Akraasiel2005-02-15 08:41:11
Over the next two or three days I'll be writing up bits and pieces of how to create a 'system' with java that will put you at least up to par with moderate fighters, and with a bit of practice will allow you to actually win some of the time.
It consists of a triple system of simple triggers, trigger highlighting of aff messages of certain cure types, and macros for your cures in the java client.
Wish me luck, and I hope it will make sense to you. Tomorrow I will start posting the actual process.
It consists of a triple system of simple triggers, trigger highlighting of aff messages of certain cure types, and macros for your cures in the java client.
Wish me luck, and I hope it will make sense to you. Tomorrow I will start posting the actual process.
Akraasiel2005-02-15 11:22:11
Okay, Im gonna start working on this now because I am quite bored.
The first layer of the system we will set up will be the basic macros.
First you need to get yourself a copy of help curelist, like so.
ARNICA: (apply) fractured arms, broken wrist, broken nose,
broken chest
YARROW: (eat) hemophelia, lethargy, relapsing, bleeding,
cut arteries
CHERVIL (eat) clots blood
CALAMUS: (eat) slickness
HOREHOUND: (eat) reckless, healthleech, dissonant
REISHI: (eat) pacified, aeon, peace, powersink
GALINGALE: (eat) addiction, generous, lover's curse, gluttony
COLTSFOOT: (smoke) impatient, lonely, shy, anorexia, masochist
PENNYROYAL: (eat) confused, dementia, hallucinate, paranoid,
MARJORAM: (eat) weakness, rigormortis, torn/sliced muscles/tendon
KOMBU: (eat) clumsy, dizzy, epilespy, vapors, hemiplegy
pierced nerves (arms/legs)
WORMWOOD: (eat) agoraphobia, claustrophobia, hypochondria,
MYRTLE: (eat) sensitivity, vertigo
FAELEAF: (smoke) aura of rebounding
FAELEAF (eat) blindness, deafness, sixth sense (Special: faeleaf
cures blindess and deafness if you have one of those
ailments, otherwise it gives sixth sense)
KAFE: (eat) gives alertness
SPARKLEBERRY: (eat) restores health, mana and ego
CHOLERIC: (drink) vomiting, dysentery, worms, love potion, hypersomnia
SANGUINE: (drink) hemophelia, healthleech, confusion, lethargy,
deep cuts (scalped, slit throat)
PHLEGMATIC: (drink) aeon curse, powersink, shyness, generosity, weakness
MELANCHOLIC: (drink) asthma, dizziness, vapors, sensitivity, punctured
LINIMENT: (apply) sunallergy, pox, scabies, itch
FIRE: (drink) chills (also gives cold resistance)
FROST: (drink) burning (also gives fire resistance)
HEALTH: (drink) restores health
HEALTH: (apply) heals deep wounds
BROMIDE: (drink) restores ego
MANA: (drink) restores mana
ANTIDOTE: (drink) cures mortal death poisons (crotamine)
MENDING: (apply) broken arms/legs, skull, jaw
LOVE: (drink) any disloyalty (Warning: possible side effects if
you are not under a disloyalty ailment)
REGENERATION: (apply) lost limb, crushed chest, burst organs,
disembowelment, collapsed lungs, severe head trauma
Now we click on the macros button and begin describing our macro groups.
Lets handle our limb applied items first, health, mending, regeneration, and arnica
set F1 through F5 to apply mending to head, apply mending to arms, etc, down through legs.
Set Alt-F1 to Alt-F5 to apply regeneration similarly.
Set your Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F5 to do the same, but with health elixer
and set Shift-F1 to Shift-F5 to do the following:
outr arnica
apply arnica to (limb)
inr arnica
We now have our major applied salves indexed.
Its time to set up our pipes, elixers, and general application salves.
We will also utilize the internal aliasing and targetting of Lusternia.
Input the following commands into the JAVA client command line (where you type your normal commands for gameplay)
setalias fp1 put faeleaf in &pipe1
setalias fp2 put coltsfoot in &pipe2
setalias lp1 light &pipe1
setalias lp2 light &pipe2
setalias tp1 toke &pipe1
setalias tp2 toke &pipe2
then use the II (info inventory) command and locate the index number of each of your two pipes. Store one number as pipe1 and the other as pipe2 using the following:
st pipe1 123456(or whatever your first pipe's number is)
st pipe2 555555(or whatever your second pipe's number is)
Now we make our macro to fill and light our pipes. Remember that filling and lighting pipes takes balance.
Store the following as a macro indexed as Ctrl-L:
outr faeleaf
outr coltsfoot
inr faeleaf
inr coltsfoot
Now that that all is done we can index our pipe smoking as the following macros.
Then go down the list of purgatives and affliction curing elixers (except for health mana and bromides) and index them each to a Macro from Ctrl-Shift-F3 onward (remember to include the liniment salve).
Now we can index our herbs, start with Ctrl-Alt-F1 and go down the list. Your macro's should look something like this:
outr yarrow
eat yarrow
inr yarrow
Just go down Help Curelist and macro each one, except for arnica which you already macro'd, faeleaf, kafe, and merbloom (the last three will go in our DEFS category), and also leave chervil out, as we will make a special macro for it.
