Rambling: Dessert

by Aebrin

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Aebrin2005-06-09 03:45:48
This is about half an IC year late, but hey...

I have got the first dessert that does not require sugar.

Deepfried Icecream for those who are cooks.

All Praise Aebrin.


worthy.gif worthy.gif worthy.gif king.gif

Unknown2005-06-09 03:48:26
Sugarless ice cream? What's next, carb-free merian steak?
Aebrin2005-06-09 03:49:47
For those who's interested:

You carefully study a cooking recipe.
Item: Icecream Type: Pastries Org: Public
Ingredients: milk 1 fruit 1 grain 1 snowball 1
IMPORTANT: The main noun of this item MUST use this name: ICECREAM
some deep-fried ice-cream
Someone has left a bowl of deep-fried ice cream here.
In some ingenious way, the ball of ice cream has been deep-fried in a
thin bread-like coating. Crusted completely, the ball of ice cream is
firm with a scattering of desiccated coconut for extra flavour. On the
top is a small cherry as simple, yet elegant, garnish.
Biting through the hot bread-like crust, your teeth penetrate the ice-cold ice
cream. Tasting a blend of creamy ice cream and coconut shreds is fantastic, but
with the hot outer coating and the inner coldness makes not only a delicious
but exhilarating experience.
A fragrance of freshly fried bread rises to your nose with an essence of
Taking a small sample, you taste a fantastic mingle of bread, ice cream and
Erion2005-06-09 04:00:45
...I don't understand. Is it even possible? It sounds disgusting.
Syrienne2005-06-09 04:03:41
Deepfried Icecream is the shizzle
Desdemona2005-06-09 04:30:39
Ice cream tempura is delicious.
Unknown2005-06-09 04:36:22
It is possible, but from my understanding the coconut is usually fried seperately and then applied to the icecream. I don't think the icecream itself is actually submerged in oil.
Unknown2005-06-09 04:37:31
Unknown2005-06-09 04:38:40
We need a Lusternian iron chef.

And the mystery ingredient is- rockeater!
Daganev2005-06-09 04:43:53
Pazzookie anyone?
Nika2005-06-09 05:20:40
QUOTE(Jello @ Jun 9 2005, 12:38 PM)
And the mystery ingredient is- rockeater!

Mmm, crunchy.
Joli2005-06-09 05:24:55
Yes, fried ice cream is possible. It's covered in like.. argh I forgot the brand of cereal, but something like that and then fried and then frozen again... I'd have to ask my spanish teacher for the exact details, but that's about the jist of it. It's the shizzle..
Unknown2005-06-09 06:46:13
I have got the first dessert that does not require sugar.

Wonderful recipe and thank you for making it public. However, it is not the first dessert that doesn't require sugar. There are at least two others, but they are not public recipes.

Aebrin2005-06-09 08:24:01
Then I claim first public dessert that didn't require sugar!
Unknown2005-06-09 08:33:13
fried icecream is sooo good smile.gif my friend took me to this spanish restaurant once and ordered it for me..no idea how they made it though ohmy.gif
Unknown2005-06-09 10:41:33
Why did i have the feeling that i should have stayed with my Trans cooking and kept Gourmonds. I think Jad is taking too much time creating recipes with various racial parts containted there within, though who does not want, a platter of Krokani Eyeballs, tender Taurian steak, fried Aslaran paws, trill wings an so forth.

What they do is get icecream, put it in a frying pan with oil, at a high temp, cook it really fast and serve it to you tongue.gif
Unknown2005-06-10 15:09:18
QUOTE(Jello @ Jun 8 2005, 11:48 PM)
Sugarless ice cream? What's next, carb-free merian steak?

Um.. just cos nobody else pointed it out.. a merian steak should be naturally completely carb-free. Meat is just protien and a little fat, really.

Also, deep-fried icecream should be a little melty inside, no? Unless you make it with magic... and in any case, I want to see delicacies made out of sparkleberry, dangit! And cactus weed brownies. whistling.gif
Aebrin2005-06-11 10:36:59
The OOC deepfried icecream, the icecream is completely solid.