I hate zMud

by Unknown

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Unknown2005-05-18 21:10:01
zMud ate my system again. Or rather, it started cloning the top button bar till it covered the mud output all the way down to the command line. I tried to mess around with the various settings and files and inheritances and global settings and whatever and ended up reinstalling zMud 'cause nothing worked.

Sooo here I am with 0 triggers once again. (My backup didn't work either, obviously, not like that surprised me at that point anymore).

I mean, I'm used to zMud just having a hickup once in a while and eating my settings, fine, backup, everything back to normal. Didn't work out this time. Where did I leave my axe again? mad.gif

anyway. Once again I'm pondering on moving to a client with a proper coding language like Mush, but as always the problem is the mapper. I just can't do without a mapper and mush AFAIK has none, or at least none that works.

So: Does anyone know how to get a decent mapper, however way, that works with Mushclient?

Any answers are appreciated.
Unknown2005-05-18 23:32:14
You could always just download the maps from lusternia.com. unsure.gif If you want something that gives you horrid hard to read and follow ascii character maps, then there is porb'ly a plugin for it. I don't know though.