Hazar2005-02-12 14:56:15
Is there a way to get zMud to show bars for your health, mana, ego, and the like, the way the java client does it?
Unknown2005-02-12 15:30:21
Yes. It's a type of button, called a gauge. Create a gauge that uses your variables you use for capturing your health/mana/maxhealth/maxmana and the rest is aesthetics.
Unknown2005-02-13 08:37:19
#BUTTON 2 {} {} {} {} {@Health} {@Health} {HEART} {Size} {120} {18} {} {} {} {32} {} {Gauge||12|@MaxHealth|@MaxHealth * 0.25|7} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {Health: %eval( @Health * 100 / @MaxHealth)%} {health_gauge}
There's one for displaying your health. It uses the variables @Health for your current health (captured from your prompt), and @MaxHealth as your maximim health.
Just enter the above into your command line and fiddle around with it to perfect it how you want in zMUD's settings editor thingie.
Rauros2005-02-17 21:54:50
Does that work with zMUD 4.62?
Edit:*sigh* Doesn't seem so. Guess I should switch to MUSHclient
Edit:*sigh* Doesn't seem so. Guess I should switch to MUSHclient
Richter2005-02-17 21:58:48
Egads, I've always wanted one of those!
Richter2005-02-18 06:03:52
It doesn't do anything! It's just a button, and doesn't move at all. And what about buttons for the other stats? And how do I put them on other places than the top? And how do I make my Zmud look not crappy?
Unknown2005-02-18 10:04:16
If you're talking about the button I posted, you will need a script which captures the prompt, e.g.:
Change maxhealthline to the max health line thing, replacing the number with (%d).
#TRIGGER {^(%d)h, %dm} {#VARIABLE Health {%1}} "" {prompt|nocr}
#TRIGGER {maxhealthline} {#VARIABLE MaxHealth {%1}}
#TRIGGER {maxhealthline} {#VARIABLE MaxHealth {%1}}
Change maxhealthline to the max health line thing, replacing the number with (%d).
Unknown2005-02-20 18:51:07
anybody have one for a full prompt? I always have issues with capturing prompts, some help would be very appreciated.
Unknown2005-02-20 20:53:35
#TRIGGER {^&%d{health}h, &%d{mana}m, &%d{ego}e, &%d{power}p, &%d{endurance}en, &%d{willpower}w &*{balances}-$} {}
Unknown2005-02-20 21:00:14
I can't say I've ever seen a trigger as odd as that. So would "%d{health}" capture %d to the variable health etc.?
#TRIGGER {^&%d{health}h, &%d{mana}m, &%d{ego}e, &%d{power}p, &%d{endurance}en, &%d{willpower}w &*{balances}-$} {}
#TRIGGER {^&%d{health}h, &%d{mana}m, &%d{ego}e, &%d{power}p, &%d{endurance}en, &%d{willpower}w &*{balances}-$} {}
Unknown2005-02-20 21:42:16
'&%d{health}h' => & shows that its gunna capture to a variable, %d shows its a number, {health} shows the variable to store to, and the h comes after the number.
Unknown2005-02-20 21:54:49
Ok, fully functioning prompt capture is up! BUT, how do I capture the numbers in my score? I've tried about 9436737460275026720562052 variations of %s wild cards and ~ with /, eeee!
Unknown2005-02-21 02:28:35
#trigger {Willpower : %d/&%d{maxwillpower}} {}
Unknown2005-02-21 02:28:48
400 posts!!!
Unknown2005-02-21 03:40:39
Why not just do something like:
#TRIGGER {^(%d)h, (%d)m, (%d)p...etc.} {#VARIABLE Health %1;#VARIABLE Mana %2... etc.}
It should be faster, and it's a lot less messy.
#TRIGGER {^(%d)h, (%d)m, (%d)p...etc.} {#VARIABLE Health %1;#VARIABLE Mana %2... etc.}
It should be faster, and it's a lot less messy.
Unknown2005-02-21 15:40:38
I think it's faster, since the value assignments are done on the pattern matching layer rather than at the code execution layer, which means less shuffling of data, but I've never tested. Feel free to run benchmarks 

Rauros2005-02-21 17:12:01
I use a simple
#TRIGGER {(*)h, (*)m, (*)e, (*)} {#VAR health %1;#VAR mana %2;#VAR ego %3; #VAR equilibrium %4}
Works for me, similar to Zaltan's I guess.
#TRIGGER {(*)h, (*)m, (*)e, (*)} {#VAR health %1;#VAR mana %2;#VAR ego %3; #VAR equilibrium %4}
Works for me, similar to Zaltan's I guess.
Singollo2005-02-21 17:18:17
Here's the prompt trigger I've used for around 3 years now.
#TRIGGER "prompt_normal" {^(%d)h, (%d)m, (%d)e, (%d)p (%w)-} {
#var health %1
#var mana %2
#var ego %3
#var power %4
#IF %pos( "e", %5) {#VAR haveEq 1} {#VAR haveEq 0}
#IF %pos( "x", %5) {#VAR haveBal 1} {#VAR haveBal 0}
} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "prompt_normal" {^(%d)h, (%d)m, (%d)e, (%d)p (%w)-} {
#var health %1
#var mana %2
#var ego %3
#var power %4
#IF %pos( "e", %5) {#VAR haveEq 1} {#VAR haveEq 0}
#IF %pos( "x", %5) {#VAR haveBal 1} {#VAR haveBal 0}
} "" {nocr|prompt}
Unknown2005-02-21 17:48:59
Yeah, that's basically the same as the one I use. It should be much better than doing all that &%d{blah} stuff. 

Rauros2005-02-21 19:36:45
What's the {nocr|prompt} thing do? I use zmud 4.62, and I dont think that does anything for me.