Okay, now to Macro up our non-standard cures. Macro the following
Sip Health
outr sparkleberry
sip health
eat sparkleberry
inr sparkleberry
sip mana
outr sparkleberry
sip mana
eat sparkleberry
inr sparkleberry
sip bromides
outr 3 chervil
eat chervil
eat chervil
eat chervil
inr 2000 chervil
invoke circle (or evoke pentagram)
Focus Body
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 spices
reject &tar
enemy &tar
Then find three buttons in a row that are not macro'd thusfar, and you can easily remember, and set their macros to writhe, compose and concentrate respectively. I use pause, ins, and del on my keyboard because all three are next to each other right above my backspace key.
I also have my main bashing ability macro'd like this;
setalias 1 abjure cosmicfire &tar
setalias 1 cast blast &tar
setalias 1 nature curse &tar
or for knights
setalias 1 swing &tar
(for knights the following is what I use)
I use Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F1 and so on for my Defs, with kafe and merbloom foremost, followed by faeleaf, then skill defs.
The first layer of the system we will set up will be the basic macros.
First you need to get yourself a copy of help curelist, like so.
ARNICA: (apply) fractured arms, broken wrist, broken nose,
broken chest
YARROW: (eat) hemophelia, lethargy, relapsing, bleeding,
cut arteries
CHERVIL (eat) clots blood
CALAMUS: (eat) slickness
HOREHOUND: (eat) reckless, healthleech, dissonant
REISHI: (eat) pacified, aeon, peace, powersink
GALINGALE: (eat) addiction, generous, lover's curse, gluttony
COLTSFOOT: (smoke) impatient, lonely, shy, anorexia, masochist
PENNYROYAL: (eat) confused, dementia, hallucinate, paranoid,
MARJORAM: (eat) weakness, rigormortis, torn/sliced muscles/tendon
KOMBU: (eat) clumsy, dizzy, epilespy, vapors, hemiplegy
pierced nerves (arms/legs)
WORMWOOD: (eat) agoraphobia, claustrophobia, hypochondria,
MYRTLE: (eat) sensitivity, vertigo
FAELEAF: (smoke) aura of rebounding
FAELEAF (eat) blindness, deafness, sixth sense (Special: faeleaf
cures blindess and deafness if you have one of those
ailments, otherwise it gives sixth sense)
KAFE: (eat) gives alertness
SPARKLEBERRY: (eat) restores health, mana and ego
CHOLERIC: (drink) vomiting, dysentery, worms, love potion, hypersomnia
SANGUINE: (drink) hemophelia, healthleech, confusion, lethargy,
deep cuts (scalped, slit throat)
PHLEGMATIC: (drink) aeon curse, powersink, shyness, generosity, weakness
MELANCHOLIC: (drink) asthma, dizziness, vapors, sensitivity, punctured
LINIMENT: (apply) sunallergy, pox, scabies, itch
FIRE: (drink) chills (also gives cold resistance)
FROST: (drink) burning (also gives fire resistance)
HEALTH: (drink) restores health
HEALTH: (apply) heals deep wounds
BROMIDE: (drink) restores ego
MANA: (drink) restores mana
ANTIDOTE: (drink) cures mortal death poisons (crotamine)
MENDING: (apply) broken arms/legs, skull, jaw
LOVE: (drink) any disloyalty (Warning: possible side effects if
you are not under a disloyalty ailment)
REGENERATION: (apply) lost limb, crushed chest, burst organs,
disembowelment, collapsed lungs, severe head trauma
Now we click on the macros button and begin describing our macro groups.
Lets handle our limb applied items first, health, mending, regeneration, and arnica
set F1 through F5 to apply mending to head, apply mending to arms, etc, down through legs.
Set Alt-F1 to Alt-F5 to apply regeneration similarly.
Set your Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F5 to do the same, but with health elixer
and set Shift-F1 to Shift-F5 to do the following:
outr arnica
apply arnica to (limb)
inr arnica
We now have our major applied salves indexed.
Its time to set up our pipes, elixers, and general application salves.
We will also utilize the internal aliasing and targetting of Lusternia.
Input the following commands into the JAVA client command line (where you type your normal commands for gameplay)
setalias fp1 put faeleaf in &pipe1
setalias fp2 put coltsfoot in &pipe2
setalias lp1 light &pipe1
setalias lp2 light &pipe2
setalias tp1 toke &pipe1
setalias tp2 toke &pipe2
then use the II (info inventory) command and locate the index number of each of your two pipes. Store one number as pipe1 and the other as pipe2 using the following:
st pipe1 123456(or whatever your first pipe's number is)
st pipe2 555555(or whatever your second pipe's number is)
Now we make our macro to fill and light our pipes. Remember that filling and lighting pipes takes balance.
Store the following as a macro indexed as Ctrl-L:
outr faeleaf
outr coltsfoot
inr faeleaf
inr coltsfoot
Now that that all is done we can index our pipe smoking as the following macros.
Then go down the list of purgatives and affliction curing elixers (except for health mana and bromides) and index them each to a Macro from Ctrl-Shift-F3 onward (remember to include the liniment salve).
Now we can index our herbs, start with Ctrl-Alt-F1 and go down the list. Your macro's should look something like this:
