Unknown2005-02-12 12:54:11
Ok, so I'm bored.... So anyone have any cool ideas for zmud scripts, or anything that they want coded but don't know how to themselves? I've learned the basics of it, and I come from years of experiance in different languages, and I need something to do.
Its free, unless you wanna donate some credits to me
Its free, unless you wanna donate some credits to me

Hazar2005-02-12 14:10:37
The Pain System. Code in 'Ouch!', *wince*, *shriek*, and the like, based on damage and afflictions receieved. Roleplay supplement,
Gwylifar2005-02-12 18:09:05
How about one that goes through your PL and IR and makes a report of what you need to restock, allowing you to configure both a "restock if below this point" and "restock up to this point" for each supply? Accounting for both vials you only need one of until you get low (e.g., allheale) and vials you need lots of (e.g., mana). I've been meaning to get around to that one.
Unknown2005-02-13 03:16:27
QUOTE(Gwylifar @ Feb 12 2005, 02:09 PM)
How about one that goes through your PL and IR and makes a report of what you need to restock, allowing you to configure both a "restock if below this point" and "restock up to this point" for each supply? Accounting for both vials you only need one of until you get low (e.g., allheale) and vials you need lots of (e.g., mana). I've been meaning to get around to that one.
I currently have my system show me how many sips I have of each potion / how many herbs are in the rift. If you want this, send me a pm with restock ammounts (how much constitues low?) and I'll make it.
Gryphor2005-04-04 20:08:28
i need a Window to capture my guild tells (including gnt), city tells, and normal tells so far only sucessful with the one liner tells if the tell is more then one line i get half and half *.* need help if possible
Daganev2005-04-05 03:00:34
I really like the idea of different emotes based on how much damage you recieve. Would be great for faeling who hate combat.
Unknown2005-04-05 04:10:45
Why don't you try to make an OS, or something else that is completely unrelated to Lusternia or any other MUD? It's what I do...
Unknown2005-04-05 22:43:51
For the capturing script, try mine:
I actually see no use for the @chatCap variable right now, but I probably had some plan for it at some point..
#CLASS {Visual|ChatCap}
#VAR chatCap {0} {0}
#TRIGGER {^(%w) tells you, *} {#var chatCap 1;#class /visual/chatcap/capture 1}
#TRIGGER {^You tell *~, "} {#var chatCap 1;#class /visual/chatcap/capture 1}
#TRIGGER {^~<~<(%w)~>~>:} {#if (%1 == "Guild") {#cw 13};#var chatCap 1;#class /visual/chatcap/capture 1}
#TRIGGER {^~((%w)~):} {#IF (%1 == "Guild") {#CW 13};#IF (%1 == "Novices") {#CW 5};#IF (%1 == "City") {#CW 15};#IF (%1 == "Market") {#CW 6};#VAR chatCap 1;#CLASS /visual/chatcap/capture 1}
#CLASS {Visual|ChatCap|Capture} {disable}
#TRIGGER {^(%d)h, (%d)m, (%d)e, (%d)p, (%d)en, (%d)w *} {#VAR chatCap 0;#CLASS /visual/chatcap/capture 0} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {^} {#var chatCap 0;#class /visual/chatcap/capture 0} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {*} {#if (@chatCap) {#cap capture}}
#VAR chatCap {0} {0}
#TRIGGER {^(%w) tells you, *} {#var chatCap 1;#class /visual/chatcap/capture 1}
#TRIGGER {^You tell *~, "} {#var chatCap 1;#class /visual/chatcap/capture 1}
#TRIGGER {^~<~<(%w)~>~>:} {#if (%1 == "Guild") {#cw 13};#var chatCap 1;#class /visual/chatcap/capture 1}
#TRIGGER {^~((%w)~):} {#IF (%1 == "Guild") {#CW 13};#IF (%1 == "Novices") {#CW 5};#IF (%1 == "City") {#CW 15};#IF (%1 == "Market") {#CW 6};#VAR chatCap 1;#CLASS /visual/chatcap/capture 1}
#CLASS {Visual|ChatCap|Capture} {disable}
#TRIGGER {^(%d)h, (%d)m, (%d)e, (%d)p, (%d)en, (%d)w *} {#VAR chatCap 0;#CLASS /visual/chatcap/capture 0} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {*} {#if (@chatCap) {#cap capture}}
I actually see no use for the @chatCap variable right now, but I probably had some plan for it at some point..

Luthe2005-04-05 23:23:14
Critcal Counter anyone?
Vesar2005-04-06 03:37:58
Try this: I made it for Aetolia, but it should still work. I make no guarentees, as I haven't ported it to Lusternia, and I haven't tested it in... a long time. One of these days I'll sit down and do one for Lusternia. If you have problems with it, PM me.
#CLASS {UserScripts|HitCounter}
#ALIAS hitreset {#var annihilating 0;#var critical 0;#var crushing 0;#var hits 0;#var LastHitCounter 0;#var mutilating 0;#var staggering 0;#var totalhits 0}
#ALIAS showhits {#CR;#say Total Hits to Date: @Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits;#say Total Criticals: @Userscripts/HitCounter/critical;#say Total Staggerings: @Userscripts/HitCounter/staggering;#say Total Crushing: @Userscripts/HitCounter/crushing;#say Total Mutilating: @Userscripts/HitCounter/mutilating;#say Total Annihilating: @Userscripts/HitCounter/annihilating}
#VAR hits {0} {0}
#VAR critical {56}
#VAR crushing {0}
#VAR staggering {16}
#VAR mutilating {0}
#VAR annihilating {0}
#VAR totalhits {1245}
#VAR LastHitCount {6}
#TRIGGER {With a low hiss, you launch yourself at} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 1}
#TRIGGER {You have scored a CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/critical 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 1}
#TRIGGER {You have slain} {#var LastHitCount @hits;#var hits 0}
#TRIGGER {You have scored an ANNIHILATING CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/annihilating 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 31;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 31}
#TRIGGER {You have scored a STAGGERING CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/staggering 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 3;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 3}
#TRIGGER {You have scored an MUTILATING CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/mutilating 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 15;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 15}
#TRIGGER {You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/crushing 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 7;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 7}
Oh, 1 more thing. The trigger "With a low hiss, you launch yourself.." should be changed to whatever your bashing attack is. Also, I'm not sure if the different stages and weights for the various critical hits are the same in Lusternia. If they're not, then that needs to be altered as well.
