Unknown2005-05-02 00:46:18
Ok i have a couple questions the first one is how long does heretic and infidel last on there own second if i use inquisition does the heretic and infidel effects still work or do i have to start over again. third does web and hangedman tarot stack?
Sylphas2005-05-02 00:47:12
Web and hangedman stack. I believe inquisition clears out heretic and infidel, but I'm not sure.
Unknown2005-05-02 00:49:02
If they stack do they have to writhe two seperate times our it the one time the writhe out take longer cause in one of my spars i only see my opppnent writhe once.
Drago2005-05-02 00:51:06
They have to writhe twice.
Shiri2005-05-02 00:54:08
Lowmagic Summer/Highmagic Tipheret gets out of both simultaneously though.
Unknown2005-05-02 01:55:49
I was also wondering how long does sensitivity and weakness last if not cured cause it seemed like weakness goes out by it self.
Drago2005-05-02 01:57:26
They don't. The majority of afflictions last until cured in some way.
Shiri2005-05-02 02:16:37
You probably just miss their curing it. Remember that melancholic vials cure sensitivity, which you may be mistaking for double health-sipping.
Why you're giving people weakness is beyond me though. -_o
Why you're giving people weakness is beyond me though. -_o
Unknown2005-05-02 02:17:37
Aeon wears off naturally if they don't cure it.
Shiri2005-05-02 02:18:34
You sure that's not ONLY waning aeon, Tuek? I didn't think tarot aeon wore off...
Unknown2005-05-02 02:20:06
QUOTE(Shiri @ May 1 2005, 04:18 PM)
You sure that's not ONLY waning aeon, Tuek? I didn't think tarot aeon wore off...
It does.
Shiri2005-05-02 02:23:00
Well, neat.
Well, neat.
Unknown2005-05-02 02:32:04
I use weakness since i dont have shield parry yet and im getting owned by any knight if spar even if i use numen so im testing out weakness and im using sensitivity with quickening and cosmicfire to see if i can kill with damage.
Shiri2005-05-02 02:34:21
Well, weakness is a herb cure.
An eq-skill for a herb cure is NOT worth it. See, they'll just eat marjoram and it will be worthless.
Sensitivity, sure, but be careful.
Oh, and your cosmicfires, even quickened, aren't cutting it, but then I have pretty good magic resistance.
An eq-skill for a herb cure is NOT worth it. See, they'll just eat marjoram and it will be worthless.
Sensitivity, sure, but be careful.
Oh, and your cosmicfires, even quickened, aren't cutting it, but then I have pretty good magic resistance.
Unknown2005-05-02 02:46:06
yeah i noticed it wasnt working against moondancers but i did end up killing a couple of knights. I usually switch up to amissio if it isnt working. I was wondering what skill do serenguards use to place aeon cause i couldnt figure it out since i was no where near him. Also any tips for sparing moondancers i couldnt remember to keep my angel attacking last time.
Shiri2005-05-02 02:49:44
Serenguards definitely can't do aeon for range unless you're fighting nine of them. The Serenguard must have been waning, then running out under Night shroud, or something.
Amissio is better than cosmicfire against most knights, definitely. (Use angel paralysis.)
And for sparring MOST people, you really need better tarot. You want Soulless, because cosmicfire is plain poor, and amissio-absolve is fairly difficult to pull off. Oh, and inquisition is good, but no way in Nil was I letting you do that on me.
Amissio is better than cosmicfire against most knights, definitely. (Use angel paralysis.)
And for sparring MOST people, you really need better tarot. You want Soulless, because cosmicfire is plain poor, and amissio-absolve is fairly difficult to pull off. Oh, and inquisition is good, but no way in Nil was I letting you do that on me.

Unknown2005-05-02 02:57:00
I noticed you ran kinda fast when i was trying it out but if i actually had inquisition im preety sure i could of got it off you. Next question does dazzle not work if the opponent is blind ive been wondering about it.
Shiri2005-05-02 02:57:40
I have no idea what dazzle does.
Which indicates that it's never been done to me.
Which indicates that yes, it doesn't work when they're blind.
Which indicates that it's never been done to me.
Which indicates that yes, it doesn't work when they're blind.
Sylphas2005-05-02 03:05:34
5 for Rage, unless it changed.
Shiri2005-05-02 03:06:36
...I meant that.