Estarra2005-07-25 15:50:56
Just wondering for those of you who were involved, how it was to influence Estelbar peacefully. I noticed a lot of debatng and rethinking strategy and tactics, which I thought was interesting.
Vix2005-07-25 15:53:13
Gah. I just missed it. Hm, so Magnagora won this one too?
Unknown2005-07-25 15:55:19
I actually didn't mind the peace too much. The only thing I don't like right now is debating - if you're on the offensive, you have a rather big disadvantage. I like the concept of debating but at the moment it's not that fun or exciting. I can't think of any ideas off the top of my head, but it could probably use some tweaking here and there.
Veonira2005-07-25 15:55:28
Unfortunately I came in for the end (figures, right? I always miss influencing
), and won my first debate (usually I just run from them because I never had any aliases or anything set up ^^; ).
I really liked it. It's not as frustrating having to debate if everyone is doing it, and it's not just like people camping in sanctuaries just waiting for you to enter and debate you.
One question. Will violent village influencing be like influencing has been, including sanctuaries?
I really liked it. It's not as frustrating having to debate if everyone is doing it, and it's not just like people camping in sanctuaries just waiting for you to enter and debate you.
One question. Will violent village influencing be like influencing has been, including sanctuaries?
Shiri2005-07-25 16:00:03
I liked it. And it seems like Magnagorans liked it. Good stuff! Still lost to a combination of good Magnagoran strategy and diverting obnoxiousness. (We really need to start timing the denizen repops like Magnagora seems to do, unless they're just uber fluky.)
EDIT: And you are not actually on a huge disadvantage with offensive debating I'm not sure where that's coming from.
EDIT: And you are not actually on a huge disadvantage with offensive debating I'm not sure where that's coming from.
Unknown2005-07-25 16:03:17
On that point Shiri, I really don't like how Divert works at the moment... (though I can't really think of something better :S). Granted a skill to divert is needed, but the way it works now is kind of annoying and pointless. You have to have every enemy in the room debated out before you can influence the npc properly? (So they can't Divert.) Hmm... seems a bit much. I can't think of a solution so...
Daganev2005-07-25 16:06:33
As far as Debating go... I am hearing rumors that a certain someone was able to debate 6 or 7 people offensivly and not lose a single battle.
Stangmar2005-07-25 16:08:52
I don't like it at all. It makes the non-influencers useless.
Vix2005-07-25 16:09:13
QUOTE(stangmar @ Jul 25 2005, 11:08 AM)
I don't like it at all. It makes the non-influencers useless.
Comm quests.
Shiri2005-07-25 16:09:37
QUOTE(stangmar @ Jul 25 2005, 05:08 PM)
I don't like it at all. It makes the non-influencers useless.
That...would appear to be the point, yes. Of influencing. Y'know.
Unknown2005-07-25 16:11:57
QUOTE(stangmar @ Jul 25 2005, 11:08 AM)
I don't like it at all. It makes the non-influencers useless.
Stangmar makes a good point. We have a lot of people who are CR1 who won't be able to participate in a village revolt because they can't influence. It isn't fair to them, unless we decide to bump them up to CR2, but that's also stupid. I'm not too keen on cityfavouring just to give people an opportunity that they should receive from the very beginning.
Vix2005-07-25 16:14:57
QUOTE(Nine Breaker @ Jul 25 2005, 11:11 AM)
Stangmar makes a good point. We have a lot of people who are CR1 who won't be able to participate in a village revolt because they can't influence. It isn't fair to them, unless we decide to bump them up to CR2, but that's also stupid. I'm not too keen on cityfavouring just to give people an opportunity that they should receive from the very beginning.
As a CR1, I ran about killing trout/cows/sheep/rockeaters to help influencing. I'm not sure how large of an effect it has on influencing, but it's a small help nonetheless.
EDIT: Also, CR1s are most likely not going to be very adept in combat so what's your point?
Stangmar2005-07-25 16:18:53
i know some cr1's who are adept in combat.
Elgar2005-07-25 16:19:42
CR1s should be debating other players to shatter their ego so the CR2+ can influence the denizens
Stangmar2005-07-25 16:19:55
from an RP point of view, when two organizations are trying really hard to get a village to obey them, they will tend to kill those in their way. Anybody hear of the Crusades? Violence is a part of it.
Vix2005-07-25 16:21:32
QUOTE(stangmar @ Jul 25 2005, 11:18 AM)
i know some cr1's who are adept in combat.
QUOTE(Vix @ Jul 25 2005, 11:14 AM)
EDIT: Also, CR1s are most likely not going to be very adept in combat so what's your point?
So a few people are dropped then. It affects everyone else as well so it won't matter balance-wise and they can still do comm quests and debate in hopes of getting recognized and favoured.
Unknown2005-07-25 16:25:21
Stangmar, if you don't have constructive arguments other then "whine whine whine" please refrain from posting. This is your chance to give feedback about how peaced influence should work, and no, this is not "I don't like this, just let me kill them."
Daevos2005-07-25 16:27:18
Peacing the villages should be extremely rare.
Shiri2005-07-25 16:28:36
QUOTE(Daevos @ Jul 25 2005, 05:27 PM)
Peacing the villages should be extremely rare.
Like 1/4.
Estarra2005-07-25 16:29:44
QUOTE(stangmar @ Jul 25 2005, 09:19 AM)
from an RP point of view, when two organizations are trying really hard to get a village to obey them, they will tend to kill those in their way. Anybody hear of the Crusades? Violence is a part of it.
From an RP point of view, the organizations may want to kill each other but are prevented if there's a peace spell.
Anyway, although we KNOW there are those of you who will never like peaceful village influencing, according to the polls both in forums and in-game and feedback we've had, there appears to be a MAJORITY who want peaceful influencing at least some of the times. Thus, we've responded to player demand and Estelbar was our test run to see how things work out.
No, we aren't going to have all villages be peaceful, and the fact is that probably it will be combat zones most of the time. But, for those who do want some peaceful influencing at least some of the time, we are willing to give it a try.