Lusternia Zodiac Wheel

by Estarra

Back to Chronicles of the Basin.

Estarra2005-06-29 04:19:30
Sometimes it is easier to picture the zodiac when it's on a wheel.

Here's one I did but I'm sure some of you may be able to do something a better!
Unknown2005-06-29 06:46:04
Ok, but which one corresponds to which month?
Ialie2005-06-29 07:22:42
I have been wondering this. Is it weird to have Lusternia Zodiac signs when you have the Astral plane named after Real life Zodiac signs?
Shiri2005-06-29 07:28:01
QUOTE(Ialie @ Jun 29 2005, 08:22 AM)
I have been wondering this. Is it weird to have Lusternia Zodiac signs when you have the Astral plane named after Real life Zodiac signs?

I think the in-game ones work better. Dragons for Gaudiguch, Antlers for Serenwilde, Spider for Glomdoring, Dolphin for Celest, et al. The RL ones are in a WAY similar, but they have a few oddities such as Celest being Cancer...etc. :/
Ialie2005-06-29 07:29:40
What I mean is the IN game zodiac wheel is fine. Its just weird that even though we have an IG zodiac thingy that we have references to a real one
Shiri2005-06-29 07:31:02
...I was agreeing!
Ialie2005-06-29 07:32:36
Oh.. I read wrong. Sorry, I'm at work!
Unknown2005-06-29 07:46:25
*grins at Ialie* Workin' hard or hardly workin'? tongue.gif
Shamarah2005-06-29 10:40:37
Why do skull and dolphin have to be opposing spheres? I want constitution AND intelligence! sad.gif
Shiri2005-06-29 10:42:50
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 29 2005, 11:40 AM)
Why do skull and dolphin have to be opposing spheres?  I want constitution AND intelligence! sad.gif

But do you want Murphy/Kaervas/Daevos/Ixion to have constitution and intelligence? wacko.gif
Shamarah2005-06-29 10:56:39

I have to admit you have a point there.
Estarra2005-06-29 14:18:44
QUOTE(Ialie @ Jun 29 2005, 12:22 AM)
I have been wondering this. Is it weird to have Lusternia Zodiac signs when you have the Astral plane named after Real life Zodiac signs?

It probably is weird.

We actually considered using RL zodiac but rejected it finally. Creating our own gives us more flexibility and uniqueness, as well as avoiding some pitfalls such as Celest being ruled by the Moon (i.e., the logical sign for Celest is the cardinal water sign which is Cancer which is ruled by the Moon in traditional astrology).

At the time the astrospheres were created, it seemed like a great idea to use RL zodiac as it fit in nicely with 12 spheres and gave us some inspiration on what creatures to put there.

But there's no turning back at this point. We don't have the time to recreate the astrospheres, not to mention coming up with a IG reason why they suddenly change. So... we'll have to put up with the weirdness!

Murphy2005-06-29 15:39:42
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jun 29 2005, 08:42 PM)
But do you want Murphy/Kaervas/Daevos/Ixion to have constitution and intelligence? wacko.gif

Yes! we do want that sort of boost!
Daganev2005-06-29 16:11:50
What I like is that astral now does not seem like it definitly the highest plane... its just another abstract level, the ultimate plane containing the 12 signs and 7 bodies tongue.gif

*hint hint*
Nokraenom2005-06-29 17:11:45
I think you're confusing "Plane of Existence" with "Outer Space", Daganev. The Planes aren't just somewhere really far away, they're an entirely different realm that does not exist in the Prime Material Plane, whereas the Constellations and Planets -do- exist on Prime, just far away from the Basin and Lusternia.
Daganev2005-06-29 17:28:44
No, I'm refering to the psychological affects of the Zodiac on the person...

That would be a different plane of existance. It just so happens that the planets in the Prime plane, are able to reflect the goings on in the "Charachter Trait" Plane that I'm refering to tongue.gif