Daganev2005-02-06 12:53:17
Corpses of dead baby adders, long thought extinct, showed up in the cemetery of New Celest. In order to repopulate the species, however, required the combined efforts of New Celest, Magnagora and Serenwilde. Thus far, these three powers refuse to cooperate and the fate of the adders remain precarious.
So, why doesn't anyone care about the baby snakes?
So, why doesn't anyone care about the baby snakes?
Shiri2005-02-06 12:55:50
Actually, I was more wondering why anyone DOES care about these baby snakes. (Yes, I know I'm a hypocrite since I was helping out yesterday.) I mean, they're just snakes.
Why should Magnagora, say, care about saving the baby snakeys from extinction? Do they matter? What's the point, really?
Why should Magnagora, say, care about saving the baby snakeys from extinction? Do they matter? What's the point, really?
Daganev2005-02-06 12:59:23
snakes are known for their poisons(magnagora), snakes are animals(serenwilde), the snakes exist in celest's cemetary(celest). There is reason for all three groups to care.
Atleast, I'm happy the administration heard our complaints about being pushed this way or that and responded, and it is clear that any political divisions is entirely the fault of the political movers and shakers and not the administration.
Atleast, I'm happy the administration heard our complaints about being pushed this way or that and responded, and it is clear that any political divisions is entirely the fault of the political movers and shakers and not the administration.
Shiri2005-02-06 13:03:31
What the cemetary has to do with it I don't know, and "them being animals" doesn't exactly obligate Serenwilde to save them, we're not the same as Druids from other IRE games, eh.
Poisons, maybe, though I can't imagine an adder having anything particularly deadly. (Then again, that's OOC, IC it may well be different.)
But my point was that even if someone did come up with a reason to care, "them being in the cemetary" might be a reason, but it won't really make anyone else worry about them too much. I mean, it's not really an integral part of Celest RP that "anything in the cemetary is sacred", or anything. Am I making sense?
Poisons, maybe, though I can't imagine an adder having anything particularly deadly. (Then again, that's OOC, IC it may well be different.)
But my point was that even if someone did come up with a reason to care, "them being in the cemetary" might be a reason, but it won't really make anyone else worry about them too much. I mean, it's not really an integral part of Celest RP that "anything in the cemetary is sacred", or anything. Am I making sense?
Auseklis2005-02-06 13:05:06
Trust me, we're not going to force you to care. We've had lots of complaints about that when it was player-instigated!
Daganev2005-02-06 13:07:15
sounds to me like your making up excuses.
What is more sacred than the burial place of your ancestors?
What could be more relevant to serenwilde than a city being the place of an animal's extinction?
Anything magnagora has a chance to benefit from they tend to jump at.
What is more sacred than the burial place of your ancestors?
What could be more relevant to serenwilde than a city being the place of an animal's extinction?
Anything magnagora has a chance to benefit from they tend to jump at.
Shiri2005-02-06 13:09:53
Er...I'm not sure why I'm making up excuses, there just doesn't seem to be a REAL driving force to care. Making up things like, "It's an animal, so people should care" sounds more like excuses, actually. Besides, isn't it the rocs (not the cities) threatening the adder's extinctions?
Plenty of things are more sacred than the burial place of your ancestors. And do you regularly go to burial grounds to rescue lost shrews and so forth?
Plenty of things are more sacred than the burial place of your ancestors. And do you regularly go to burial grounds to rescue lost shrews and so forth?
Daganev2005-02-06 13:15:21
What exactly is the driving force for anybody to care about anything?
Code and exp points? Pah leezzze!
Why care about the dead spectres of an island long gone?
Why care about a shield covering your city that nobody is attacking anyway?
Why care about a little fae child on a completely seperate plane of existance than you?
Its new and exciting and a change in the world, Of course you should care!
Code and exp points? Pah leezzze!
Why care about the dead spectres of an island long gone?
Why care about a shield covering your city that nobody is attacking anyway?
Why care about a little fae child on a completely seperate plane of existance than you?
Its new and exciting and a change in the world, Of course you should care!

