpg
Raezon would actually probably drive a fancy car with tinted windows. And he'd wander around in all black and talk in a deep voice.
Lacostian wouldn't drive anywhere. He'd teleport.
I still insist that Fain would, in fact, drive a hearse. With the corpse of me in it.
Nika2005-01-23 04:02:10
I personally think Raezon would drive this: The Book Mobile of Extreme Evil 

Unknown2005-01-23 04:48:07
Unknown2005-01-23 04:50:03
QUOTE(Guido Flagg @ Jan 23 2005, 05:48 PM)
Are those light cross-things real? Or are they just computerized?
Unknown2005-01-23 04:53:22
QUOTE(Zaltan @ Jan 22 2005, 10:50 PM)
Are those light cross-things real? Or are they just computerized?
Real, I think; the car is painted bright gold.