outr yarrow
eat yarrow
inr yarrow
Just go down Help Curelist and macro each one, except for arnica which you already macro'd, faeleaf, kafe, and merbloom (the last three will go in our DEFS category), and also leave chervil out, as we will make a special macro for it.
Okay, now to Macro up our non-standard cures. Macro the following
Sip Health
outr sparkleberry
sip health
eat sparkleberry
inr sparkleberry
sip mana
outr sparkleberry
sip mana
eat sparkleberry
inr sparkleberry
sip bromides
outr 3 chervil
eat chervil
eat chervil
eat chervil
inr 2000 chervil
invoke circle (or evoke pentagram)
Focus Body
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 herb
Inr 2000 spices
reject &tar
enemy &tar
Then find three buttons in a row that are not macro'd thusfar, and you can easily remember, and set their macros to writhe, compose and concentrate respectively. I use pause, ins, and del on my keyboard because all three are next to each other right above my backspace key.
I also have my main bashing ability macro'd like this;
setalias 1 abjure cosmicfire &tar
setalias 1 cast blast &tar
setalias 1 nature curse &tar
or for knights
setalias 1 swing &tar
(for knights the following is what I use)
I use Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F1 and so on for my Defs, with kafe and merbloom foremost, followed by faeleaf, then skill defs.
Akraasiel2005-02-15 13:29:50
Okay, Lets add layer two and three of our 'system'.
I want you to look at Ethelon's affliction list at the top of the forum, and make a basic trigger for every one of the ones he lists, except the diagnose ones. Remember the format of outr herb; eat herb; inr herb.
But now heres the tricky part, you need to pick a color from the colored numbers at the bottom of the CONFIG COLOUR list, and then apply a colored number to each type of affliction, because there are more afflictions and colors youll have to use the same color for more than one type sometimes. Once youve chosen all of your colors, add a the following line to its respective trigger, for instance, I want my arnica triggers to be colored the same as #3 in the CONFIG COLOUR.
so I add this line to each arnica trigger:
#highlight 3
and it will turn all triggers that cure with arnica will be colored like that.
Now trigger the Diagnose messages, but not to cure it, just to color it.
Whenever you see a certain color you will know which macro to hit. The basic reflexes will heal most of the affs youll get hit with, but you can also diagnose and cure manually with your macros and the color coding when things get sticky.
And Tada! With a little adaptation to it, and growing accustomed to your colors and macros, you will have a system just as functional as those snooty Zmud people, but you can also brag that you cure manually and look even more cool and talented than them, but without all the effort.
I want you to look at Ethelon's affliction list at the top of the forum, and make a basic trigger for every one of the ones he lists, except the diagnose ones. Remember the format of outr herb; eat herb; inr herb.
But now heres the tricky part, you need to pick a color from the colored numbers at the bottom of the CONFIG COLOUR list, and then apply a colored number to each type of affliction, because there are more afflictions and colors youll have to use the same color for more than one type sometimes. Once youve chosen all of your colors, add a the following line to its respective trigger, for instance, I want my arnica triggers to be colored the same as #3 in the CONFIG COLOUR.
so I add this line to each arnica trigger:
#highlight 3
and it will turn all triggers that cure with arnica will be colored like that.
Now trigger the Diagnose messages, but not to cure it, just to color it.
Whenever you see a certain color you will know which macro to hit. The basic reflexes will heal most of the affs youll get hit with, but you can also diagnose and cure manually with your macros and the color coding when things get sticky.
And Tada! With a little adaptation to it, and growing accustomed to your colors and macros, you will have a system just as functional as those snooty Zmud people, but you can also brag that you cure manually and look even more cool and talented than them, but without all the effort.
Thorgal2005-02-21 10:27:40
A new javaclient made by Sarapis and Aeyr will soon be implemented into Lusternia as well, called the Nexus Client, it supports lots of scripting functions like IF, timers, etc...in Achaea you can use the beta Nexus to connect, looks pretty damn good.
Akraasiel2005-02-21 16:12:33
Sweet Jebus Horace Christ, that would actually mean Java users would have a chance in combat. ZOMG, ovrpwrdz.
Shiri2005-02-21 18:15:47
It looks DIFFERENT though! *is going to have a crisis*
Unknown2005-02-21 18:26:47
But can you copy and paste in it?
Navaryn2005-03-14 22:28:15
QUOTE(Cron @ Feb 21 2005, 01:26 PM)
But can you copy and paste in it?
Yes. Select the text, right-click, copy, paste.

