What is your poison?

by Desdemona

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Desdemona2005-02-15 03:11:25
I was thinking, why aren't poisonist able to prepare cocktails or the beverages cooks make be infused with poisons to the point that the poison becomes completely blended... passing undetected when a person drinks it, often resulting in fatal consequences.

In other words, if there aren't forms of mixing food/beverages with poisons and be undetected, maybe it should be and have an increase efficiency of affliction for being ingested.
Akraasiel2005-02-15 06:59:19
Make adding a poison to a beverage take 2 power, with a maximum of eight venoms added to a beverage. It would make the concept of slipping a blend of poisons in an enemies drink a bit more interesting.
Desdemona2005-02-15 20:07:03
Yeah, poison combo would be much more interesting... Lethal, too. Maybe the blending of poisons into drinks should be free but cost # power to conceal, and be undetected by the drinker (no affliction warning and an immediate reaction to the poisons... or or... even better, time triggered: Poisonist are able to select a time lapse for the poisons take effect ranging from 5 seconds up to 5 minutes).
Unknown2005-02-16 01:04:27
Because that makes IC sense.
Typhus2005-02-17 19:34:46
A glass of champainge, love?
Desdemona2005-02-17 19:48:59
Typhus' love: "Sure, sweetie..."

*drinks champagne, with a tantalizing look in her face*

Five minutes later...

Typhus: "Love, stay still I want to remember you like this forever"

Typhus' love: "Okay sweetive, but that is a weird reques-..."

Unanble to continue, Typhus' love falls as another victim of a diminutive glass of champagne: Petrified, insane, paralysed, stupified, decomposing and completely intoxicated.