Microsoft Windows Scripts in zMUD

by Unknown

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Unknown2005-02-28 09:20:24
If I do something like:

#SS {function...}

In zMUD in VBScript, how can I find this function again? Like, where does it go? Will it stay there if I exit and reload zMUD?
Daganev2005-02-28 10:03:42
Use the search command in zmud to find out. And then tell us here.
Nayl2005-02-28 10:13:24
QUOTE(Zmud Helpfile)

Syntax: #SS

Define and execute script in the given language with Microsoft Script control (VBScript, ######, etc.). 
No expansion is preformed on the script arguement, this arguement should not be encapsulated with quotes or braces.
  This command is used internally for triggers, aliases, etc.
If language and script are omitted, the current language is reset.
If script is omitted, current active language is set to language and cleared. 
If language is null current active language will be used.

#SS "VBScript" x=0:sub test:x=x+1:msgbox x:if x<5 then test:end if:end sub:test

This is equivalent to the example in #SCRIPT

Go Go Gadget "Havin fun with tags laugh.gif
Unknown2005-03-01 03:01:52
That doesn't answer what I wanted... Meh, I'm not exactly an expert with VBScript (i.e. my knowledge of it in no more than a week old).
Nayl2005-03-01 05:25:04
It says' it's used within triggers and aliases, so, that given, I would assume
that you would need to put it in each trigger/alias that you want to use it in.
Unknown2005-03-01 07:55:31