Me vs Revan

by Murphy

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Murphy2005-05-09 04:54:27
You'll seei had him on the cross, shieldstunned with ecto and an itch, and I would've got him but the cross made him bleed 3 times in a row instead of breaking limbs
Nayl2005-05-09 04:57:11
Murphy2005-05-09 04:59:12
Bah he're the you guys prefer it in colour or would you rather just see the script in plain text in the post?
Nayl2005-05-09 05:01:19
I prefer colour, but I'm sure tha Yanks want it in Color
Sylphas2005-05-09 05:56:06
Color is better. Logs can get really boring, color helps.
Ceres2005-05-09 06:31:10
Shiri2005-05-09 14:54:42
I don't care about colour or not, but it's good to have them in links anyway because it's annoying if you don't.
Nayl2005-05-09 15:08:35
Also means that, technically, no more searching for :censor:words, ack, swearwords tongue.gif

EDIT: Watch your language. ~Shiri~
Thorgal2005-05-09 16:42:16
That's why the bleed and break function of the cross should be combined into one.
Athana2005-05-09 22:20:50
Revan points a brooch of playing kittens at you, and sparks fly out of it.
Sticky strands of webbing spray out to cover you.

hehe i thought that was cute biggrin.gif
Revan2005-05-09 23:05:17
Fear the kittens.