Question about background colors

by Rauros

Back to Common Grounds.

Rauros2005-01-31 04:47:30
Just saw a message on CT that had a maroon background (a citizen of delport was under attack). When did they start implementing backgrounds? And is it possible to config coloured backgrounds for other things?
Daganev2005-01-31 08:06:43
Config colour setting backgrounds does not work, might have been a trigger of yours.
Rauros2005-01-31 12:13:56
To my knowledge, none of my triggers can make a colored background... I'll go back and check though.

UPDATE: Checked my triggers, I have none that make colored backgrounds. However an interesting note, I recently changed the citytells background colour to 1 (maroon). And now when there's an attack on one of the villages (or just Delport...) it appears with maroon background.

Now there's an attack on Delport. I changed the background color on citytells to 3, and look! It's green background...

I don't know why this is occuring... maybe it's a bug.