
by Ceres

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Ceres2005-02-06 01:17:22
This house believes that enchantment should receive an ability low in enchantment, as follows:

Power: 1 (Any)
Channeling a little of your personal energy into a sigil, you may cause it to bend light around itself in such a way as to appear invisible to any not looking for it.

And a low level skill in discernment (at, like, novice) to do SIGILS, and see them.

My Manse looks so cluttered and ugly with all the keys and monoliths sad.gif
Anarias2005-02-06 01:23:17
I like being able to see my work lying around. ^^
Unknown2005-02-06 01:23:48
I'd say put it in environment. That skill needs help.
Ceres2005-02-06 01:23:50
Then don't conceal it wink.gif