Reconnect command?

by Unknown

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Unknown2005-04-15 00:14:07
Ok, this doesn't entirely relate to Lusty... but its still mechanics.

If I wanna make something that goes off on a time (like every 5 minutes do a trigger), and then it reconnects and does somthing, how do i do the timer and reconnect? Thanks.
Daganev2005-04-15 00:44:26
zmud has a 'ticker' command, it has fucntions that do stuff like that.
Sylphas2005-04-15 21:59:20
#ALA {} {} sets up a recurring timer.
#ALA {+} {} sets up a once off timer.

#CON connects to the MUD, #DISCON disconnects.
Unknown2005-04-17 07:36:16
#ALARM {-X} {This alarm will fire after every X of connect time. X can be in the format of # (seconds), #:# (minutes:seconds), or #:#:# (hours:minutes:seconds).}

#ALARM {X} {This alarm will fire every X. X is in the format #:#:# (hour:minute:second), according to your system clock time. If the hours or minutes aren't defined, they default to *, or every hour/minute.}

#ALARM {+X} {This alarm will fire in X and then delete itself. X is in the same format as the first explanation.}