
by Sylphas

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Sylphas2005-05-09 04:47:57
This is just a place for me to stick a bunch of scripts I've made up. Feel free to steal them, criticize them, or whatever. I just happen to like some of them, so I thought I'd post them. smile.gif Anything in italics is comments.

This is mostly just dependencies for neater things.
#CLASS {Utilities|Miscellany}

I use this a lot. Doesn't do all that much, but it makes doing a lot of output a bit easier. Takes each argument, and sticks horizontal lines around it. Works for up to 4 parameters, but it's easy to make it do more. Think of it like a style sheet for output.
#ALIAS display {
#SA %crlf@hLine(78)
#IF (%1) {
#SA %1
#SA @hLine(78)
#IF (%2) {
#SA %2
#SA @hLine(78)
#IF (%3) {
#SA %3
#SA @hLine(78)
#IF (%4) {
#SA %4
#SA @hLine(78)

Simple, outputs a horizontal line of whatever width you want. Display uses 78 to match the output from CONFIG.
#FU hLine {%ansi( blue)%repeat( "-", %1)}

Raises %1 to the power of %2. I haven't actually used it, I coded it just for the hell of it.
#FU pow {%if( %2 = 0, 1, %if( %2 = 1, %1, %eval( %1 * @pow(%1, ))))}

Adds leading spaces to force a number to a certain length. Handy for outputting tables and such.
#FU num {%if( %len( %1) < %2, %repeat( " ", %eval( %2 - %len( %1)))%1, %if( %len( %1) > %2, %rightback( %1, %2), %1))}

Collapses a string by removing apostrophes and spaces. Should probably throw in hyphens and periods and crap like that, but I haven't needed to yet. Used mainly to collapse channel names so I can read them more easily in code.
#FU collapse {%replace( %replace( %1, " ", ""), "'", "")}


Next post: Hooking CONFIG so to organize your various scripts!
Sylphas2005-05-09 04:51:37
Not much too this. Adds various scripts to the end of CONFIG, so you can see their status at a glance, and be a bit organized. Nothing difficult, just a basis for the rest of my scripts to work from so I don't have to screw with them so they work without CONFIG