Random green highlighting

by Unknown

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Unknown2005-07-22 01:10:43
So often after a trigger is fired that highlights, the next block of text received from the MUD gets coloured green...

Anyone else have zMUD do this, or could suggest why?
Unknown2005-07-22 01:21:54
Happens to me sometimes with hightlights, and gags. Don't know why, doesn't matter enough to care.
Unknown2005-07-22 01:48:34
If you'd rather it was colored a different color "accidentally," just change your default terminal color in your preferences.
Drathys2005-07-22 07:03:37
My guess is that it colours the text in that colour (zmud default?) until it receives an ansi colour code.
Unknown2005-07-23 22:28:19
Whenever I used #say in zmud, it always coloured the next line green. Check your triggers and use #echo instead if that's the case.
Syrienne2005-07-25 03:29:11
Putting in a vertical space or two usually helps stop that.