by Soll

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Soll2005-05-10 16:12:58
ranting.gif ranting.gif ranting.gif ranting.gif ranting.gif ranting.gif ranting.gif ranting.gif


Manjanaia2005-05-10 16:14:23
Go use java and see if you're moaning about zmud then.
Richter2005-05-10 16:29:05
I like Zmud. Granted, I don't know how to use much more than aliases, macros and triggers...
Soll2005-05-10 16:30:12
I come back, turn on zMUD, and it asks me to accept the license, for some reason. So yeah, I'm like wtf, but I agree to it anyway. I finish waiting for zMUD to load, everything seems fine, all my zMUD icons are there. Open up my Lusternia icon, and it connects, but nothing shows up. I wait.

And wait.

And wait

Then wait a bit more. (Right now I'm like... huh.gif)

Then suddenly I notice that all my interface has just disappeared. (Now I'm like... huh.gif ranting.gif)

Open up my system file, and there's nothing in it. No aliases, no triggers, no macros. Nothing. ranting.gif explode.gif

Go to load my backup, which is a few days out of whack, I'll admit, but better than nothing. Poof. Nothing there, and I can't even connect through it. Start a new system, and try to import my entire scripted system, which is a few weeks old, yeah. Makes zMUD go bang, and crash. glare.gif explode.gif crying.gif

Try to load Amaru's ex-system, it loads perfectly. Try to load 's system, that loads fine. Go and load mine again, and it crashes zMUD. >.< Check the system sizes, my system which was 1mb big is now 2kb big. The other systems are still the right size.


Any idea what to do, anyone? Because what I had was a whole lotta system to lose.
Terenas2005-05-10 16:37:35
Have you tried looking through the exported text of the system? You might be able to identify what might had been wrong with your system. I know I accidently made a trigger that created several thousand extra variables before that wouldn't even let me upon up the Zmud Editor. But when I exported the text, deleted the triggers and excess variables, then reload the thing, it was fine.
Soll2005-05-10 16:38:12
So yeah, I figure zMUD screwed itself up entirely. Can't save a new empty system, I get the following:

'Error saving to: C:\\zMUD\\Soll\\lusternia\\WHY THE F*** JUST WORK.mud'

'Access violation at address 05040504. Read of address 05040504'

So then I try to uninstall, and reinstall.

'Cannot find SHELL.DLL'

explode.gif more
Soll2005-05-10 16:39:28
And I had to shut off the whole program with CTRL-ALT-DELETE to even get zMUD to close down. >.<
Manjanaia2005-05-10 16:47:33
Ok, so javas looking pretty rosy right now...
Soll2005-05-10 16:50:30
So's MUSHclient, which I'm now considering moving to. sad.gif Unfortunately that means I'll have to learn to code, because I can never work out systems other people make. ranting.gif
Soll2005-05-10 16:51:40
*Just deleted zMUD entirely*
Richter2005-05-10 18:12:33
Eww. I've never had those problems. *hum*
Soll2005-05-10 18:32:43
*Is going to get zMUD again because he hates MUSH*
Unknown2005-05-10 18:54:25
Use TF. You will hug it and it will hug back.
Unknown2005-05-10 20:53:16
Always make many backups of your files, even if the program is the most stable thing you've ever seen (which this obviously isn't). I keep backups on a USB drive, PocketPC, University shared drive and three computers. I'm a little paranoid about losing my settings. Oh, and I also have a good chunk of my scripts in CVS on SourceForge. wink.gif

MUSHclient is a difficult one to get started with, I'll admit, but it's very nice when you get the hang of it. You're probably too frustrated with losing your settings to really give it a fair shot. Start simple, ask Nick for help on his forums, and just learn gradually how it all works.

(If he thinks MUSHclient is difficult to use, why would he want to try TF? Coding in TF is a definite requirement.)
Shiri2005-05-11 01:19:36
QUOTE(Manjanaia @ May 10 2005, 05:47 PM)
Ok, so javas looking pretty rosy right now...

Never, ever say that again.
Daganev2005-05-11 05:01:59
what do you have against the word 'rosy'?