Athana2005-03-25 21:46:20
QUOTE(Navaryn @ Mar 14 2005, 10:28 PM)
Yes. Select the text, right-click, copy, paste.

sweetness, i can finally run for trademaster now
Shiri2005-03-25 22:25:55
You could just type the stupid things like I have to do. 

Unknown2005-03-26 01:19:00
QUOTE(Athana @ Mar 25 2005, 11:46 AM)
sweetness, i can finally run for trademaster now
Wait, Athana, you've been using Java all this time?
Athana2005-03-26 01:30:36
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Mar 26 2005, 01:19 AM)
Wait, Athana, you've been using Java all this time?
yes, surprising isn't it?
i think i was the only champion without an actual system

Unknown2005-03-26 01:32:23
QUOTE(Athana @ Mar 25 2005, 03:30 PM)
yes, surprising isn't it?
i think i was the only champion without an actual system
i think i was the only champion without an actual system

Not to surprising, but still surprising. Generally people who use Java prefer not to get involved with combat at all, and instead devote themselves to other pursuits.
Shiri2005-03-26 02:06:02
*mutter* *highfive Athana*
Nayl2005-03-26 11:58:20
I must say
Given Java, Athana's done incredibly well bashing
Not that I would know >.>
Given Java, Athana's done incredibly well bashing
Not that I would know >.>
Shiri2005-03-26 12:46:46
Pff, bashing's easy on JAVA. 

Athana2005-03-27 19:39:53
QUOTE(Shiri @ Mar 26 2005, 12:46 PM)
Pff, bashing's easy on JAVA. 

Yep, you just need to sip health on your own!

Shiri2005-03-27 19:42:13
And eat sparkleberry in a pinch. *nod me*
Oh, and I'm still debating whether to have triggers that react off of diagnosis or not. If I get 50 afflictions, I'm not sure whether I want to cure one definately and waste 49 herbs, or have to do them all manually but waste no resources/balance/mana into the process. What do people recommend?
Oh, and I'm still debating whether to have triggers that react off of diagnosis or not. If I get 50 afflictions, I'm not sure whether I want to cure one definately and waste 49 herbs, or have to do them all manually but waste no resources/balance/mana into the process. What do people recommend?
Summer2005-03-27 22:50:42
If you get 50 afflictions, you're likely dead anyway. I would chose curing manually. The time you spend typing DIAG and waiting for eq to come back to DIAG again, you might as well type out the alias for curing.
Shiri2005-03-27 23:17:31
...not 50. Obviously.
But yeah.
Comes to how quick I think, I suppose. I'll see.

Comes to how quick I think, I suppose. I'll see.