Kaervas2005-02-06 13:17:10
Research concluded that during some long forgotten war, the oleanvir adders were viciously hunted for their venom.
Daganev2005-02-06 13:19:54
oooh look, ingame support for my argument and I havn't even logged in yet.
I was just thinking of Rowen Aketesons's Black Adder show. But see shiri, there is now officially reason for everybody to care.
I was just thinking of Rowen Aketesons's Black Adder show. But see shiri, there is now officially reason for everybody to care.
Shiri2005-02-06 13:22:17
Okay, there's the poisons, but for people who don't care about poison, there's still no real huge incentive. Moral or otherwise. It's QUITE different to spectres, faeries (which Seren are the guardians of) and the very important shield which may well be attacked. There's no reason to dislike the idea, but there's no reason why people should..not..not care.
EDIT: IC, this is. OOC, it's a quest, interesting, motivation, THERE'S a reason.
EDIT: IC, this is. OOC, it's a quest, interesting, motivation, THERE'S a reason.

Daganev2005-02-06 13:27:16
You only care about fae or spectres or ciy shields because your society tells you to care about them. If it wasn't banged into your head, day after day, that these things where important you would not think them important.
The only reason a person would not care about the adders is because the movers and shakers in their society are not telling them to care about the adders.
Its ok, I don't expect you to understand that point.
The only reason a person would not care about the adders is because the movers and shakers in their society are not telling them to care about the adders.
Its ok, I don't expect you to understand that point.
Daganev2005-02-06 13:30:40
Oh and trust me, if this was a event/quest that only needed one city or village to complete it, it would be the new "important topic of the day."
If the rulers of the zeitgeist decided that this was important, and that they wanted to improve relations with a neighboring city/commune, this would become the most important world issue facing the Basin since the spread of the Taint.
If the rulers of the zeitgeist decided that this was important, and that they wanted to improve relations with a neighboring city/commune, this would become the most important world issue facing the Basin since the spread of the Taint.
Shiri2005-02-06 13:31:18
That's not necessarily true (I THINK I understand you correctly), because whereas the adders aren't really important for anything, really, the spectres used to be citizens of Old Celest, and they gave up their lives and stuff. Now, granted, some people wouldn't care if they weren't TOLD to care, but there's no real -reason- to tell people to care about the snakes. What I'm saying isn't that people should go from a state of caring to a state of not caring, but that people who don't care are as justified as people who do. It's sort of extraneous.
EDIT: Responding to your first post. Since I don't know what a zeitgeist is, because "time ghost" or whatever I was told that was translated into doesn't really make sense in context, I'll assume I don't fully understand the second post, and will thus ignore it until given clarification.
EDIT: Responding to your first post. Since I don't know what a zeitgeist is, because "time ghost" or whatever I was told that was translated into doesn't really make sense in context, I'll assume I don't fully understand the second post, and will thus ignore it until given clarification.

Niara2005-02-06 13:52:59
Meh, it is a nice little event where all three factions can benefit from and all even without the need of violence. Be happy!
Shiri2005-02-06 13:58:25
It is indeed. But there's no reason to tell people who don't care that they should. I was explaining that there's no real reason to, you can if you want, no complaints here. 