#CLASS {UserScripts|HitCounter}
#ALIAS hitreset {#var annihilating 0;#var critical 0;#var crushing 0;#var hits 0;#var LastHitCounter 0;#var mutilating 0;#var staggering 0;#var totalhits 0}
#ALIAS showhits {#CR;#say Total Hits to Date: @Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits;#say Total Criticals: @Userscripts/HitCounter/critical;#say Total Staggerings: @Userscripts/HitCounter/staggering;#say Total Crushing: @Userscripts/HitCounter/crushing;#say Total Mutilating: @Userscripts/HitCounter/mutilating;#say Total Annihilating: @Userscripts/HitCounter/annihilating}
#VAR hits {0} {0}
#VAR critical {56}
#VAR crushing {0}
#VAR staggering {16}
#VAR mutilating {0}
#VAR annihilating {0}
#VAR totalhits {1245}
#VAR LastHitCount {6}
#TRIGGER {With a low hiss, you launch yourself at} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 1}
#TRIGGER {You have scored a CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/critical 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 1}
#TRIGGER {You have slain} {#var LastHitCount @hits;#var hits 0}
#TRIGGER {You have scored an ANNIHILATING CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/annihilating 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 31;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 31}
#TRIGGER {You have scored a STAGGERING CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/staggering 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 3;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 3}
#TRIGGER {You have scored an MUTILATING CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/mutilating 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 15;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 15}
#TRIGGER {You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!} {#add Userscripts/HitCounter/crushing 1;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/hits 7;#add Userscripts/HitCounter/totalhits 7}
Oh, 1 more thing. The trigger "With a low hiss, you launch yourself.." should be changed to whatever your bashing attack is. Also, I'm not sure if the different stages and weights for the various critical hits are the same in Lusternia. If they're not, then that needs to be altered as well.
Unknown2005-04-06 03:49:07
It would probably be easier to read if you replace all of the occurances of ";#say " with "%crlf" in the showhits alias. Also, it looks very spammy when you specify each variable using its full path; why not just user @varname?
Vesar2005-04-06 04:09:18
Because I wrote it along time ago. I'll see about porting it and cleaning it up.
Vesar2005-04-06 19:32:35
Ok, here's a ported and streamlined version of my critical hit counter. Same changes as before (replace the attack message to suit your bashing style.)
#CLASS {Hit Counter}
#ALIAS showhits {#cr;#say Total hits to date: @totalhits;#say Critical: @critical;#say Crushing: @crushing;#say Obliterating: @obliterating;#say Annihilating: @Annihilating;#say World-Shattering: @worldshattering;#cr}
#VAR worldshattering {0}
#VAR crushing {0}
#VAR critical {3}
#VAR annihilating {0}
#VAR obliterating {0}
#VAR totalhits {10}
#TRIGGER {^You point your staff at} {#add totalhits 1}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a ANNIHILATINGLY POWERFUL CRITICAL hit!$} {#add annihilating 1;#add totalhits 15;say I'm sorry, are you fighting back? I can't tell...}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!$} {#add crushing 1;#add totalhits 3;#say Take two of those and call me in the morning!}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a WORLD-SHATTERING CRITICAL hit!$} {#add worldshattering 1;#add totalhits 31;say Death becomes you, @gtar!}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a OBLITERATING CRITICAL hit!$} {#add obliterating 1;#add totalhits 7;#say You're going to be feeling THAT in the morning, @gtar!}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a CRITICAL hit!$} {#add critical 1;#add totalhits 1;say Oo! Hurt's doesn't it?}
#CLASS {Hit Counter}
#ALIAS showhits {#cr;#say Total hits to date: @totalhits;#say Critical: @critical;#say Crushing: @crushing;#say Obliterating: @obliterating;#say Annihilating: @Annihilating;#say World-Shattering: @worldshattering;#cr}
#VAR worldshattering {0}
#VAR crushing {0}
#VAR critical {3}
#VAR annihilating {0}
#VAR obliterating {0}
#VAR totalhits {10}
#TRIGGER {^You point your staff at} {#add totalhits 1}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a ANNIHILATINGLY POWERFUL CRITICAL hit!$} {#add annihilating 1;#add totalhits 15;say I'm sorry, are you fighting back? I can't tell...}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!$} {#add crushing 1;#add totalhits 3;#say Take two of those and call me in the morning!}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a WORLD-SHATTERING CRITICAL hit!$} {#add worldshattering 1;#add totalhits 31;say Death becomes you, @gtar!}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a OBLITERATING CRITICAL hit!$} {#add obliterating 1;#add totalhits 7;#say You're going to be feeling THAT in the morning, @gtar!}
#TRIGGER {^You have scored a CRITICAL hit!$} {#add critical 1;#add totalhits 1;say Oo! Hurt's doesn't it?}