
by Unknown

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Unknown2005-03-13 16:33:44
I'm really keen on ZMUD, I can do it well, it's easy to understand. But so many people keep ranting about MUSH. So I have a few questions about it! If anybody could answer them that' dbe peachy keen.

After looking over the following plugin from the MUSH webpage it sure seems to me you don't actually code in Vb etc., but rather a MUSH form of VB. Which makes me wonder if I actually even need to learn how to do VB, Java etc. etc. or if I can just wing it.

I also wonder how many people actually script and code rather than just going in through the windows and doing everything with a mouse click. I'm not very keen on the plugin concept as the triggers and aliases aren't edittable through those windows (which is nice as I hate having to retype and reload everything after I hookup a system). It just confuses me, so some clarifaction on that would be nice too biggrin.gif

Are there any tips people might be able to offer to diving into the client?

How does GUI work? As in the buttons and all that crazy stuff, I've heard people say you can do it like in ZMUD, but from what I've done and looked at with MUSH it looks very difficult and impractical.

Thorgal2005-03-13 16:37:27
From what I understand, you have to have learned some or other coding language prior, without that, there's not much point in using mushclient.

And even if you do know code, I found it takes like 5 pages of scripting just to make a decent autosipper, where as in zmud I need 5 lines.
Unknown2005-03-13 16:53:44
so I noticed, which is one reason I'm iffy to convert. I was pleased when I finally figured out my 10 line target changer (*cough* one line in ZMUD and the ZMUD one is infintely niftier *cough*)
Thorgal2005-03-13 17:01:36
Heh, I'd rather use zmud 3.63 than mushclient personally, but zmud 7.05a works perfect for me.
Unknown2005-03-13 21:15:05
zMUD's still slower than MUSHclient, and it always will be. Those who say zMUD is plenty fast, either have fairly simple scripts (though they may keep you alive, it doesn't mean it's complex or optimal) or a high-powered PC.

Don't get VB confused with VBscript or Java confused with J@vaScript. The "script" versions are watered down so they can be added in as extension languages to other apps. I personally prefer Lua, though I may write a plugin or two in Python, just to make certain things easier.

Anyone who makes a 10 line targetting alias in any application is doing something wrong. Anything you can do in zMUD, you can do in MUSHclient. Granted that some things will be more difficult, but others are much easier. Choosing the order of execution for your triggers is easier in MUSHclient. Matching multiple aliases on a single pattern isn't even possible in zMUD. XML files are very easy to update and modify, so I don't worry about the updating of my scripts and plugins. I actually made a project in Visual Studio so I can easily maintain everything in a nice editor environment. You could do the same thing in any advanced text editor, like ConTEXT.
Trelian2005-03-13 23:00:40
anyone know how to setup a targetting alias on MUSHClient?
Ethelon2005-03-14 02:14:50
My auto-sipper for mana/health/ego with deepwounds healing is one small trigger, there is a small script for the deepwounds check, but that's it. The Plugin from Gammon was written along time ago and was written badly, thought it serves it's purposes for some people. It was written when Mushclient was more simple and possibly couldn't handle as much as it can now.
Thorgal2005-03-15 10:33:24
QUOTE(Zarquan @ Mar 13 2005, 11:15 PM)
Those who say zMUD is plenty fast, either have fairly simple scripts (though they may keep you alive, it doesn't mean it's complex or optimal) or a high-powered PC.

Rofl, Zarguan, that's just not true, you just suck at coding for speed in zmud, your ACP, though it managed basic curing, proved that, it was slow as a mammoth on even high performance processors.

The speed of your computer has little to no effect on zmud processing if you know what you're doing, you can write scripts as complex and expansive as you want, as long as you handle them right and keep two simple rules in mind:

1) Don't have triggers active when they don't have to be active.
2) Don't check queues when they don't need to be checked.

If you manage that, you can write scripts as complex as you want without slowing down your processing. The only script so far my PII 350mhz couldn't handle without slowing down when moving around fast a lot was a graphical compass that'd update depending on which exits were in a room.
Ethelon2005-03-15 13:54:18
You can still go look at the run tests at both Mushclient and Zmud's main website. Nomatter how fast your computer is, there is a noticeable difference between the two clients in speed.
Unknown2005-03-15 14:10:25
I'll agree that my ACP is slow running. My LCP was written with this in mind and so it is considerably faster.

Still, I'll stand by my belief that MUSHclient is many times faster and still more powerful than zMUD.
Thorgal2005-03-15 15:13:54
Oh, mushclient is definately faster than zmud, I'm just saying that zmud is more than fast and powerful enough to handle the complex curing scripts needed for high-end accuracy in any IRE game, AND to have some juice left for awesome interfaces.

Mushclient is multiple times faster, but zmud is prettier, a mammoth-load easier to use, since there's no coding knowledge needed at all for any of its functions, and even if you can code, the scripts for mushclient are humongous, it takes dozens of lines (like visual largeness) to do what zmud does in 3 lines.
Unknown2005-03-16 08:20:45
*agrees with all of that*