Daganev2005-02-06 13:59:14
zeitgeist is normally translated as "spirit of the times" Its a fancy way to say "Fad" but is much more subtle and overarching.
for a good example of one, goto http://www.google.com/press/zeitgeist.html
It's really quite fasinating.
The term has increased in popularity ever since Al Gore mentioned it on a talk show. (how sad is that?)
If I knew what sect of society you belonged to ingame, I could give you a nice long private message that would explain the importance of these adders. (given I logged in and researched them more)
How do I know this? Because the administrators made it into a quest, and they wouldn't put time and effort into a quest or story line that had abosuletly no benefit to anyone, and expect them to indulge thier time and effort into it.
for a good example of one, goto http://www.google.com/press/zeitgeist.html
It's really quite fasinating.
The term has increased in popularity ever since Al Gore mentioned it on a talk show. (how sad is that?)
If I knew what sect of society you belonged to ingame, I could give you a nice long private message that would explain the importance of these adders. (given I logged in and researched them more)
How do I know this? Because the administrators made it into a quest, and they wouldn't put time and effort into a quest or story line that had abosuletly no benefit to anyone, and expect them to indulge thier time and effort into it.
Shiri2005-02-06 14:04:44
They don't EXPECT people to indulge time and effort into it. As Auseklis just said. In game, I'm a Seren, if that's what you mean. They might be a little important, but not enough to expect people to care about them over anything else going on currently. *shrug*
Daganev2005-02-06 14:25:25
Am I mistaken or was it the main goal of serenwilde before the Taint to heal the Basin of life? Was not serenwilde upset at the abusive powers of the cities to search for personal power instead of looking towards what was best for life in the Basin?
Was it not serenwilde who was upset at the selfishness and stubborness of the cities to engage in their persuits of power without doing any research in the matter?
Why then, when the very existance of a species of snake, once killed off during times of war between cities, is not cared about the very people who embody the very concept of healing life in the basin?
Why does serenwilde care more about its petty differences with the political entity of a city, than care for the health and well being of a species of snake that may very well teach the world and basin the lessons of life and death itself?
What better way for Nature to show its true power than by going beyond its petty mortal squables over ego to breathe new life in the innocent snakes that, once healed, could prove to be a valid and prolific food source for the Rocs that call the valley their home?
Where is the great and mighty spirits of Moon and Stag when the very lessons they emobdy are being driven to death by the leadership of those sworn to protect them? How is this the case? The spirits of moons represent the various stages of life, from the young maiden to the withered crone, so too, the oleander adders, a creature that sheds its old skin to give rise to the egg, which like the moon changes overtime to give new life? And the mighty stag, full of honour and pride, who like the snake defies death and beats on with new life when all odds are against it? Why are such lessons and opportunties to teach in life being ignored and squared, merely because one pathetic city wants to, and can help in breathing new life to a once dead aspect of the Basin?
I bid you, please save the poor snakes, and help us teach the Basin what it truley means to be a part of the Nature, and to be children and students to the great Spirits!
Yay me! 

Was it not serenwilde who was upset at the selfishness and stubborness of the cities to engage in their persuits of power without doing any research in the matter?
Why then, when the very existance of a species of snake, once killed off during times of war between cities, is not cared about the very people who embody the very concept of healing life in the basin?
Why does serenwilde care more about its petty differences with the political entity of a city, than care for the health and well being of a species of snake that may very well teach the world and basin the lessons of life and death itself?
What better way for Nature to show its true power than by going beyond its petty mortal squables over ego to breathe new life in the innocent snakes that, once healed, could prove to be a valid and prolific food source for the Rocs that call the valley their home?
Where is the great and mighty spirits of Moon and Stag when the very lessons they emobdy are being driven to death by the leadership of those sworn to protect them? How is this the case? The spirits of moons represent the various stages of life, from the young maiden to the withered crone, so too, the oleander adders, a creature that sheds its old skin to give rise to the egg, which like the moon changes overtime to give new life? And the mighty stag, full of honour and pride, who like the snake defies death and beats on with new life when all odds are against it? Why are such lessons and opportunties to teach in life being ignored and squared, merely because one pathetic city wants to, and can help in breathing new life to a once dead aspect of the Basin?
I bid you, please save the poor snakes, and help us teach the Basin what it truley means to be a part of the Nature, and to be children and students to the great Spirits!

Shiri2005-02-06 16:41:39
Hmph. I didn't see this post. *was bothered by Daganev on other topic* In any case, the thing about that is that it's ONE point of view, with heavy spin. It's a valid point of view, but it doesn't mean there aren't other equally valid ones.