Unknown2005-02-02 02:54:30
I'm looking for someone who is active in both realms and would be interested in gaining 90 aetolian credits for giving me 80 lusterina credits. If you are interested send me an ingame message or post here
Amaru2005-02-02 13:41:53
Ya, I have 360 creds tied up in Achaea I don't want too
In case anyone needs Achaean creds, and has 360 spare in Lusternia.

Unknown2005-02-04 13:13:47
But tell me instead of Amaru. If I get them traded, I getta keep 60.
stagar2005-02-17 00:15:24
i've got some Aetolian credits i'm trying to get rid of for Lusternia ones. Send me a MSG or a PM if you are interested. Stagar is the charecter for Lusternia obviously.
Unknown2005-02-18 19:58:27
I've also got somewhere in the region of 200 Aetolian Credits that I'd like to exchange for Lusternian, but don't want to muscle in on Segial! Ask him first and when he's run out, give me a call.
Llexyn2005-04-21 00:06:29
I've got about 70 Aetolian credits sitting on one of my chars that I'd like to exchange for Lusternian ones. If you're interested, send me a PM. 

Unknown2005-04-21 04:02:42
So many people want Lusternian credits in exchange for Aetolia ones. Due to the supply versus demand ratio, you'll have to offer a more favorable exchange then 1 to 1 if you hope to offload them.
Llexyn2005-04-21 05:29:21
Hey, I'm willing to exchange my 70 credits in Aetolia for at least 50 in Lusternia.
Compromises can be fun.
Compromises can be fun.

Hajamin2005-04-21 05:34:50
Shouldn't it be more like 50 Aetolian credits per 1 Lusternian credit?
Asmoth2005-04-25 17:41:56
QUOTE(Hajamin @ Apr 21 2005, 01:34 AM)
Shouldn't it be more like 50 Aetolian credits per 1 Lusternian credit?
Um.. That's a worse exchange rate then american dollars to baht (Thailands money)
Probably like 3-1 would be fair I think.