Multiple windows for MUSclient

by Ixchilgal

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Ixchilgal2005-03-10 07:42:33
Does anyone know how to send text to a different window with MUSHclient? I figured out how to copy my entire Lusternia window, so I can look at everything twice...yay! Not helpful. I want a nice, blank, empty window, which I can send specific lines of text to...and maybe set to have its own series of triggers and such, to highlight important things.
Eldanien2005-03-10 08:15:59
Send your trigger wildcard to a script.

In the script, pull the information from the wildcard array into a variable.

Call AppendToNotepad, passing the text and a notepad window name.

If you need more specific instructions, I'll need to know what script language you're using.
Ethelon2005-03-10 14:33:07
For VBscript you can use this.

This is the Trigger, you can change the "(Celest)" part to whatever channel you wish to capture, or whatever..even says, tells..


  match="^\\(Celest\\): (.*?) "(+)"\\Z"

Now, put this in your script:

Sub OnChat (name, line, wildcards)
Dim msg

 msg = Split (wildcards (10), chr (10))

 For Each m In msg
   AppendToNotepad "Channels", m & vbCrLf

end Sub
Ixchilgal2005-03-10 23:02:57
Looks like it's time to learn some basic scripting.
Unknown2005-03-10 23:05:40
Heres a simple way to do it:

match="* tells you, "*""
%1: %2

That should work and it's fairly simple to make and change
Ixchilgal2005-03-10 23:33:44
Alright, I got it showing up in the second window properly. That's great, fine, dandy. But I can't set up triggers for -that- window. I want to be able to have that window with its own series of triggers, so I can do things like highlight names that are important.

For example, if someone I have in an "allies" variable does something that appears in that window, I want to colour their name green in the window, so it's easy to pick out.

I also want to insert a time stamp before all the text that appears in the window. So, I know what time someone said blah.

MUSHclient doesn't seem to let me to have that window with its own series of triggers.
Eldanien2005-03-10 23:35:50
alt-w, n

Is that what you mean?

You'll have to do some heavy script work to gag everything you don't want for a particular window, I think. Dunno, I've never tried this.
Ixchilgal2005-03-10 23:55:29
I found that before, isn't quite what I wanted.

The NotePad window, like you suggested for the Aetherwaves, is what I have working now. I wanted to add colours to that, and insert a time stamp before everything that goes to it.

So, I get something that looks like this in it:

(Geomancers): Crylia says, "No, don't think so."
(Geomancers): Sethvir says, "Bah."

Only, with certain names highlighted in green, or red.

I could do without the colours (It'd be a pain, but I could), but being able to insert text into the line (Such as the noted time stamp) would be -really- useful.
Eldanien2005-03-11 00:04:55
Adding a timestamp is easy. Messing with colors, not very easy at all.

If you use Ethelon's example above, change your script so it reads as so:


Sub OnChat (name, line, wildcards)
Dim msg

msg = Split (wildcards (10), chr (10))

For Each m In msg
  strTextAppended = ": " & m & vbCrLf
  AppendToNotepad "Channels", strTextAppended

end Sub

Apologies in advance if the code doesn't work as planned, but that's the gist of it. VBScript gives me the willies, so I avoid it. Everyone else and their brother uses it to script with, though.
Ixchilgal2005-03-11 00:51:58
And one last thing I've been fiddling with...sorry to be a pain, but I'm a programming idiot.

I want to insert text based on the name of the person.

I have it set up so that it sends the "X enters your demesne." and "X leaves your demesne." lines into a separate Notepad window, and it timestamps that.

Now, I want it to look at the name of the person who enters, and if that name is in a variable, it adds text to the end of the line.

For example, we'll say Munsia enters my Demesne, and she's in my "CityEnemies" variable, I'd get something that looks like the following:

Munsia enters your demesne. (City)

If she were in two variables, say, my CityEnemies and OrderEnemies variables, it'd get:

Munsia enters your demesne. (City) (Order)

In zMUD this was fairly easy to accomplish, but I'm not much of a script writer, and I've used MUSHclient all of five days. Anyways, the idea is that I can meld up a village, turn on Demesne watch, and glance at the Notepad window whenever someone enters my Demesne, to easily see if I need to worry about them or not.

I have to update my variables list on a somewhat regular basis (At least once a month), but that's really not difficult, just inconvenient.
Unknown2005-03-11 06:49:52
Copy, paste into an empty text file, save as DemesneEcho.xml in your default plugins folder, then install it in your world (under File->Plugins).


  purpose="Displaying demesne messages"
  date_written="2005-03-11 16:08:48"

    match="enemy+ * *"
 AddName lcase("%1") & "Enemy", "%2"
    match="enemy- * *"
 RemoveName lcase("%1") & "Enemy", "%2"

  match="^(+) enters your demesne\\.$"

And vbscript sucks horrendously, heh.