
by Unknown

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Unknown2005-02-11 15:24:26
The avenger regarding enemy territory and demesnes is bugged.
Ixchilgal placed a demesne covering all of Estelbar, which is our territory. Athana was suspected to him, and she could not remove the demesne even though it was in territory enemied to Ixchilgal. When she did try to break it, Ixchilgal gained vengeance status on her.

This is quite obviously a bug, and a very serious one.
Dumihru2005-02-11 18:42:12
You're kidding. That's pretty bad sad.gif I hope he at least didn't use the vengeance.
Shiri2005-02-11 18:52:35
He did. Or someone did, anyway.
Athana2005-02-11 19:21:19
He didnt use it...but i turned PK careful off to break his demesne and forgot to turn it back on so got nailed by the Avenger from another person...

So if Athana has 10 people on her suspect list how long will it last...what is the ratio of victims to time? sad.gif
Dumihru2005-02-11 19:47:11
It lasted for 12 hours or less when there were 6 people on my suspect list. That's really approximate because the only way to know when it wears off is to try to attack something.