Anarias2005-02-04 07:20:17
Cosmic Enchantments
Items are enchanted to give them charges of particular spells. Each time you use the enchantment it subtracts one charge from the item until it hits zero. When you run out of a charge you can have the item reenchanted. Contact me in game for prices.
Rings        10 charges
Bracelets      20 charges
Necklaces      30 charges
Heirlooms      40 charges
Wands        50 charges
Crowns        70 charges
Pentagram      Protect yourself from attacks.
Void         Destroy magical shields.
Deathsight      See ripples in the cosmos of life.
Window        Locate another player.
Waterwalk      Walk upon the water's surface.
Kingdom       This special ray of Malkuth clots blood in the body.
Fear         Conjure up primal fear.
Enfeeble       Shrivel the muscles of your foe.
Diminish       Make a person shrink.
Beauty        This special ray of Netzach regenerates the ego.
Enlarge       Make a person grow.
Web         Bind someone in a web.
Sleep        Put your enemy to sleep.
Acquisitio      Unconsciously pick up things around you.
Perfection      This special ray of Tipheret regenerates mana.
Mercy        This special ray of Gedulah regenerates health.
Fist         Attach to items to prevent them from being dropped.
Flame        Attach to things you dont want going anywhere.
Key         Lock the doors behind you.
Eye         Stop souls from entering the room.
Monolith       Prevents forms of magical travel i.e. teleport, summon.
Greatrobes - Enchanting Greatrobes is similar to forging. Robes are enchanted to raise the stats of the robes which function as armour until the robes can't be enchanted further. Results vary.
Dimensionpockets - Dimensional pockets work by enchanting a belt, a bag or a deck to make them into pocketbelts, runebags and tarot decks respectively. For example, a plain deck will hold four tarot cards by putting the cards into the deck. Once enchanted into a tarot deck the deck will hold considerably more cards by indecking them.
Curse - Cursing armour, jewelery and clothing makes it impossible to remove the items from your body. Useful for dealing with vestiphobia and theft protection.
Statues - Bonding to a statue costs a fair deal of power. Once bonded, the enchanter can affix up to six runes on the statue and tune it for or against organizations, allies and enemies.
Paintings - Two paintings may be enchanted so that they can serve as portals. The paintings are enchanted together and must then be exhibited. Works only if both paintings are on the same plane and same continent. Touching one exhibited painting before the other is placed on exhibit will destroy the enchantment on both.
Items are enchanted to give them charges of particular spells. Each time you use the enchantment it subtracts one charge from the item until it hits zero. When you run out of a charge you can have the item reenchanted. Contact me in game for prices.
Rings        10 charges
Bracelets      20 charges
Necklaces      30 charges
Heirlooms      40 charges
Wands        50 charges
Crowns        70 charges
Pentagram      Protect yourself from attacks.
Void         Destroy magical shields.
Deathsight      See ripples in the cosmos of life.
Window        Locate another player.
Waterwalk      Walk upon the water's surface.
Kingdom       This special ray of Malkuth clots blood in the body.
Fear         Conjure up primal fear.
Enfeeble       Shrivel the muscles of your foe.
Diminish       Make a person shrink.
Beauty        This special ray of Netzach regenerates the ego.
Enlarge       Make a person grow.
Web         Bind someone in a web.
Sleep        Put your enemy to sleep.
Acquisitio      Unconsciously pick up things around you.
Perfection      This special ray of Tipheret regenerates mana.
Mercy        This special ray of Gedulah regenerates health.
Fist         Attach to items to prevent them from being dropped.
Flame        Attach to things you dont want going anywhere.
Key         Lock the doors behind you.
Eye         Stop souls from entering the room.
Monolith       Prevents forms of magical travel i.e. teleport, summon.
Greatrobes - Enchanting Greatrobes is similar to forging. Robes are enchanted to raise the stats of the robes which function as armour until the robes can't be enchanted further. Results vary.
Dimensionpockets - Dimensional pockets work by enchanting a belt, a bag or a deck to make them into pocketbelts, runebags and tarot decks respectively. For example, a plain deck will hold four tarot cards by putting the cards into the deck. Once enchanted into a tarot deck the deck will hold considerably more cards by indecking them.
Curse - Cursing armour, jewelery and clothing makes it impossible to remove the items from your body. Useful for dealing with vestiphobia and theft protection.
Statues - Bonding to a statue costs a fair deal of power. Once bonded, the enchanter can affix up to six runes on the statue and tune it for or against organizations, allies and enemies.
Paintings - Two paintings may be enchanted so that they can serve as portals. The paintings are enchanted together and must then be exhibited. Works only if both paintings are on the same plane and same continent. Touching one exhibited painting before the other is placed on exhibit will destroy the enchantment on both.
Unknown2005-02-04 13:08:00
WRONG! Crowns can hold 80 charges. Ha.
Ceres2005-02-04 14:54:26
Ban Dooksta.
Anarias2005-02-04 18:55:59
Shush Riyo. I know Crowns hold 80 but I just copy/pasted the ab enchantment file which still says 70.
Unknown2005-02-04 18:59:28
Conclave of Enchantments is now back in business, sorry for the time off, I will be enchanting your every need at the low price of 25 gold per charge!!
Shiri2005-02-08 13:24:22
Also, Anarias, you might want to put that paintings only go in Urban environments to prevent disappointing innocent Seren. 

Anarias2005-02-08 20:41:37
Likewise with statues. Sorry Elryn!